Quetta city strain

Hi there peeps
Anyone familiar with this strain?
I don’t think its a mainstream one, btw i got 5 seeds of this landrace, for now, can arrange more id someone needs that strain.
Looking for gsc auto fem against these beans.


Never heard of it but it looks interesting


From what country?



no idea…


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My guess would be some Balochistan cultivar. When in Rome…


Here actually tons of undiscovered landraces exist

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Have you grown them out?

I have zero experience in growing

This one grown on its own, but ruined by me nephews

So I take it those aren’t your pix on the 1st. post?

Not taken by me, not documented by me, i just have the original and quality beans thats all i know

But those pictures are from a grower, letme find his name and if i could manage to contact him, hold on

I believe you have doubts on me ? Like from all of your recent comments on me, i feel like

You’re making that really easy. :man_shrugging:

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I can feel all of you people, just giveme some time, this mailing thing is very slow and no onw pays for express mailing actually, its just that day when i’ll receive seeds coming my way, for personal satisfaction i have stopped myself from mailing internationally first


Till now, i believe that small and lightest one’s are easy to ship internationally right?

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I’d love to try some of your beans but many have been ripped off or burned by newbies. Also the rule on this site for newbies is you send the beans first, when they arrive the OG member will send yours? Are you ok with that? If so I’ll give it a shot and send some autos in return 100% and if all goes well I will gladly vouch for you with anyone and everyone on here.


I will send, i have made my mind, its totally ruining my repute here, just the hesitation of mailing the seeds, i cannot loose this community’s trust


I totally agree with you