Rainbow kush and chemdawg. Nowt fancy

You “can” Smoke the untreated buds if you only do certain bud sites on a plant although I’d not do it personally. I’m sure @ReikoX said it’s something to do with how the treated buds combust. :v:


I wouldn’t plan on smoking anything id pollinated anyway. They would just be sacrificed for seed. Amazon do a 50ppm bottle for 13 quid so gonna get that ordered for the first attempt


Make sure when you apply it that the plant is dripping. I think a litre of 50ppm will be enough. Ensure the nodes get sprayed and not just the pistils. I sacrificed an entire clone and totally soaked the entire thing.


Sebring made a couple of videos about it. First one is how to make the solution and another one on treating the plant. This is the first one and the next one is a few posts down, I think.

He goes on to discuss it in the thread, too.

https://overgrow.com/t/sebrings-perpetual-no-till-living-organics/10305/700https://youtu.be/2pT_TunWZL4 . post 687


Legend G man thankyou


Get that 50 ppm CS, spray daily for a few weeks. Wait a few more for pollen to start to drop (the hardest part). You may have to run the plants a little longer for the seeds to mature, but that should be a problem with photos.


The legend that is @ReikoX has spoken. Now let’s bow down and pray to the helpful god that he is.


That’s what I shall do. Sacrificing chemdawg#3 to the CS see what happens


Hopefully the last time you will see them apart from chemdawg#3 in small pots. Which will be staying under a seperate light on 12/12 whilst the others have a couple more weeks to fill the rhizosphere of the final pots under 18/6 before a reflip


Typical when your chasing a male :arrow_up: ,eh.

Good luck with your new project :point_up:t3:, what you gonna do buy from amazon or make some yourself ? either way hopefully it works well for you …
Have a good day bro ,


Everything about the TARDIS and all subsidiary projects have been absolute fuckery :joy:

Thank you brother I’ve had an okay day so far. We move into a proper workshop tomorrow for lights/lasers and wax melts. So been prepping for that. Aswell as still building the laser. I’m just gonna Amazon the CS I think I got enough messing to be done elsewhere. Hope you and the family are well


Is this a new lighting/venture bud or still making cola-cubes or …??
Sounds like you’re gonna be busy for a while , good luck with this one :point_up:t3: bro …


No mate. Not a new lighting venture been at it a while I stopped advertising here as I don’t pay to be here. If anyone asks I’ll gladly build one still. It’s mostly folks i know in person I build for now :wink: the laser is a new venture which I expect will make a lot more money than the lighting. Cheers for the good luck


:robot: DANGER @anon58740919 WILL ROBINSON!!! :zap:




Potted up to 8l pots this morning. (All except chemdawg #3) straight Coco. £1 a block. Light can go 18/6 again today. Still not managed to get any CS yet either cos I’m slacking.

PS found a new home for the flood and drain system in a week or 2.


One way to get male sacks is to stress the plant…pull it out of flower and then put it back…mess with it…worked for me once when i tried it and the cross was hella good…I’d never sell the seeds but it was a good cross! Stress it out and it will go hermie without the chemicals…my experience. Its very hard/rare these days to find a true female that wont respond to that kind of stress

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Chemdawg are usually pretty unstable anyway. So yeah I may go for a natural herm and save money. Just set a timer in a seperate room with weird lighting :joy:


Glad i could help…plants look awesome too…good job! I crossed a hash plant with bubble gum…hash plant was starting to drift from being cloned so many times lots of pop corn buds and not a lot of vigor…the bubble gum was rocking rigor…I stressed the hash plant and placed it in front of the fan. Grew those seeds out and experienced smokers did not like it…said it was to potent called it hang over weed. Buddy would give his a quick rinse to bring the potency down


Wouldn’t a hermie plant forced or not still carry on that gene? Just don’t know much about breeding and I’m curious.


Ideally you would stress test the plants and the ones that dont hermie would be used for breeding. After that you could reverse it with silver.