Rainbow kush and chemdawg. Nowt fancy

i know your fighting days are long gone. you’re a man of honor, not of violence–that’s both why you had to fight once and why you don’t have to anymore.

i remember very well that you’re english, and even better that you’re a northerner. you’re obviously not irish–but i can see why you would fall in love with the right irish woman… what i meant was to recognize that–as different as one city is from another and as different as one country is from another–that amongst all the people of the world that are in the states, it’s those from those isles (but north of or east end of london, please :sunglasses:) that i want at my side…


oh wait–translation please: ‘tatterjack’?


if you weren’t married, i’d really make you blush (i’m a chick dear readers :hatched_chick:)


Meh lol

We treat our ladies right around here… None of that bullcrap you’ll find in other places… here you are just a grower, your lady parts don’t matter lol

Looking fantastic @anon58740919! Starting to be little plants now!! Yay!!!


i can see that…

this place is paradise. there’s another site that i was on occasionally that really stunned me that so many men could talk about human women in such demeaning ways and yet seek the light and power of these other women…:seedling:



Happier this morning. Still only one showing.

A Vagabond with Delusions of Literature
Tatter Jack - @lazylightning this is what Google will likely make.you think :joy:

Tatter’s an ol’ Irish word meanin’ ‘father of the clan’ . Well, that ain’t me. I’m just ol’ TatterJack. I been walkin’ these hills, tellin’ my tales, since they was bloody mountains. I been doin’ it so bloody long, there’s some as tells tales about me even. Like how if you stand with your back to a mirror, an’ says my name, an’ says it three times forwards an’ one time back, an’ three times back an’ one time front, how I’ll come. An’ they’ll say all sorts of things what happen next. But it’s all rubbish. ‘Cos first, I don’t come when I’se bloody called, not to no-one. An’ second, I don’t rip out your innards to make my stew neither. Well, not very often.

But if ye find me on the Road, we can sit us down, an’ we can set us a fire, an’ I’ll tell ye a tale if ye’ve a mind to hear it. An’ if it’s a cold night, then mebbee it’ll be one wi’ some fire in it, to keep you warm when you’re far from home.

So this is me. Tatter Jack - writer of erotica. At least, it is when I’m not being someone else. Not because I have any issues with what Tatters writes. But just like you don’t keep your shoes in the refrigerator and your ice cream in the shoe cupboard (well, unless you do, in which case I’m never coming over for ice cream ), I keep what Tatters does separate from other things I do. And my shoes stay warmer too, not being in the fridge and all. Still, yes I’d like to heat you up. But not just that. Because while the heat’s rising, I’d like to make you smile as well. Or maybe even cry.

So welcome to TatterJack-ery. It’s cold out - shall we warm things up?

(I actually believe it means for a man who walks in tattered clothing and giveth no fucks)


I’ll fight ya fur ye shoes


Today I can confirm. 5 of 5 are female :joy: no rainbow poodle pups occurring this run


Reverse one mate and make some fems :wink:


Not something I’ve really delved into. Is it possible to cross them that way or just get one to pollinate itself mate?


Reverse one/couple of branches and either self it or pollinate a single branch one one of the others. Just make sure you spray it down with water before moving it back into your flowering area :+1:
You can also use the female pollen on other females and create your own cross


Am I doing that with colloidal silver. Dosage and frequency would you go with spraying them? I wanted to cross a chemdawg male with a rainbow kush fem. But it looks like I’ll be crossing 2 ladies lol.

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Spray daily or even better twice daily until you see sacs appear. Usually takes around 3 weeks. I did my cookies kush and crossed it with a blue dream. Dreamy blue cookies :heart_eyes:

I’ve got around another 4 weeks and I can harvest the seeds :+1:


I can do the spraying daily/twice daily. Is there a certain concentration of the CS I should be using or does pretty much any do it bro? Dreamy blue cookies looks good so far. Be good to see you run them after you harvested

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I generated my own colloidal silver. I aimed for 50ppm but it often ended up higher as I didn’t keep a close enough eye on it. I tried 30ppm commercial colloidal silver last grow but it didn’t work out very well. I had a ton of help from @ReikoX. He more or less guided me through it all and answered any questions I asked. Your a bright bloke @anon58740919. You got this :wink:.


I’ll do some more reading then. I presume our very own oracle @ReikoX has a thread that he can point me in the direction of.
I know I have some smarts mate but if you don’t know something yet you don’t know lol. I soon will though :sunglasses:


I’m unsure if he has a thread mate but I’m sure he will assist any way he can. Id not call my experiment a success until I have nice chunky brown seeds in my hands.

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Just remember you can’t ingest weed from a plant treated with colloidal silver–just it’s progeny.

I have seeds from a great member of the chemdog line for you with which to find your male if you still want them…


walkin’ these hills since they were bloody mountains…brilliant

definitely want to read more :relieved:

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