Ramping up after 20+ years

Quick update of the lineup


@Jetdro I appreciate your sentiment but I definitely tried to set and forget more than once but most of my plants were either locked out or close to it.
As soon as I started paying closer attention to PH, they all took off. It took less than one week for the turnaround.
Thanks for the advice!

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Ok, Day 2 of the 1/2 tap and half RO test.
I chose to increase nutrient levels on both tents and the ladies are showing it. Nute burn on all tips, lesson learned,
Also used 1/3 tap in auto tent and 1/2 tap in photo. Used less tap in auto since it was not really as big a PH issue compared to Photo tent.
Both tents show improved PH control and take much less PH down to achieve 5.8-6.0 PH after an overnight.
Next step will be to cut back nutrient levels to see if PH control remains solely due to tap water.
FYI…Tap measured 7.6PH and 564 PPM. Must be a little limestone in these aquifers.

Thanks for the direction @Papalag!


Good to hear it’s working out
Lit me know if I can help


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@GrouchyOldMan, I owe you the biggest thanks! :green_heart:
Coaching me behind the scenes :wink: and keeping me motivated to find solutions.
I received the Texas Tomato Food and plan on a separate test for that as well as distilled water.
I am waiting for next week when I can make some space in the auto tent. Finding some seedlings a good home to open things up. Move the runts of the Photo tent into Auto for easy access to the pots.

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I appreciate that.

You’ve had more than your share of trouble with this grow, but you’ve taken each problem under consideration and responded appropriately @JOHN1234.

You’ve gained a year’s worth of experience in a few months, and I reckon you’ll still pull a nice harvest here.

Good on ya mate!

I’m an over achiever, so I figured I’d have all my problems on the first grow :wink:

Thanks @GrouchyOldMan !

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Since they were having such a good time, the ladies had a spa day.

Lights moved to 26" above canopy. Increase driver from 50 to 75%.
PPFD before ~385, DLI 32. PPFD after ~450, DLI 40. Will watch and see. 24Hr on

They also had a trim. First time barber, any constructive criticism?



Status Feb 8


Everything Looking Fantastic @JOHN1234
:wink: :call_me_hand:t2: :100: Quite the quick turnaround really shows how much you care for them, great job.

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Thanks so much @OnePassionateGrower! :v:

Not sure if you saw my Sour Fro-Yo updates. These also recovered well after my abuse :slight_smile:

OK, I am going to take update pics for the Auto Tent.

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I’ve seen the journey and it’s been wonderful.
I chopped mine a few days ago and so far I’m getting funky chocolate smells let me know how they turn out, you’re doing amazing. Keep growing on brother :call_me_hand:t2: As soon as my new projects finish I’ll be sending you a pack of all the new stuff if you’d like. Thank you for growing them and please take care.

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Sorry, poor camera work…


Camera work looks pretty good from my angle :eye::triangular_ruler:


Thanks, Unsteady hands and a big fan do not equate to good pics :wink:

How’s the dirt treating your girls @Not-Notjosh?

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Lol not great. I am looking forward to a do-over with my head on straight after they eventually kick off. OR the party i throw if they somehow miraculously pull out of their nosedive
artist rendering:

Your plants look absolutely marvelous, bud. Gotta be pumped!

You got me thinking maybe i should start mixing ratios of distilled to my tap to balance in the other direction… i used to mix 1:1:1 tap, distilled and brita water and have that as my base and stopped at some point (thinking overkill). But maybe theres something to the balance :face_with_monocle:


Mixing definitely seems to have a positive effect on PH stability. I’ve always had the Bro Science attitude of RO water must be the best for hydro…
Also to note. My PPM out of the tap was 500+ppm so YMMV. Out of RO was ~11ppm.

My other option to maintain was to over fertilize. Tried last time and burned all tips.

I must acknowledge @stiffy for giving me this advice to mix way back but just now doing it.
Thanks @stiffy! :v:

Best of luck in recovery @Not-Notjosh! :+1:


You’re welcome…we’ve had a lot of talks about that in german forums. It just doesn’t work with pure distilled or RO water.

I’m glad you gave it a shot,but I understand if there’s many different opinions, it’s hard to decide who’s to take in. If you still have cuttings of those strains it’ll be interesting for you to see how much better those will do now after that change.

Another little hint if you still struggle holding the ph stabil for long would be buying some “mineral magic” and adding a teaspoon to the reservoir.
It used to be a general hydroponics product. I believe T.A. took over the joint but kept the products the same…just under different names


Placed photo tent in 12/12 yesterday. Lowered light to 13" above canopy and switched to 100%

Installed bungee cord net over the girls at 24" above soil. Everyone seems happy.

Decided to switch to 100% tap water due to PH control problems. Seems to have done the trick. The girls are drinking so quickly, there’s really no time for the PH to rise in the micro pots.
7 FDM Breed mix (planted 10, 9 sprouted all Females!)
1 StarDawg Corey cut middle right hand side (@Pleiochasium)

Sour Fro-Yo (@OnePassionateGrower) is continuing to stack.
Drunken Cherry FogDog (@darkillusion) is taking over the tent.


And then there were 7

