Ramping up after 20+ years

Ok, lets take a step back for a moment.

I’m using RO water becuase my ppm is 350-400 NE florida tap. PH 7.0-7.3.

Am I correct in doing so? You guys all seem better off using tap.

I chose the RO system cause I had a new one and thought it was the way to go.

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I see why my ppms on the water only is like 220 much lower

Ro seems like a good choice

A friend has the same issue RO is good but you need to add minerals to the feed that the tap would supply

He tried 1/2 RO and 1/2 tap with good results
It can save you a few $

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I’m all for anything that saves money :grin:

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Lol that always happens when you don’t expect it

Keep them but flip them maybe sooner then normal

It’ll fill the tent quickly that’s for sure

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Also wondering, higher Jacks makes the PH more stable, If I use .5tsp/gal it is a noticible difference from 1tsp/gal.

Seems you @Papalag go low and @Jetdro goes high. Any worries besides nute burn if I run rich to stabilize Ph?

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No worries the plants will tell you if they don’t like it

I run low and slow but boost in weeks 3/5 and 7 they love extra p@k at the end

Hopefully something help

If it’s not fun don’t do it lol

Ok. Plan to dry back. Main res is alreay empty.

Jacks 20-20-20 1tsp/gal
1/2 RO, 1/2 tap.
1tsp epsom/gal
3ml CalMagic/gal
14ml/gal RhizoTomic
20:1 dilute Garden Freindly Fungus (hydro guard)
PH to 5.6 (anticipating rise)

I do not have 15-0-0. Should I purchase now?
I have 20-20-20, 10-30-20 and 5-12-26

Sound good?

The other thing I found strange was the amount of PH down I had to use to get the small res to PH 6.0 on a daily basis. 16 drops for a change of 6.5 to 6.0?

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This is fine later when your out you may want to try it

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That could be the ro what do you use for PHDown
I started using lemon juice it’s 1/2 the price

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This is the ticket

All good

You’ll do just fine
I think the plan is a good one you should see results quickly

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Thanks so much @Papalag @Jetdro and @HolyAngel ! :+1: :peace_symbol:

Looking forward to seeing how this plays out for you. Your plants look great btw :sunglasses:

Ive been having what sounds like exactly the same problems with 20-20-20 this run. I use tap water, epsom, gypsum, 1/2 strength GFF and 625ppm 20-20-20. Main rez had some bloomy lookin brown stuff (doesnt smell and isnt green) and ph in the plant buckets Never Stops Rising. They stopped drinking it no matter how many times i replace/remix/ph down to get it back in range (same here, many Many drops of GH ph down per pot).
And shittier and shittier looking plants. Been thinking of just scrapping my two in veg and starting over. These two are 101 days old.

Finally did something crazy today. Came to me like a good idear when i woke up today and i decided a pivot no one would ever recommend was just the ticket to regaining control over them (even if that means taking the stick and flying them into the side of a mountain) :fire:

Filled another pot with dirt, dusted the roots with myco, nestled the whole top, roots, netcup and all into it and bobs yer uncle.

If they die, they die and ill be free of the burden of watching them suffer. If they live it will be epic!

Next run i’m going back to basics and run megacrop 1part out of a fabric pot and soil like ive done with wicked success (by my standards) several times.

Ill come back to the octos eventually, when i get my tentacles back under me :octopus:


You’ll impress us all @Not-Notjosh, I’m sure.

Same here the brown stuff. No smell, just appears to be brown algae. Also noticed what appears as a small oil slick in the controller.

The 626ppm is all jacks or ?

The symptoms and possibility of throwing in the towel are eerily similar. I will keep you posted. I am riding this out otherwise, I’ll never know cause or solution.

Good call on the soil. How to minimize air pockets?

Best of luck growmie! :green_heart:

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Lol we will see :eyes:

all jacks. Total ppm all in is 1087.

appreciate you and the benefit of sharing your experience (and for doing all the hard parts for me :grin:)

karate chops and combat pokes mostly. And a bit of the ol’ what-for :fist_right:
Today was the Shock part of our program. Tomorrow is the awwww. Where im gonna cut the mid bottoms out, sew em a few stitches together round the middle, and massage em so the media can collapse, and so they’ll look more like a real frankenstein :man_zombie:. Thats the Aww part (bc it’ll be cute :grin:)

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Reason I ask is 1 tsp Jacks 20-20-20 comes out as 400ppm for me. So you must be using 1.5 tsp/gal?
Add 3.8ml/gal adding another 380 ppm or 780 total.

Im gonna be honest i am shit at math and even though i am trying to get better at measurements i still am a great source of miscalculation and unreliable data. :bar_chart: and God can i overcomplicate

Exhibit A

I made this so i didnt lose track of what i was doing mixing the last 5gallons.
What does this tell me? Useful things? Not really lol :joy:
It was helpful to kind of predict how much i needed to hit the target after each add tho


I recently switched from General Hydroponocs PH down to Dyna Grow PH down. Reason for switch was Dyna Grow uses Nitric acid + Phosphoric which I read had better PH stabilization vs Phosphoric. I saw no difference.
Also read that being a weak acid, the lemon juice would not provide much if any PH stabilization. Not sure, just what I read. I am going to try lemon juice today and see.



I ran out of ph down and see no difference using lemon juice


Thanks for sharing @Not-Notjosh
This is interesting to me. Being new to Jacks measurements, I was surprised to see 10-30-20 was twice ppm compared to 20-20-20 .5tsp/gal.
400 vs 200.

Also worried my stoned ass was fudging numbers :wink:

I assume my numbers will vary from yours because I’m using RO so my base is 10-15ppm.

What brand gypsum are you using?

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Me and numbers is like peas an’ caribou

This gypsum
Super super fine powder.

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