Ramping up after 20+ years

Received my gifted beans from the @OnePassionateGrower via @joheimgrohen today. All was in perfect condition.Thanks! Perfect Christmas present. I will be planting these in the new tent.

I’m a newb at most everything but especially Auto. Any comments, advice, criticisms are all welcomed. I will be starting a new diary for the Sour Fro-yo Auto and will link here.



Looking good Bud
thank you to have a look in my thread
I see you run Motarebel
I got the Green Manalishi for 10 years now
The only thing i Can tell you its fire genetics
Peace out


Looks like the 3 that got the nutes had a better time with the last feeding. This time, gave everyone an equal dose.

Watered with 1/8" of jacks 20-20-20 100ppm PH 6.0 bottom of tubs and let absorb for 6.5 minutes.

PPFD 265 DLI 17

Lights on 75F and RH 85%. Lights off 72F and RH 70%. Fan off during lights out (same timer)

Group pic

Note to self. Fan off when taking pics :wink:


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Then it’s all about remembering to turn the fan back on.
Ask me how i know :man_facepalming:

(It’s much worse when taking microscope trich shots, both the motion and the remembering) :wind_face: :brain: :dash:

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Been watching Amzone and Evay for a bit looking for new Vivaspectra KS5000. Just popped up a lightning deal for $269. Awesome!

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Installed a new fan w a second on the way. This is temp install only. I will be extending it out so oscillation is possible. Just checking fit for now.

Also installed an evap humidifier. Keeps things at 81 RH for now. No exhaust running. Inkbird Temp and Humidistat on hand when needed.

Weighed all cups so I can track watering. Overkill? Maybe, but much easier to calibrate my scale than the left hand…

Thanks for visiting. Have a great one!


I’ve been guilty in the past of weighing my plants everyday and keeping track. It’s only overkill if you think it is :grin:


Figured if I have the time…


I have 2 tubs of 30 Gal municipal compost sitting in my garage covered with lids. Temp is 55~65F… Should I be maintaining these tubs in any way? They are in short term storage for future use. I will lift lid occasionally to check condensation level and it is minimal on lids. Any advice?


Getting ready to transfer to Micro octo tomorrow.

Some of them are looking a little worse for wear. I’m especially worried about the spot on # 8.

Calling all experts! Am I overeacting or is there a problem I need to solve before repotting in Micro?

Thanks for visiting.


Second shot of # 8


Only change was the ppfd got bumped just slightly to 315 two days ago. I saw the spot and dropped to 250 ppfd last night.

Last water was 2 days ago w jacks 20-20-20. Ppm100
Ph 6.0

Correction…New Apera PC60 pen arrived today.

PH 6.75

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Was gonna say - usually when i see that kind of spot (amorphous spread of dark that goes :skull: quick) its a ph thing.

I have a bunch of bit of that on my lower leaves on my Frankenstein baby im waiting on roots to hit the rez. Not much i can do til she hits the drink though (that i know of). Should be touchdown any day…

Im also probably windburnin’ her more than a bit lol


Thanks for the feedback @Not-Notjosh!

I believe I’m guilty of both. Glad I’m only seeing it on one of the bunch.
Fingers crossed with the new pen.

Good luck to you! The new growth is looking good!

I noticed your paperclips for training. I just picked up a leather punch from harbor freight. It was $8 and makes nice holes in the fabric pots.


Just what i need - another tool enabler :sweat_smile:
:hammer_and_wrench::running_man:‍♂ :dash:

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Guilty as charged :laughing:

I’ve jumped in feet first. Definitely having a great time!

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And the ladies (hopefully) have a new home.


Ramping up for real now!
Cant wait to see them do their thing :boom::rocket:

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5 Days later roots have reached into the res. Yay!