RANCID & FOUL - the ’STANKIEST’ flower - Corpse Flower f2 Hunt - 2024 SoilTech Swamp Run

Shes stunning :star_struck: :+1::v:


Man those pink pistils are so awesome :sunglasses:

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Wow, she’s beautiful!

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Out of the 9 CF ladies - 4 of them have varying degrees of pink pistils - def give them a striking look at this stage.

Had snapped some this morning with the tarp pull - thought I’d share.

These are the 4 - the remaining 5 do not have any noticeable colour.


Sorry I’m not super familiar with the background of the CF but the weed nerd in me wonders what descendent/s are passing the pink pistil trait. Is it the only genotype expressing like that in the swamp? Do you have any insights or theories @Soiltech? They are beautiful!


@Budderton I have been checking out these photos too!

Very pretty expressions and variation on these.
That first and third pic look to have a good lean on the sativa side and the Third and last one more broad leaf.

Great thread and great grow! @Soiltech

Ill be watching all of this!



I remember hearing that pink pistils are generally found in plants which are CBD dominant… after my observations in the swamp I’m reformatting my thoughts on that.

Carrion Flower is a culmination of years of selections from Nature’s Farm - from what I recall reading he’s used one of his favorite Unkle Fester Skunk (#18) and crossed it to 90’s Super Skunk cut which is a Skunk #1 x Afghan. the Afghan influence is heavy. We all know that the Skunk #1 also holds an Afghan backbone.
I have only seen pink pistils a small handful of times and generally they are more mute. I’ve never put too much thought about where they might inherit it.

Funny you should ask me this, because your cross is helping me put some pieces together here, growing out your Afghan Hashplant - I am thinking that the Afghan might have something to do with it…?

I’m almost convinced it’s the Afghan side. :call_me_hand:

Your work has also joined the pink party. I also have some BOG’s sour grape which is also giving me some pink almost light purple.

On a seperate note - I’m having some regrets not feeding these plants anything more than water - tonight I gave them a good watering and after I took a closer look at this shot I realized I’m way behind. I have a calcium and bone extract that I should have been feeding within the first week of flower… I will feed as soon as they are dry enough on their next watering… I just hope it’s not too late, we’ve got about 6-7 weeks left for most ladies in the hoop.

I counted wrong - I have 10 ladies of CF currently - and 7 males - all dumping now. 4 of the 10 CF ladies are expressing the pink, I’ve heard the plants need to be outside to fully express in this way.


I couldn’t tell you what brings out the pink pistils but I’m assuming it’s genetic. I have two plants right next to each other showing it, pretty certain they’re identical strains from the look. I’m naming them Pink Lambsbread. The one in this picture should be finished in 2-3 weeks, I’m hoping.


PCK has pink pistils.


I agree. Part of the reason I asked is I’ve seen pics of pink pistils in the Affies but only when grown outside. So it may be a combination of genetics and environment.

Right on. I bought that one, along with silver pearl, from Sensi during a trip to the Dam in 95. Didn’t find anything worth keeping from those packs though.

Continued success in the swamp this season @Soiltech !



Nice pistils @ManyManySpliffs - pretty striking trait, are those outdoors?

@Budderton … I can only imagine what dam had in the 90’s… a treasure trove no doubt - too bad about not finding any treasure for yourself.

I also did a quick scroll back - as I show up to my Saturday and Sunday gig very early had some extra time to take a re read - I did miss a question about the tarp schedule and if I would change it when the light cycle naturally switches to longer nights.

Ideally I would like nature to take over - save me pulling a tarp twice a day - however where I am at in elevation and latitude - we see freezing nights shortly after August. Last year I did let them roll naturally for a little while but I realized my double layer tarp did a great job of keeping the days heat trapped inside. This season I’ll likely pull tarp right until I anticipate the chop at the second week of September.

Regarding my early 12 hour shifts on Sat and Sun - this was a difference from last year. Because I’m about an hour from town this only gives my plants 10 hours of dark as much as twice a week. Sometimes only 1 night a week - but plants appear to be taking this slight schedule shift in stride and I have not noticed anything too detrimental.

Also I had a change of plan for your Affie - I decided against the increase (looks like there are plenty of f2’s floating around) beside the other CF’s it will be the only other lady taking some CF pollen. If you’d like to re-visit some of that sensi skunk again - I’m happy to send you beans once ripened and shucked.


Yes they’re a rooftop grow, on my current grow log. @Soiltech


A Dab of Filth

Tonight is the night - just got in from my final pollination in the swamp. It’s become a bit of a chore - bending to the schedule of the pollen, I am relieved it is over.

7 Corpse Flower males have played their part - and the remaining 8 ladies (2 others recieved outcross pollen earlier this week).

One jar contained pollen from one selected male - he was the most astringent stem rub of the bunch - an undeniable asphalt funk. The other jar contained pollen from all 7 of the males.

The stinkiest of the males is pictured here. :point_up:

I used his pollen on 3 plants - @Budderton Affie Hashplant.

A lady with the darkest pistils :point_down:

And one lady CF #21 who I only noticed tonight after the round of stem rubs - she is standing out by a long shot. A crazy strong burn your nose onion chemical funk - she’s going to stick to anything she touches. Actually surprised how muted her sisters are compared to her. Real happy that I found her - I wish there were more with her profile in the bunch - but just glad she’s here. Gives some major promise to the claims I’ve heard. She has no colour in the pistils at all. Red petioles and absolutely rancid… I see what Mello means when there are loud foul plants to be found in this line. This one is turn away offensive - but has me almost salivating at the thought of trying her… very excited to watch her more closely. I am hoping my choice to pair her with only 1 male does not sabotage the lines possibilities.

All the other girls have recieved all 7 males including #10 the stinkiest dude of the bunch.

I also dusted an early frosting Uncle Festers Skunk just for the hell of it - will see how that goes.

I will be keeping a good eye on my CF #21


Sweet job, I was pulling for you that you would find a male like that for the girls, you’re pretty much doing what I plan on doing this winter trying to find a nice male out of that strain to cross them together and also I’m going to cross with @Budderton alffie 11 f2, along with ancient hashplant and a couple of other skunks I have. I’m now hoping I can find some ladies with the pink in that line also. Dang you got me pumped up for winter now and I’m never ready for winter lol. Keep rolling brother you well on your way!!! Have a great day!!!


Thanks, really amped about that lady with the ridiculous offensive stem rub, she’s making the whole run worth it.

By mid October I will have these beans all shucked and ready to share.

If you would like to add any of these crosses to your winter line up - please hit me up.

Also to anyone else wanting beans from the swamp this season (or last) I’ve got some great selections I’ll be happy to share around.

Will be sure to post some flower shots in the coming weeks as things start reaching their finish.


Man I love seeing when you post an update. Looking so good brother! I would love to try some of those rancid beans come winter time :grin:


BRO! @Soiltech Your grow is looking awesome.

Kudos to you for all of your hard work and knowledge!
You are gonna have some :fire: coming from the swamp this year!

I would love to run some of your gear!
Those pinks look incredible!

Cheers and happy swamp run, seed making and sinsemilla growing!

Cheers bro!


This grow is all @Soiltech on this thread, it’s his swamp and awesome grow your seeing here!!! I’m just a spectator enjoying the show!!


Amended Bro,

I must have hit the wrong tag…



Haha. No worries - some of the wording mistakes I make when blasted are beyond embarrassing. Glad there is an edit feature… :joy: