Random stuff that makes the pothead in me laugh

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Out of likes but that was funny.

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I bet the “douchebag” bag is from china. I’m not making a joke, there is a lot of stuff like that sold there. There is a government approved fashion trend called “Fuck-boy.”

It’s the kind of preppy clothes that east coast teens wear, boat shoes, khaki shorts, polo shirts, etc… but with phrases of english text such as “I’m a Fuck Boy I’m Juicy” printed on them like a graphic tee.

Don’t ask me to explain it because it can’t be done. Ironically “Fuck Boy” is actually a fair description of the type of people that wear those clothes in the US.

one of my friends is a photographer and visited china a few years ago for work. While he was there he documented a lot of stores selling “fuck boy” style clothes and groups of people wearing them.


there’s more than one website documenting items like that.

engrish.com is always good for a culturally inappropriate laugh IMO.

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just checked their website and found this…

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Ok that is even funnier, no reference to the “Douche Bag” name at all.

The full name is all over the website…

I know in some countries douche is the word for shower, still doesn’t make sense with the travel bag though.

unless maybe it’s water proof?

So true for so many it’s almost not funny, lol


This is too funny.



So I’ll admit I can be a dick sometimes, but I always do it for the laughs.

At U of Toronto, I shared a house with 4 other guys and lived next to another residence next door. One of the neighbours was an annoying know it all.

He had one of the first Honda Insight hybrids and was absolutely mental about tracking his fuel economy, spreadsheets/calculations and all, constantly bragging and going on about how amazing his car was.

I read about this practical joke, and with the help of one of my neighbours (who had access to the jerk’s keys) managed to pull this off…

This guy had a part time job and drove approx 50 miles a day to and from it.

Every night for about a month my friend would grab the keys and we would add fuel to his tank when he was asleep.

We started at about1/4 litre a night, but after about a week we started adding just a touch more than the night before.

Man how he crowed.

“I’m getting close to 45 mpg” changed to 50+, 55…60…75…90.

We kept this up until we couldn’t take it anymore…

Then we started taking fuel OUT of his tank every night.

Overhearing the phone call between him and the service department at the dealership was one of the funniest things ever.

“I was getting 90 miles a gallon in my insight, and now I’m getting 4”…“yes I said 90”…“No it’s not impossible, I have spreadsheets”…

His car was in for service for nearly a month.

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Lol who is the target market for these?

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Anyone with a few minutes to kill?

Me myself and I?