Ras-T cheap little box

3 stunning ladies for sure…despite your shitty phone cam :grinning:

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@Ras-T the guy Magilla you were talking about… is he Canadian?

I used to know a Magilla years ago. He made some amazing Blue Sattellite crosses. Sadly he disappeared and I have no idea if he has an online presence.


heya @MonsterDrank
I don’t know Magilla personally
I have made some research but don’t found anything

15 years ago i bought some seeds on cannazon
It was Night Terror OG (Sin city seeds)
And i receive freebee with my order
The free gift was a 5 pack labelled
Rosetta Stone f2 by Magilla
I grew the seeds and it was absolutely fire Genetics ,very strong medicine who taste and smell Ginger

I made some crosses with
And grew it for many years now
One of my best Strain Today

Maybe @Griot_FlyingFishFarm and @santero Can speak about the guy and his strain better than me
Thanks for visiting


Crappy cam can’t do nothing against their beauty. :heart_eyes:

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Oh really. Damn. I talked to him quite a bit years back but he was close to a buddy of mine but he lost touch with Magilla just like I did. I’ve been trying to find him, but it’s been challenging. I hope he’s doing well.

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Yep i would like to chat with him once

Great author and man :canada:le_serpent_cosmique-777517-264-432

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Last pic of the group

Everything is in slowdrying

And seeds are finishing in the last buds

Got a few from them
I will wait now for complete dry
And seeds to finish

And then i will start a New grow
Peace out