Re-veg and regular seeds management

Hi folks,
I had a bad time germinating the summer run seeds and was forced to add some seeds I got from my last run stash, these came from fem. seeds plants but I am expecting males, so 1st question:
Do we know that a seed from a feminized plant may be male?

Because I have some run I am able to grow 1 or 2 weeks a plant and flip it and if it turns female make it go back to veg and make her a mother for the next run, will this process stress the clones too much?
Kind in a way of getting male clones?

How do you manage regular seeds growth?
Just trash males and soil?

Thank you


A seed from a feminized plant can be male if it was pollinated with male pollen. If it was pollinated with female pollen, then all seeds should be feminized.

I’ll let others chime in on re-vegging as I have yet to do that.


You are running clones? Should be fine if the source is good. No need to play games with them.

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I think he’s asking about this:

Plant some seeds (may be regular). Grow until can flip and sex, then re-veg the females. Take a re-vegged female and make her a mother for clones. He’s wondering if the re-vegging will stress the plant too much and maybe result in some clones becoming male/herming.


I reveged at harvest a couple of times but found the finished flowers on second run lacked the same potency as the original run ( noticeably )

Reveging after just a week or two of flower might be different tho

Surprised with all the lab results nowadays no one has tested that

I wonder if seeds made from a reveg are similarity effected


It only takes 6 weeks to show sex. Au naturel

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In this case they were femonised but I guess they turned hermie.

Nop, I want to clpne a mother if…

My idea, because I am starting spring run and I have the tims and a small box with led lamp able to keep 1 plant alive, so maybe try to see the sex of one of the unknown and if it is a female, re veg and make clones for fall run.

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There’s a few ways of getting & maintaining clones of the grow.
Probably the most straightforward is growing the clone mothers from seed and then take clones from them. Downside is some extra time.

If I’m growing sensi (no seed) I just grow regular seeds and zap the males as they show.



I’ve revegged females and turned them into mothers successfully without hermies…