Buntnessel Growdiary

Hello Friends,

Since there are no endless reports allowed over at grower.ch, i will start one here at overgrow to document my shenanigans.
I stopped growing 2 years ago because i moved in with my girlfriend and she would not allow growing weed, since german laws were very restricitve.
But everything changed in April when germany legalized posession and growing cannabis at home.
So here we are again.
Before that i grew in a 120x60x180cm tent, now i will flower in a q60 with 120cm max height, which will be quite the challenge.

Here are my specs:
Homebox Q60 (60x60x120cm)
Hydro Shoot Propagator (60x40x60)
Homebox Q30 (30x30x60)
240W LM301H One 2x 308XT
150W LM301H
SystemAir K160 EC
Prima Klima K2600-flat-125
Arctic P14 PWM on 12v DC

Since i have decided to comply with german laws, the amount of plants i can flower out at the same time is limited to 6 (3 plants per person,me x3 gf x3 :smile: )
In addition to that, my q60 is rather small too.
So i’ve decided to grow mostly from cuttings and use my propagator tent +q30 for motherplants and clones.

Because its my first grow in a long time i did not want to use more expensive seeds and start with something i wont cry about if it fails.
Usually i would grow from regular seeds, so this is kinda new to me.

So right now we have:
2x Zkittlez fem. (Apeorigin)
2x K-Mintz fem. (Apeorigin)
2x Peanut Butter Cookies fem. (Apeorigin)
6x Zelda Runtz x ? reg. (Own line, og dominant, orange markers)
7x (Riri Diesel x Headbanger) x Sensi Star reg.(Own line, untested, front row)

And i ordered some clones which should arrive this week:
1x Amnesia Core Cut
1x Blueberry Muffin
1x Apple Fritter (Lumpys Cut)
1x Permanent Marker (Breeder Cut)
1x Wedding Cake (F4 Selection)

Aaaand last but not least some reveg clones i got from a friend:
1x Blueberry Muffin (HSO)
1x Roaddawg (Karma)
1x Grape Smash (Dark Horse)
1x Blue Ox (Rare Dankness)

Blue Ox Reveg

Have fun reading, i will post updates regularily.



Welcome to OG @buntnessel. Nice project.


Welcome @buntnessel. Great line up,I hope you crush in every way possible!


You know how to count? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull Starting with just 120 cm height is not very ambitious, willing to see how you manage that ejem|nullxnull, cheers and welcome… beer3|nullxnull


Thanks for the warm welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Not exactly sure what you mean :sweat_smile:
I am well aware, that the space is very limited.
There will be a LOT of Training and bending.
And after all its an experiment.

The plan is to put the vent outside and ontop of the homebox and only the filter will be hanging inside under the roof of the tent.
Everything has to fit in a small chamber, i want it to be discreet and elegant, since my last growing space got a little out of hand…
I basicaly just need to buy the filter, everything else is there and ready to go. :+1:


Oh I just saw your list of seeds and clones and compared it with the amount of allowed plants to be grown :sweat_smile:, anyway I wish you all the best, following along … popcorn


Ah now i get it. Well on my understanding and many others you are only allowed to have 3 plants in flower (!) per person at the same time. Clones, seedlings and young plants on the other hand are ‘propagation material’ or Vermehrungsmaterial how it is called in the law and excluded.
And thanks :grimacing:


Welcome to the OG community :raising_hand_woman:t3:We welcome endless repots and lots of photos.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I want to give some impressions on my previous grows, but don’t know about upload limitations at my newbie user status…?

Anyway, here are some buds.

Sensi Star

Stardawg x Headbanger

Stardawg x Headbanger

And the F1 i made out of it (Stardawg x Headbanger) x Sensi Star


Nice :grimacing:


Awesome pics man! I love your line-up. 🫠

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Beautiful ladies, you definitely know your stuff. I’ll be sitting to watch your progress on these. Welcome…

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Germans are just as bad as Americans. :crazy_face: Legal limit is 12, so I’m going to start with just 23 plants. I keep getting into that situation myself. :roll_eyes::joy::joy:

You’ve got a lot of diversity there and I’ll be watching… :popcorn::tv:


I might not be typical, because my plants are usually height-challenged for some reason. My first tent was a homemade closet 4’ in height. A Chick Magnet was challenging, but that’s the only one I had any trouble with in about 18 months of growing. Lots of training, for sure.

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Yeah i would say so, most of us are.

Pretty impressive what you are doing with the sinai and oaxacan by the way. Beautiful plants :v:

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Hallo fellow German and good luck with your grow! :blush:

I guess that height limitation will become quite challenging. :open_mouth: I started with a 1,60 m tent and got nervous very soon because my plants got nearer to the upper limit from day to day :smile:

But I hope you can handle everything and am looking forward to new photos and posts about your plants :slight_smile:


Thank you! I’m looking for the highs I enjoyed in high school. :crazy_face:

Hi Friends :slightly_smiling_face:
Some days have passed and some changes were made. I culled all the Riris and some Zeldas to make space for something new.
I popped 2 chem tini, 2 biker kush and 2 pink cheese fem (milo tribute freebies), all from karma genetics.
Not to forget, my clones finally arrived.
Sadly one of them (Blueberry Muffin) didn’t survive the night, looked weak as i first opened the box and did have a slightly moldy stem.
The Rest looked fit and was planted in 0,5l allmix.
Amnesia, Blueberry Muffin

Wedding Cake, Permanent Marker, Apple Fritter

Here is my blue ox palm tree, its exploding since few days, rest of the revegs are also developing new leafs.

Have a great Evening :slightly_smiling_face::v: