Recommendations for seeds with Pre 98 Bubba Kush genetics?

I’m looking for some ideas on regular seeds with Pre 98 Bubba Kush genetics. I’ve been considering Trichome Jungle’s Old Soul (Pre 98 Bubba Kush x Soulmate) and heard a Potcast with the owner who sounded pretty principled in his breeding views. I would have loved to run Karma’s White Beezle Bubba which sounds amazing.

I’ve never experienced Pre 98 Bubba but the coffee/chocolate notes I hear about it remind me of older batches of DNA’s Kosher Kush I’ve had which had those same notes. First grow here too so into trying out new things I think I might like. Mostly over the dispensary selections lately. Some of the folks who work at the dispensary who are more on the connoisseur tip think the same thing too which is funny.


I’d head straight to katsu mate he has a ton of good crosses with the p98 I haven’t grown any myself but I hope to , I’d also be interested in other options as a death bubba had been really helpful for me as my medication. :v:


Twenty20 Mendocino has a pre 98 bubba in fems.


Verdent Green off Icmag has multiple Bubba’s. The regular Bubbas I have personally grown and found in 5 beans popped the coffee/mocha smells.


Appreciate the recommendations @Cranio , @EugeneDebs420 (also your advice on my other strings about growing!) & @Dr.VitaminGreen. I’ll check out those sources.


I’ll echo that for pre98 to look at Katsu and Verdant, in that order.
Katsu did pre98 x Katsu Bubba
Oh, you can also get S2’s of pre98 from HumboldtSeeds

As far as DNA, I know the guy who hooked them up with their genetics - Dreddie Eddie from hightimes. Funxta, he’s a great dude who’s moved on to San Pedro, Kambo, Hapay. Funxta sent them bags of pre98, Chem, Skunk, and others, then Don and Aaron grew out the bag seeds and made money off them, even though Funxta told them not to. Same story as Burner getting Cherry Pie Kush from Laytonville and making a business off all the bagseeds he found in there since there was a lightleak in the room that grew out those kilos


Maybe @Floyd could help you out :+1:


I think maybe @Bobgrows would be the one to talk to about pre 98 Bubba Kush.


@Floyd , you called?
What’s up?
Someone asking about pre 98 Bubba Kush?
What do you want to know?


The OP is asking about it Bob. Thought you might have some insights.


Thanks for the suggestions @Wuachuma and interesting history on the DNA guys.

Thanks for the help in trying to connect me to folks here with knowledge @Faithisyours and @Floyd .

I’m the OP and was asking about any good sources for Pre 98 Bubba Kush seeds @Bobgrows. Any ideas you might have or thoughts on the suggestions made so far would be cool. Never tried it and thought would be fun to include it in what I plan for my first grow.


Well, I just happen to have some pre 98 Bubba Kush.
If you would like to try some send me your info in a DM. We can talk! :v::green_heart:


Check csi/pirates of the Emerald Triangle. .I believe he has regs bubba/paki …

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@Bobgrows permission to enter your DMs about the bubba.


Go to" they have a list fo strain and breeder - they have about 2 different Pre Bubba Kush---- Kasta as one - really check out seedfinders – alway reference that before seed purchases and members help !!!



Appreciate your assistance @Bobgrows Ill get in touch!


I have to recommend @VerdantGreen I got some of his pre 98 S1 and some katsu x pre 98. Awesome guy super helpful can’t say enough good things about him


Hello good afternoon to everyone!

Brief introduction:

It is my first post in this forum.
I’ve been a parasite for a long, long time :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:!, just reading.
And now I take the step to write a little.

I am very interested in everything related to Bubba Kush.
For me, it is my medicine.

Mr. @Bobgrows I don’t know if you still have any of that Bubba before 98, I’m interested.

I don’t know how I can send you a private message, that way it would only have bothered you.

Thank you very much for sharing lots of very useful information for this community. :green_heart:

A cordial greeting


I’ll also give a good word towards the @VerdantGreen BK seeds, I’ve grown both of the S1s and the regs and I still got a pack of the regs left. You’ll find multiple coffee phenos in both and they quite cheap!

Pz :v:t2: