Recreating old strains

some of the wisest words ive heard :green_heart:

<<cusion juice box :kissing_heart:

to me it seems the old sayings chasing rainbows and grass is greener seems to fit well

life is a journey not a destination smell the flowers yaadaa yaadaa yaadaa

and if ANYONE hurts scruffy ill fĀ£$king gutā€™em :rofl: :rofl:



You ever notice how NIDA and the US Govt was testing weed they got from seizures and it usually was 5-15% thc. And these were the legendary grails that everybody spends their life chasing.

Then, nowadays these 25+ % strains donā€™t even cause white-outs. And the high only lasts 30 minutes.

How much of contemporary breeding is based on lab results of THC%?
Most all of it.
And if you go back to Sam Sā€™s posts on ICMag about his research, he says he and his friends consumed pure 100% THC and said it wasnā€™t worth it. That 8% Durban was far superior.

I personally dont really like anything over 22%, with my favorites being 8-16%

Funny how all the best grail strains were bred without lab testing, and yet now that we have lab testing all we get is the color brown (like when you mix every color on the pallet)


more wisdom :mage: ^^^^^^
i find the same thing just going up and up with THC you do not necessarily get a better experience (buzz) medicinal effect what ever ya call it, it needs the whole plant all terps flaviniods all the bits and bobs in the rite mix and proportions (mite be rite for you shite for others) weeds is like art one person loves it one hates
in short work whats rite for you
dont chase rainbows
dont believe the hype
find your plant and love it share it ( it might be rite for others)

i think that makes sense



yeah, i think its a problem finding authentic Landraces, not impossible if you spend a LOOOOOT Time with it.

So, once you did find Thai, Mexican of Gold, thats where the ā€œlegendaryā€ Strains were made off.
They didnt use a degenerated Landrace as basis, im very shureā€¦

So, now comes the problem, you probably dont have access to thatā€¦ So its basically impossible.

Secound problem is probably space and time. These legends came from bigger breeders or collectives who grew alot individuals, not always, but in general that probably the caseā€¦ they grew fields over the years, or in one go, and choose good parent .

Also they testcrossed multiple different thais with different mexicans till they found a good matchā€¦

Sometimes one line will ust not work well with a particullar other lineā€¦ They interfere, atleast i beleiveā€¦

But again , the biggest problem is finding authentic landracesā€¦

So, i can give you one tip:
You go, and find ANY legendary Landrace (Thai, Panama, Columbian, Mexican Durban), and you dont care if it was your preffered LAndrace, you only care if its an authentic version of itā€¦

So, if the only thing you find authentic is Panama, and you dreamed of a Thai, you dont care, you work with something authenticā€¦

And since you maximally find one two authentic landraces still aviable, you then go, take authentic legendary HYbridsā€¦ And try adding your landrace to each of the authentic Hybrids, in different percentages.

You also do the crosses virtually, that means you hold the bud of strain 1, infront of your nose together with strain 2, to smell them in different percentages, and figure out what percentage works bestā€¦

You can do the same with mixing two Strains in a Joint in different percentagesā€¦

Shantibaba told this, he mixes Strains in joints to estimate if they work, and gets a ruff idea.

Thats what you can do right nowā€¦Everything else, is working with subpar breedingmaterial, and thats not how those legends were madeā€¦Im pretty shure.

Probably you find the next Legendary strain, i mean, its possible that there are some improovements and twists that you can add to those legends.


I wont list any authenticLandraces, cause i dont promote hybridisation cause the landraces are dying out, and thats why i dont list any authentic Landraces, but i tell you, some are still aroundā€¦

As for the authentic hybrids, im no expert in this field, i smoked many of them, but i was always a landrace lover.

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ever hear of
looks like they have 5 cuts they donā€™t know who is who or what is from what. I feel confident someone could reproduce the flower morphology easy enough within a couple of years.

but thatā€™s about as far as youā€™re gonna be able to get i fear without spending a lifetime ā€˜tryingā€™ without access to the parents.

if im not mistacken white widow was made from landraces collected a bit later than the 70s, probably 90s.

and i think i can see that in whitewidow, it uses modern landraces, and those are not as good as the old 70s onesā€¦ and those are veeeeery hard to find , plus them not beeing inbreedingdepressed, tssā€¦ its a loooota hunting workā€¦ (i guess the white widow was just good enoughā€¦ but dont use 2020 collected landraces IMHO IMHO)

So, f you find one, and you can find one, i dont tell you wich, then use this and test it with authentic hybrids. outcrossings. probably you create the next legendary hybrid that way.

i really disliked white widow quiet a bitā€¦ lol, and those were pointed out to be very authentic WW cutsā€¦ was very stressy, jittery, speedyā€¦ i felt the landraces used werent as good as old ones imho

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Romanoweed is spot on

All the real strains are made by at least two landraces, up to 4 landraces.
Then the real interesting stuff comes from a hybrid of two landrace hybrids
Golden Tiger is Malawi x Thai
Zamaldelica is Zamal x Malawi x Thai
Haze is 4 different Colombian landraces.
Hawaiian is (Swazi x Thai) x Jamaican x (Mexican x Afghan)
Skunk might be (Colombian x Afghan) x Acapulco

When you make hybrids with landraces and barely-worked landrace hybrids, you will get paramount resistances, vigor, yield, potency, and effect.


Iā€™ve thought of this too, but itā€™ll just be a tribute

However, Iā€™m doing to reproduce/copy something thatā€™s more current. When modern breeders are just taking elite clones and making fems, it can be cheaper to almost free (know the right people and trades) to get the same parent cuts and make your own batch vs buying even one pack of the seeds. Just spend some time to spray some sts/cs and make a batch of seeds.


nothing special, none of them were , none.

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Genetically replicating a strain may only be done if the parental strains still exist. Not only that, but youā€™ll need the specific lineages of the strains that were used.

Unfortunately, thatā€™s no longer a feasible idea. Many of the landraces that were available, even 35 years ago are extinct today. The rest have been over hybridized and are not what they once were.

Can AK47 be recreated?
Perhaps not the original, mostly due to phenotypical variation that cannot be reproduced, but if you had some Colombian sativa, Mexican sativa, Thai sativa and Afghanistan indica, then of course it could be created based on building block strains alone.

One thing that youā€™ll need to know is how they bred all these strains together, what goes in what order. This unknown knowledge is how the strain was created. Breeding order is pertinent information for recreating a complex strain. It took years to create AK47, it wasnā€™t a simple crossing of two plants.

The same logic goes for recreating any complex strain. Itā€™s not just the genetics that make up the strain thatā€™s important, itā€™s also the breeding order and phenotypes picked for furthering the strain.


i dont think thats really the caseā€¦ i know breeders that still have old seeds from the 70s. they just never get shared , dunno why

I bred with the Mom cut of NorCalGoo, that cut is pushing 40 yrs

I got BOEL seeds that went back to 1968 that included old Haze, old NL, and some just labeled 1968 sativa, and short indica (all burned in the fire, FML)
Though, I did pop the Hawaiian in 2018 and have been spreading/selling next f-gens of those seeds.

In fact, with legalization, old timers are popping up out of the woodworks with seeds theyve kept safe for a moment just like this


Good luck with the Hawaiian. Can see old timers doing that. Iā€™ve been mainly prepping for legalization

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I know many guys say itā€™s not about the smoke, but then we would not be having this conversation.
If I was looking to make a trainwreck, I would do so by making my own entirely ā€œnew trainwreck. Would I use some form of the origins trainwreck? probably not due to the multiple phenos produced by the original plant, ā€œcrossā€.
I say this because there are no similar trainwreck phenos in circulation.
Therefore instead of trying to reproduce a somewhat mystery strain, I would create something totally new, that smoke as close to what I remember.
To begin I would gather strains that had the 1 hit effects, the taste, the smell, length of high that I prefer, and work those into a the ā€œnew trainwreck formā€. That way I have exactly what I want.
There is nothing wrong with using ā€œtrainwreck crossesā€ but we all know that anything strains added to them will definitely take away from how you remember the smoke to be.
Thatā€™s why I say use stuff that smoke similar to what you are trying to produce.
Your task will be daunting, but the rewards will be well worth it.
I too like powerful, fast and hard hitting smoke that will make your knees buckle with just a few hits. Stuff like that donā€™t often come in seeds packs or everyone would already have it. Therefore you will have to use some knowhow and create it yourself. Your only other option is that you may have to be very persuasive in order to get someone to share such a gem with you.
Brother It wouldnā€™t be hard to build such a treasure. Iā€™m sure you already have what you need in your seed collection or mother plants.
The description of trainwreck is indica times sativa. Iā€™m no sativa expert by any means but I do know that they take away from the heaviness of the indica high. To me it like drinking alcohol and Red Bull together, or taking an upper and a downer at the same time. Therefore concessions will may have to be considered due to the nature of how cannabis breeds. I have an indica dominate strain that annihilate the body. When crossed to a sativa, it will considerably diminish the heavy sun effect of the indica. They may still hit hard and fast, but there is still that bit of heaviness thatā€™s missing. To me the smoke is better suited for day time use even though it still gets me really ripped. Also I donā€™t feel the sleepiness coming on like a heavy indica. It usually comes out of no where and without warning. Itā€™s kinda like the boss finding you asleep on the lift situationā€¦ you good for 4 hours then may fall asleep in the break room type smoke.
Be patient, and stay true to your goal and everything should work out for you. Peace bro.


May try to recreate this when I can do it without fear, and do it right. Currently have Acapulco Golds as the Mexican third of it. Have real afghan gentics i can get soon, as well as the Thai. Having said that, how good are Humboldt genetics?


You talking plants hereā€¦or seed packs we are sitting on? :wink:


Iā€™ve been reading about Mextiza, which is a cross of Oaxaca and NepalJam and thinking to my self: Iā€™ve got both of those. Maybe next summer, iā€™ll grow out the NepalJam and hit it with some Cryptic Labs Oaxaca pollen. It wonā€™t be the same as Charlie Garciaā€™s famous line, but i bet itā€™ll still be kick ass.


This crossed my mind lately because I have some ILGM Durban Poison fems, and my dad bought some OG Kush fems from somewhere. . ā€¦ i was thinking ā€œhell, Girlscout Cookies is just these two strains, why not make our own fem version?ā€ but i think the major thing is, what traits were sought in those original parents??

I still think itā€™s a fun idea to sorta retrace the steps of things, say ā€œSkunk #1ā€ and just see what comes up. If anything, wouldnā€™t it kinda ā€œbackcrossā€ the overall cannabis gene pool a bit?