Caps 90s Mexican Brick weed Deep dive

I did a little dive around here awhile ago and I got some seeds off you guys a lot of them were from the late 80s to early 90s.Out of the 40 I popped only 2 made it to germ from @royal. One was a mystery as it grew the other a mutant that barely could even be accountable for a cannabis plant.A wirey,viney mess that has kept me on the edge of my seat each day that has been rebuilding itself a piece at at time.These were popped on March 7 so we’re at almost 60 days and they are just starting to pick up the pace.Slow slow veg.These were repotted into reused soil and have been fed nothing but Plant probiotics and the occasional half dose instant compost powder in left out tap water.
I’m hoping for a male and a female in a perfect world I know how that works out lol.Regardless if I get a pair definitely going to pair them to get something from the past.If I get snuckered and get a male male which with brick is highly likely I will try and get a Oaxacan clone set aside and try and pair them to see if I can add some Mexican back to some Mexican to get some of that what ever they cut it with pushed to the side back to more of more land racey type if that makes sense.I know that I will most likely push away what I’m going for if I go this path but there may be something else to this.
This Mutant is coming back strong and finally has a smell to it now that is very cat pissy funky like a wet hamster cage.I like how it rebuilt it’s leaflet sets in a bizarre manner of joining 2 sets as one.I want to see if something that rebuilds itself does anything interesting.I have a theory from a guy Named Robert Gueterriez didn’t want to steal his thunder,

that I think can play in the role of cannabis as well.This is just a sideshow project for now.


great to see - that old brick weed :wink: !!!

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I’ll be logging the whole thing here stop on by anytime I’ll see if I can squeeze some beans out for us.


We got excellent Mexican Weed back in the daze. ‘69-‘75. I know just what you’re looking for. The stuff takes forever to finish but worth it if you get that fire. Soaring Sativa high. I’m gonna hang around and see what comes of this adventure.




Boy you sure do know what your talking about soaring Cerebral everything is a joyride buzz :honeybee:.Trying to see if we can get there or whatever else cool pops up what do we have to lose?Foliar feed with some silica supplement mixed with probiotics.Stems are beefing up wish I knew about silica a long time ago wow does it make some fatty little stalks


Nice to see you got a couple.

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Following along :+1:




lol im not American but still funny
I wonder How that wall is going anyway lol


Why dontcha jest PM those “Personals” so I can get this little package on it’s Southwestern Journey??? Enjoy a pleasant weekend, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Interesting! :sunglasses:

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These guys do something I haven’t seen since I was a teenager.They have a black tinge to the stems and they are a different color green to them compared to all the OG and Runtz strains I’m growing now with the exception of thr Timewarp , that are a darker more of a blue green haven’t seen in a long long time a nuclear angry Army green.Stem rub has produced an earthy dark lime Margarita smell took awhile but they have a smell now.The Mutant one topped itself and perfectly formed leaves are popping up.These ones like living off of composted Roots from previous grows and have needed very little if no feeds as of yet and are thriving on microbe water and plain set out tap water


I lived in Norwalk California as a kid. And one of my best friends was approached by the Mexican Mafia and asked if he wanted to sell packages of kilos. Why he said yes is beyond me because the risk was great and he made like only $100-$200 when he sold a 10 pack or 20 pack. But he got samples of whatever was coming through these guys. And I had seen weed that was probably 8% after you cleaned the stems and seeds and probably 20% on the best. Most of the weed was darker and the Sativa’s were regular lime green Sativa color. I was hoping to go the other route in my breeding and recreate some brick weed flavor. So far my Red Girl Scout Cookies strain has the most dark flavor that was in brick weed. The Sativa’s were special because they were not that strong but had a light sweetness and a special light buzz. But never as strong as the Sativa I grow now out of Thailand. And if I was a gambling man I would bet you have one brick weed and one Mexican Sativa. If so and you get clones we as a community might be able to help with the first similar mate and you can Back cross it into existence. I’m doing that with a very special RED Girl Scout Cookies and I’m putting the 3rd back cross in the breeding cell this weekend. So I’m doing a similar style reclamation project. Because I only had one female to start with, and the closest relative was a 25% match by lineage but maybe 40% by common traits. And the F2’s look the same in the batch for the male hunt. I’ll be rooting for you and would love to learn about the germination part, water?


I started some pure Oaxacan landrace that I germinated.Out of 10 only 5 came up.I plan on using this as my genetics to try and splice into the Brickweed to bring it back to something resembling a more Mexican variety kind of like what they are trying to do with woolly mammoth DNA.The theory is that tha Asiatic elephant is the closest relative to the mammoth.Same idea you have find the closet thing and see where it goes


I’m doing the same thing with my Red GSC. I used a supposed cousin to start the process. The 3rd inbreed is going into the breeding cell in 1 week.


That red GSC sounds intriguing tell me more about it?

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The one I named Morpheus is a true shapeshifter of a plant.Looking beautiful and vibrant today after it’s microbial spray and light watering the leaflets are almost perfect again.I left it’s original wierd leaves on so it doesn’t forget what it was.The other one is almost like a normal plant and thier growth is picking up.light feeders and they like to be watered very sparingly.



Out of my pheno check come the Plant but I got Covid at the same time. Almost everything died in my garden but a few and my clones lived in another place. I had interest in this plant and cloned it before flower and the clones lived. But the mother died in flower and turned into a Black Dried Bud. I smoked a few hits off the bud and Wowza! The deep flavor and buzz I’d been looking for. So I took a known a suspected cousin and and bred. And now almost a year later the third round of breeding starts Monday or so. It’s impossible to hermie these girls and my attempt to make fems failed as she refused to turn under the Colloidal Silvers Pressure.


Microbial spray and some LST.This this is a two headed monster.Still no feeds yet .