Your “dream” breeding project

Which species or strains would you breed to make your “dream” cross?


I would cross a pure afghanica landrace with a tropical African landrace sativa because I think that would give me a large difference in genetics. Then I would make f2 seeds and that is when the fun would start. I love to find new different phenotypes. I just like UNIQUE plants.


Pretty sure moon temple from equilibrium is pretty much this cross you speak of :eyes::eyes: just saying. I’m excited about bodhi’s eternal sunshine for the same reasons! Omg x Hawaiian.


Highland Laos x sour diesel, bringing out the old landrace and a modern favorite!


I just want to make an autoflower now.


If you could use any Bodhi plant what would you breed it with?


Here is what you seek:

South East African

Central American

Pz :v:t2:


C99 goes well with literally everything. I’d love to breed it with stardawg to try any get rid of that damp sock smell stardawg has. I’d call it ceedawg. :v:


Chem, sour, and og cultivars mainly.



I would like to cross Blueberry with Tuna Kush - Blue Fin Tuna.

I haven’t been able to find seeds and the only place I can find a wiff of the strain is a bud delivery service in eastern Canada - could be a different strain every order.

That’ll be my first breeding project.



Plenty of blueberry grows here on OG and I’m sure I’ve seen a tuna kush seed run in the past. If you want to do a seed run I’m sure OG has your back and has what your looking for. I think that would be an excellent strain. :v:


I didn’t get any but we did just have Tuna Kush in a recent co-op box! I’ve never had it, what’s the best thing about it?

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These are my dream projects! The crosses won’t involve all of the genetics present but I’ll be choosing from them for my goal.

The 1st is a memorial strain for my uncle Dukie, I’ve chosen Soma’s Lavender (gifted from @misterbee), Temple Flo from @Kavman great co-op run, and a Kona Gold IBL from the Big Island that was given to me by a dear friend. My goal is to create a 50/50 type hybrid that’s easy to grow here in Hawai’i, is high in linalool and that reminds me of the bud he used to smoke, I won’t really know the rest until I’m doing the growing. I want it to be a poly hybrid of KG x Lav and KG x TF but I’ll let the plants do the deciding when they’re grown out.

2nd is an attempt to create a knockout plant by combining @JustSumTomatoes wonderful Orange Grove with Paonia Purple Paralyzer and Katsu Seeds Magnum Opus F11

The 3rd and my ultimate goal is to do a large hunt through this group of Tangie strains and the two diesels that I have and try to form my own “Sour Tangie” like Crockett’s. Currently the only thing I know I’m going to do for sure is cross the SLH x Tangie with the SLH from the co-op. Everything else will come down to the grow.


Those should be some good crosses, I’m stoked to see them!

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I hope to do them Justice!!

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That Soma Lavender is heavenly!! Would like Somas NYCD as well, classic

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My “dream project” involves finding true “car tire” terpenes and perfecting that trait & locking it in.

I’ve gotten various rubber tire/burnt rubber vibes from this or that, but nothing consistently except for one (Trinity Reserve Burnt Rubber) but I can’t find that in seed or clone.


I’ve never had it but Soma does some quality work and NYC had the diesel!

His NYcD is the OG diesel, great grower with great hair haha

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Maybe I should look into getting some then cuz that sounds like an important plant to experience