Regular Photoperiod Seeds may become the New Gold

I don’t think Michael Jackson is the best example for your goals.

He has (had) multiple faces.

I wish you luck in your herm eradication goals.

I haven’t spent anything today. One day at a time!

There’s many breeders that are better than Ethos. So your analogy is weird and off putting. He’s not michael jackson.

Mean Gene and Harry Palms are both much more solid.

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I’m fine with MJ’s Music

Dichotomy seems to be either he is a liar, or he is breeding with full blown herms.

Neither looks good.

No but he sounded like he learned along the way. I’m sure he spun some garbage at least once. Anyways I’m a fan of his breeding methods as he explains them. And know I’m just a rookie on a mission of learning. And in your previous comments one thing came through to me. I need to breed my red line back to the clone until I create a freak. That would be a great learning experience and I’m already part way there. I’m truly having fun.

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Fun makes for long life!
Grow often, Play all the time!


Good thing I have lots of reggies. I don’t mind sexing regs.

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What landraces are you looking for? Hundreds of them available these days.

Says triploid plants use more fertilizer. When will someone smarten up and create great yielding plants that don’t need fertilizer? I think with the fertilizer crunch this year people may begin seeing the wisdom of this approach.