Regular Photoperiod Seeds may become the New Gold

Lazy is the whole problem. Drop a fem bean and breed. The short cut is the problem.

You say lazy I say fool’s errand. Agree to disagree.

Kids got a point… plants of the F2 progeny were chosen to carry out nine repeated inbreeding cycles aimed at increasing their homozygosity, then ten female and ten male plants were selected and vegetatively propagated for use as parental lines in all possible pairwise cross-combinations - (Skunk #1)

I really need to introduce you guys to the hermie :prince: lol.

Maybe it’s a space thing. I can only run 4 plants at a time so making that kind of commitment is impossible which is why it sounds crazy to me.

And I hate plants with intersex tendencies. I end up constantly inspecting them.


It is crazy when the menu is large to begin with. As they say nessesity breeds innovation, i know if i buy 10 seeds i may or may not find what I’m looking for and i know it’ll pop up eventually if i breed it and make 1,000 seeds or however large i want my lottery ticket to be. Will i make f10s? probably not lol


Ethos is actualy well known for putting out plants with hermies in them

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You could be right but my point is a lot of people like his gear. They all can’t be wrong. But I can imagine in over 100 strains sold he had bad info on something for sure. But he is currently moving away from breeding with plants that have intersex traits. I’m following the same in my hobby breeding. And now that I have 2 strains that are clean of intersex traits I can really rock. And now I can hunt for number 3.

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I don’t care about Ethos and don’t know anything about their stuff, but what I repeatedly have to think of in this discussion is “Eat shit. Millions of flies can’t be wrong”. Have a nice weekend everyone.


That about sums up Ethos and his shit perfectly imo.


Lots of people bought tickets to Jaws 2. Does that mean it was good?


Hint: Jaws 2 wasn’t good.


Did he admit breeding with full blown herms wasn’t the best choice or something?


I recall him going on and on about how he was only going to breed with fems and that male plants where pointless. Think that lasted all of one run and he was back to male plants. I will give him this, he’s brilliant at getting people to talk about him or his gear…good or bad. that’s kinda all you need these days.

They should just change this into the ethos hate club thread :rofl:

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Maybe what he says and does is not the same? I agree with his intersex trait theory and had arrived upon the same thing independently. And until I learn more, I believe what I’ve seen.

But a few bucks on a movie is different than the high price of Ethos seeds. And from what I’ve seen and I started with expensive genetics. It was a few years back and even a well know European Heavy sold me a hermie queen. I spent about 400 on Genetics Initially with the intent of spending one time. But some was trash and I only went with the highest ranked breeders except one. I wish I new more then but I paid for my lessons. One lesson, good seeds are worth the money. Another lesson, what’s inside the seed?

I believe this is called lying


Never bought a seed in 40 years of growing the best weed on the planet! (One Of Many Like Me)


Well there are at least two opinions of him. Maybe there is a reason? But for me I’m interested in his breeding techniques. And I would love to hear more. They said weird stuff about Michael Jackson but wow could he sing and dance.

Is he a botanist or 4H graduate…Matters