Reptiles and exotic pets

Whats up guys. Ive been working on building a 6x2x2 foot vivarium for a bearded dragon. Does anyone else have any reptiles or exotic pets??

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Just a leopard gecko now but day geckos, tortoises, and water turtles in the past. Do your beardies need a daylight lamp for health? Not just a heat lamp, but a lamp with sunlight spectrum for UVB and vitamin A and D? If so, do you know the color temperature (CCT) of the lamp you use? I’m thinking of designing a reptile light using strip LEDs.

@Viva_Mexico fish smoking joints? I dunno most of my fish friends prefer… water pipes…:smile:


Yes they do. Its a t5ho light and its near the 5000+ range.

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Thanks - do you add a UVB bulb too, or does the 5000K light give them all they need?


The bulb im speaking of is a uvb bulb. They wouldnt get it from a regular fluoro. The led fixtures ive seen for reptiles have the uvb bulb seperate


I want one of these


Got my 16 Nishikigoi now sansei, they are swimming around in 22 degrees celcius at the moment, but covered up with polycarb sheeting as its only 10c outside air temp.

3Kw in line electric heater, 220w UV water steriliser/clarifier, 640 litres of water in the filters with Japanese matting cartridges self built in the style of an Eric 4 filter, mines a bit bigger again self built. Pond is built from concrete block 7N dense blocks (20kg each) built on concrete base 3 cubic metres poured, insulated with kingspan rigid foam foil covered sheets 6 inch thick or 150mm, fibreglassed and top coated n black, top of pond is finished with Indian stone for copings, block work rendered and painted. Pumps recirculate the full 10,640 litres or 10 ton or 2240 gallons every hour through filters, second pump runs skimmer line, 2 air pumps 120 litres / min to filters and a 80 litres per min to aerated bottom drain.

Koi nerd talk pmsl.


I understood every word. lol

I keep close to 1000 gallons indoors between 6 tanks.

On a side note, I have a very good friend who breeds and sells exotic reptiles.
Was just at his house Friday and eggs were hatching.


Wooow thats amazing. I wanna see reptiles hatching!!

Those hatchlings are great. That was probably cool?!

One Albino King Snake a little over 4’ long and a wild Scorpion about 5 inches long, caught in the desert with a black light. Neither get supplemental light. Heard Bearded dragons need a lot of care, but are fun to have as pets.

Snake eats live mice. Fun to watch. Scorpion eats bugs we catch in the yard. Incredible to watch the scorpion devour a spider. Had a tarantula but it walked off one day…


Bearded dragons are no more care then a snake really. Water, food, love, and cleaning.


Just sent him a text to see what they were. They are called Ackies.

Now that I looked it up, I remember seeing the parents.


Wow. Love the color of those. Beautiful. Im really excited to own my first reptile. Im already looking at moreXD

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Buddy said if there was any interest his IG is thedragonzlair .

Can’t say I have ever seen it myself.

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had a pet grey fox once but no reptiles unless you count the ones in my yard…


@Dewb why did you get rid of it? was it fairly easy to care for?

He was extremely easy to care for. Used a litter box like a cat, slept in his “den” behind the couch. Ate cat or dog food mixed with raw meat and some veggies. We actually found him as a pup near where his mother got ran over. Hr was the only one we found so we basically raised him until he decided it was time to be wild again.




I want one also…but not the cat!:grinning: