Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t

The world’s greatest YouTube botanist and urban guerilla gardener. Please check his channel for some great entertainment and education.


Sounds like a weird episode of the Sopranos, you can just imagine they are taking a body into the desert to bury it and one of them starts talking about bottany lmao, it’s good :+1:


I like how he starts calling people “miserable bastards” in every episode. Then, he berated the one plant for never flowering and says, “fuck you, I’m no longer interested in your flowers you asshole”


Like listening to Richard Feinman…
Car Talk for plants.


I’ve enjoyed his videos, there good.


Zoology doesn’t pay either. Just found this poor little kingsnake not alive in the backyard. If you’ve never seen a kingsnake kill and devour a rattlesnake before, look it up!


I love watching that dudes videos! He’s one of the best things on YT!! So smart, and so effin funny!! :joy:

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Looks like something chomped it in the middle :frowning:

Cats! I don’t like letting my cats out of the house, but my Mom insists on it and she has the final word so I have to deal with it. Then, she gets mad when she sees them with a bird or a huge desert iguana and tells me to take it away from them! :anguished: These Desert iguanas are the length of your wrist to your elbow man. The cats do keep the dozens of scorpions away and I have killed two rattlesnakes so far this year the cats “tracked”. I have to kill the rattlers because my uncle is blind and he walks in the area.


F%%% that sucks :frowning_face:


You know we got the DMT Toads (bufo alvarius) here too. I did keep one for several years to save it and my dogs from each other though I did not like stressing him out like that to produce the “stuff”. After I did it once, he peed on my hand for months until he got over it. Named him after my Dad Big Al. He was Little Big Al Jr. RIP my little bubby.