Resimax's Outdoor Garden

Hello all. I thought I’d share my outdoor grow this year. I’m late to getting this together, as I have way too many gardens indoor that I’ve been trying to manage (and document).

Note that, I haven’t given much attention to my outdoor garden this year. I planned on being done with outdoor a couple years ago, but my indoor gardens took a couple extra years to budget when I migrated to indoor 3 years ago. I usually grow about 20 monsters outdoor, but not this year. I have just a handful of not very great (in my opinion) plants this year. This is year 21 of growing outdoor for me, and the first year I’m just letting them grow without any maintenance, focusing more on indoor.

I grow mostly CBD-dominant varieties now for medical reasons, but I have 1 that isn’t that I’m growing for a family member. She is Monkey Grease by Kannabia Seed Company. She was sowed in December indoor, and kept in a cold room under minimum viable photosynthesis (60W of T5 LED bars) for 23 weeks. Around week 12 we took a lot of cuttings from her, and that was originally her only purpose, but I let her go for another 11 weeks under the low light, in the middle of my cold air conditioned lung room. She had perfectly healthy leaves up until week 21, when she just couldn’t take the environment anymore, and leaves started dying like crazy. It was still too cold, so I kept defoliating and feeding her, for another 2 weeks. When we transplanted her outdoors at the start of week 24, she wasn’t looking good at all, and to top it off, she had very wobbly branching, from no fan blowing on her in my lung room outside of the tents I usually grow in. I didn’t want to destroy her, so I placed her in the earth, put in some garden stake poles, and tied her branches to them with some garden wire. That was week 24, and it is now week 29, and I didn’t touch her in those 5 weeks. Here she is, at about 55 inches tall, and more than half a year old:

Here is another THC-dominant cultivar from Kannabia I have outdoors, but in a 5-gallon fabric pot. I didn’t transplant her because, well, like I said, I’m not giving much attention to outdoor this year, and I was lazy. She is a little more than 6 weeks old:

Here is a CBD-rich variety from Kannabia – Swiss Dream Rosé Auto CBD at 4 weeks old. We had a massive heat wave last week, and she got a little deformed from that, but should turn out decent:

And yet another CBD variety from Kannabia, Kama Kush, at 3 weeks old:

If you haven’t noticed the pattern yet, we’re doing all Kannabia genetics outdoor this year. Here’s the last one, Swiss Dream Auto CBD, at 5 weeks old. She started flowering about a week ago:

Anyway, that’s most of my outdoor plants. I do have some others, but they are runts and stressed from the heat, so not worth showing off. I’m not taking care of these plants, like I always do (or don’t?). We just let them grow organically, with a good soil. I’ll update this diary periodically in between my focus on indoor. Until then, see ya!


I can feel the heat watching that field :sweat_smile:, nice job done healing that plant, they really reward you when you take good care of them, following along … popcorn


Nice looking plant.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Some plants can grow on nothing more than love and a kind word. I think you will do fine. :grin: :rainbow:


Let’s talk about the bigger and older plant, Monkey Grease at more than 28 weeks old. I just found some pictures I took of her before I moved her outside, and directly after.

Here is her 2 weeks before moving outdoors, when she didn’t have any stress and was growing perfectly for a few months (one of her daughter clones is on the left):

And her she is at week 24 when I moved her outside:

Compared to the latest pictures in the opening post, I think she looks much better. The days are getting shorter now, so in a few weeks we should start to see what she is really capable of!


Kannabia Seed Company, Monkey Grease, Week 29

Week 29 of vegetation is complete. Her yellowing started to come back last week after a brutal heat wave. We performed some defoliation mid-week the other day. At the end of the week, she looks healthier than she has since she was indoor, about 2 months ago, now with a vibrant green throughout her foliage, with no pest damage.


Kannabia Seed Company, Kama Kush CBD, Week 4

Week 4 is complete, and this plant is doing very well. Normally for short plants close to the grass, I get isolated cases of leaf-hopper damage, but she seems very pest resistant so far. She also took our brutal heat wave like a real champion, with green leaves and an overall uniform structure to her. We have not defoliated her or trained her at all, but I am thinking of topping her this coming week before the days get too short for her to transition.


Kannabia Seed Company, Swiss Dream Rosé Auto CBD, Week 4

She decided to start flowering, early this week. She wasn’t quite ready yet after the brutal heat wave last week, with some deformed growth, but she’ll turn into something good I think. This plant we are growing naturally without any maintenance. We let the rain water her, and we don’t do any training or defoliation.


Kannabia Seed Company, Colombian Jack, Week 7

She’s doing quite well after 7 weeks. She is a very fast drinker. We see wilting of her apex every other day, despite watering her plenty along with the occasional rainfall. Her soil dries up faster than all my other plants. Her leaves are pretty well. We did have some interveinal chlorosis occurring on her first and second node this week, which we defoliated. We also have a slight bit of leaf-hopper damage on some mid-range leaves, but nothing out of the ordinary for my garden, and it is never a cause for alarm in the long run, so we do not use any insecticides for this issue. I’d say she is doing quite well, given her strong vertical structure before the days are short enough for more elongation, growing in such a small pot.


Kannabia Seed Company, Swiss Dream Auto CBD, Week 6

We’re two weeks into bloom for this little lady. So far, I believe this plant is the easiest I’ve ever grown. Why? We haven’t done anything to her at all, including let her deal with intense heat without watering, or defoliated any leaves. Instead, we let her grow completely naturally, apart from being in a fabric pot. Still, her leaves are perfectly green. We don’t even have any leaf-hopper damage on any of them, which is rare for a low to the ground plant in my garden. This is her second week of bloom.


Unfortunately, I have to step away indefinitely. I am very poor and in poor health, and I have some medical expenses that I can’t afford, and growing is using too much of my energy and limited resources. I might be back at some point. Sorry all.


Sorry to hear that, take care … beer3|nullxnull


I too am sorry to hear that, @resimax. I hope your issues come to a satisfactory resolution.


@resimax . Do what you gotta do and come back when you can. The door is always open. Peace brother. :rainbow:


After thinking, I am going to keep ticking until there are no more ticks left in me, and my plants will keep going. Had a big scare this week, and I’m losing my mind stressing over not having any money for important expenses, not even counting this fun hobby, but we’ll see how it goes. Positive thoughts. Thanks @George @mota @Magu.

Here’s my outdoor plants at the moment:

Kannabia Seed Company, Swiss Dream Auto CBD, Week 9
It should be ready to harvest next week or so.

Kannabia Seed Company, Swiss Dream Rosé Auto CBD, Week 7
My heatwave-deformed runt, but has a pretty inflorescence and a nice floral smell.

Kannabia Seed Company, Kama Kush CBD, Week 7

Kannabia Seed Company, Colombian Jack, Week 10
Going to have to prop this one up soon. Didn’t expect it to get so tall before the bloom stretch, and she’s a leaner already.

Kannabia Seed Company, Monkey Grease, Week 32
The only monster I have this year. I usually have more, but I got lazy. She was born on Dec. 9, making her well over half a year old, and all her tops are over 5ft tall currently.


Your plants look beautiful :kissing_heart:, they should cheer you up for a great job done, they need and appreciate your attention and will finally reward you, don’t give up … beer3|nullxnull


The secret to my outdoor plants is no attention. They just…grow. No fertilizer. No manual watering. Completely natural except for maybe plucking a leaf here or there.



Correction. The almost ready Swiss Dream plant had cabbage loopers last week…a few weeks earlier than usual. I sprayed the hell out of it and all my other plants with Bt ssp. kurstaki. I hate cabbage loopers.


Then you’re using the secret ingredient icon8|nullxnull, never fails down … :grin:


I’ve been pointedly ignoring my plants and mine don’t look nearly as good as the ones you’re ignoring! ROFLMAO