Resimax's Outdoor Garden

Unrelated, but 1 week ago I harvested an indoor plant that I can’t believe. It smells so yummy…pure citrus, and was my largest harvest off of 1 autoflowering plant indoor. 145g (~5.1oz).

Please excuse the yellow heat stress. We had triple digits the past couple weeks, and my heavy-duty A/C was struggling to keep it below 90F.

She also had one of the smallest rootballs I’ve ever seen. Proof that size doesn’t matter down below :laughing:


Hell yea man ! You are almost to the finish line. I always use the winter time to work on the soil and plan next years garden. That is how nature intended it to be. Does not cost anything in the winter. :grin: :rainbow:

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I would lose my mind if I wasn’t growing in the winter. I have 3 indoor tents, but luckily I don’t pay for rent or electricity where I live. Me, the wife and kid moved into my parents a few years ago to help my father get some canna-medicine and help out around the house. Yep, I’m a loser. But I can’t work with my own medical condition, so doing what I can to help out.

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In most of the world people live in homes that have multiple generations living in them. That is what works best for everyone. Its not the norm in the U.S.A. which probably is the reason for so much “family disfunction” in the US. My family has always had several generations living on our farm. :grin: :rainbow:

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Can I have a small plot of your farmland? I wish I had a farm. Room for composting even would work. And my soil here is like masonry sand. Not the most ideal for growing nearly all my veggies, but the cannaweed doesn’t mind as you can see.

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My entire pumpkin patch shriveled up and died over the course of 2 days, by some strange doing. Stranger is 1 vine decided to live for the last 3 weeks since, the only one with a fruit:


I harvested Swiss Dream Auto CBD today at 9 1/2 weeks old. These pictures are from 3 days ago because I forgot to take one before the chop:

She matured a bit faster this week and was ready enough for me. She’s hanging to dry and I’ll post trimmed buds later.


I put up a couple of bamboo stakes for Colombian Jack today, defoliating two large fan leaves that didn’t look the greatest to make room for the ties.

When I got a closer look at her stem, everything started to make sense as to why she is so leafy: she has a fasciation mutation, where the stem is flat and wide, and her apical growth is going to create an oblong bud.

I never had one of these before, but I’m not really looking forward to it, as the inflorescence is going to be filled with leaves. Interesting though.


Monkey Grease is looking like a monster now at more than 33 weeks old. I’m not sure if she’ll stretch much because I decreased the light hours slowly when she was about 15 weeks old, to try to slow her down while she was indoor, and she stretched quite a bit from that, thinking it was close to flowering time. Maybe though? I never decreased the light slowly twice on a very old plant before. What do the experts think?


Kama Kush is bushing out a bit more, and getting eaten a bit more. She is the only plant in my garden that has the disadvantage of being next to my pumpkin patch with another ecosystem of insects from the brush, and I’m just letting her grow without any IPM treatment. My plants usually do okay with a little leaf hopper damage here and there, so I’m not worried.

I’m letting you all decide on this one…should I top her again (a few times)? We only did one topping about a month ago, but we have time for more. What do you all think?


Swiss Dream Rose Auto CBD is starting to bulken up and get red stigmas. She seems like the fastest progressing autoflower I did this year. I don’t think it will be much longer…another week or two tops.


Bonus update this week, previously unseen runts in my garden.

VCDC F3 (Moxie seeds), week 12 (yes, really, week 12):

Another Colombian Jack (like the tall lanky one I’ve been showing off), also at 12 weeks. This one doubled in size in the last week, finally picking up the pace, but still only about a foot tall:

I don’t like killing plants, but I was tempted so many times with these two. Maybe one or both will surprise me.


I know it sounds crazy, but those top two pictures really remind me of Cousin Itt from the Addams Family. :laughing:


Hey @resimax . Your plants look great ! Harvest is coming soon ! :grin: :rainbow:


Hey Kannabia lovers, welcome to my pure Kannabia outdoor garden again! Last year I did a subset of my garden with Kannabia strains (3x Kiss, 1x Mataro Blue) with great results, I got a couple 5-gallon buckets of bud off of those monsters, so decided to keep it going. In fact, I lost all other 16 plants to late tornado winds end of season, and torrential downpours all summer long. All that stood in the end were Kannabia, so keeping up the tradition for good luck :slight_smile:

Oh yeah @Pawsfodocaws is growing Kiss right now under LED for the first time, and looks great. Go check their grow out too!

Just a couple pics to show this week.

My 33-week old monster Colombian Jack at 64in:

And my tiny runt of an autoflower, Swiss Dream Rose, for some early smoke which is nearly ready (another week or two):


Lol first time under a led :wink: .been at it for years.


Oops my bad. Maybe I misunderstood your latest post in that thread.

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O it’s fine man. I’ve been medical growing my own stash for 20 years

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Gotcha. Text is so confusing some times. That is how I interpreted your diary post. First time growing under leds, but not first time. That’s what I meant above too lol.

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Awe ok lol. Yes txt is confusing often times.

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