Resimax's Outdoor Garden

I think she’s fine like that … thumb


Monkey Grease (Kannabia)
Week 34

Early this week, we noticed a slight bit of white powdery mildew on some of her lower leaves. This is the only occurence I’ve had this year on any of my outdoor plants, so we immediately brought out my fermented citrus/lactose solution, and sprayed her down. It helped quite a bit, but I wanted to be thorough, not only with regular treatments, but by also removing some un-needed foliage.

We have just been letting her grow LITFA style since being placed outside, but I thought it best to lollipop her. We removed 20-25% of her foliage, and even some small branches on the lower half of her. We then took out her LST stakes, and spread her open a bit more for some added airflow, tying her down once again.

We’ll be keeping a close eye on the situation, and regularly spraying her down. Hopefully we’ll be able to fix the problem. Powdery mildew outside can be really challenging, but my foliar IPM usually does the trick, and without the trichome damaging effects of sulfur, nor with a strong smell. Infact, this solution I make can even be applied on flowers with a 0-day REI/same-day harvest.

Kannabia - Colombian Jack (mutant - fasciation)
Week 12

She’s looking rather unhappy but turned around after this picture, due to extreme heat and her thirst being hard to keep up with. Some larger leaves are starting to turn yellow, providing nutrition to other parts. I’ve been defoliating them as they get depleted of value, and doing the best I can, given her large size relative to her limited root space. We’ll just have to see how she handles finishing up. She does look sad like this a couple times per week, as she is a heavy drinker and visually shows drooping leaves very fast, but perks right up after a watering every time.

As a reminder, this plant has a “fasciation” mutation, which contributes to her odd appearance.

Kannabia - Kama Kush CBD
Week 9

Kama Kush CBD is doing pretty well. I think we will start seeing a significant growth increase and the start of flowers within the next 3 to 4 weeks.

Kannabia - Swiss Dream Rosé Auto CBD
Week 9

These pictures are actually from week 8. We forgot to take some this week before we harvested her. She was ready at the end of week 9 and is hanging to dry. I’ll report back later after that.

Kannabia - Colombian Jack (two other non-mutants)
Week 12

So, back when I started this grow, I sowed 3 seeds and was going to keep 1 to grow indoor.

The indoor one I decided to keep was forced to be placed outside, I think because of a failing light I have since replaced. I have a bad memory. That “indoor” plant has been outdoor in a 5-gallon fabric pot ever since. It is the mutant one above.

The two that were not as strong growing were going to be killed, but, I don’t really like killing plants, so I also put them both outside, except transplanted in the earth.

So, we have 3 plants of this cultivar growing outdoors, one mutant, and 2 runts that veged very slow right here.

Soon after being placed outside, one of these two plants was dug up by a rodent, and laying on the ground completely up-rooted. I wasn’t sure if it would make it after re-transplanting it. To be honest, I didn’t know if the other one would either, as both of these plants grew very slowly, and looked very yellow for several weeks.

This week is different. I took a picture of both of them side by side, making both runts part of this diary while previously unseen. The one on the right is the one that was dug up by a rodent, and was growing slower for a long time.

We can see from the image that the one that was dug up (the one on the right) is now slightly larger than the one on the left. We can also see that both appear to be very similar in appearance and growth rate. We have here two runts that more or less grew equivalently, while another plant of the same cultivar (the mutant one above) decided to reach for the sky from the very start. Pretty interesting.

These 2 plants are robust, coming from weeks of nothing, to pretty nice looking plants at this point. The only problem is they are growing rather close together, which is my fault due to space issues this year. I’m not worried though, as last year I grew 3 Kannabia Kiss plants in the same transplant hole, and was rewarded with one of my largest outdoor harvests ever, with them never competing over each other and growing as one. It was pretty nice. We’ll see what happens this year.


Kannabia - Swiss Dream Rosé Auto CBD

We harvested this one a week ago and let it air dry in the garage. No proper drying or curing for this one. I have about 30 jars filled, and I don’t want to bother as I have enough cannabis to last me a year or more.

I also didn’t want to slow dry it properly indoor because it’s cabbage looper season. I made the mistake of bringing one plant indoor to dry last year, and I was picking caterpillars off of the plants in my grow room for weeks, almost crying when whole buds were chewed off almost every day. No matter where I hang a plant to dry indoor, cabbage loopers will scent out my grow room and wreak havoc.

It tastes nice despite the rudimentary drying process, and for a CBD variety it gets me pretty high. I can’t complain.

Well, I’ll stop complaining when outdoor season is done. I’m sick of trimming already, and I have tons of jars filled with cannabis, enough to last me a very long time. Luckily this plant was so tiny, that it only took me 20 minutes to trim, and I left it all intact on the stalk as I did so.


VCDC F3 (Moxie Seeds)
Week 16

We started flowering about a week ago. This plant is tiny and never developed well all season beforehand. It’s still cute and will be fun to watch it bloom.


Monkey Grease (Kannabia)
Week 37

The powdery mildew went away with my applications. A few days later a storm snapped off a few of her main branches though. And, a few days after that she started blooming (about 2 weeks ago), so didn’t get much time to recover from the stress. Oh well, still should turn out decently.


Colombian Jack - phenotype #1 (Kannabia)
Week 15

These started blooming about 2 weeks ago. For runts that were struggling all season to be taller than a few inches, they sure did stretch and grow up fast over the last 2-3 weeks, unlike the VCDC runt above that stayed tiny.


Colombian Jack - phenotype #2 (Kannabia)
Week 15

This one started blooming 2 weeks ago. It has a fasciation mutation, which caused an excessive amount of apical foliage. She got kind of confused and put out two top colas, without topping her. It should be interesting to see what she looks like a little later.


Kama Kush CBD (Kannabia)
Week 12

This is a nice small bush – probably my favorite plant outdoors this year. She also stinks like her afghan heritage so early into bloom.


Mr. Max- The Jack Herer has skunk in it which means it has Colombian too. So that’s like a Colombian back cross. That’s one I would love to grow. Lumbos are great! Hows the odor? Jack Herer is legendary. There are plenty of great old Jack crosses and F2 s around. How are Kannabia seeds? There are great Spanish seedmakers. Some get lumped in with the whole white labeling practice which is unfair. Let me say there are plenty of crappy US and Canadian breeders with low moral fibre. It seems to be rampant in the “seedy” business.

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I’ve been growing Kannabia for years. It’s one of two big brands I like outside of the US. Their genetics never disappoint me.

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I have heard good things. Keep us posted on the Colombian Jack! I like that choice by you. What if any favorites do you have from Kannabia? Thanks Resimax.

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Their Kiss is a good variety. It’s a cheese variety, so very skunk-like too.

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Kiss last year:

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Resi- that’s a big yeilder! What was the yield on that? I will guess 1.5. Am I close? Haha. I love these times of being able to grow in backyards ! Kiss huh? Wow nice skills Resi! And Kannabia!

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Too much to weigh. I filled 3 5-gallon buckets with trimmed buds