Resimax's seeds up for trade

The next batch up for trade is up. Trades are open, but please allow me a few days (next week) to gather funds to send these out.

What I am looking for has been updated too:

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You can’t really go wrong with Captain Red Beard. Here’s one of the Surprise Mix girls I ran last year:


She’s a beauty :star_struck:

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I’m trying to help some family and friends out now, so my list of “wants” has increased to include a lot more. If you can help out, thanks!

And I still have these up for trade, with many more to come next.


Got 3 varieties still available for trade, and I now have the supplies to send them out. Grab them while they last.

If there’s no interest and they aren’t taken by the end of the week, I’ll shove them back into my stash and put up a new batch! :slight_smile:


I have to report that I have none of the strains on your want list.


Lol. You’re cracking me up here smalls


1 left for this round…


It’s cool. If you have something good make an offer. Or maybe wait til next batch if the last one isn’t for you.


Deep chunk landed danke


Unfortunately, I don’t think I want to trade here anymore.

I sent out 9 packages this week and last week. I paid for tracking for them all to make sure they got them and people know I’m serious. Some I paid an arm and a leg to ship across the world. And guess what?

More than half never even sent back yet, saying they would message me when they could.

1 larger trade was smashed in the mail I got from not being protected.

2 I got were mixed up with other strains from not being sealed good.

I’m too poor for this. I have good seeds that cost me money to get, and money to send. I wanted some I didn’t grow before, but not this bad. I’m down more strains than what I started with.

@Pawsfodocaws, @splinter7, and I think 1 or 2 more people got hit by the same bad traders recently. I’m sorry for them too.

Yes I have coin flips and washers but I wanted to be good on my word for a first batch of trades and test the waters.

I liked this site better before I traded.

Thank you to the few people that traded decently with me and those that offered to send for nothing in return. I need a break until I can afford to lose seeds. I don’t have many different strains anymore.


I’ve got some Strawberry Temple (Bodhi) x Sweet and Sour Cindy (BOG/Doug) that I can send to get you a little bit of variety, no trade required. I’m sorry that the trades aren’t working out for you


Thanks @Jim. 2 other people offered to do the same with no trade required and I didn’t want to burden them at first, but I eventually accepted the offer. I’m starting to feel like a scumbag now. I would have liked to trade properly with good traders like I did on other sites. I got burned before, but never to this extent. I’m very poor and it makes me feel like a bigger loser accepting gifts though. I’m sort of in a lose-lose situation.


Stick around man. Things will look up this is the best forum out there for our plant. Users will give love. Some will lie and cheat.


Thanks @Pawsfodocaws. The only good trades came from your way. Glad you got mine ok too. Maybe I’ll try again in the future. It’s too stressful right now.


I understand. Don’t feel like a scumbag though. I’m sure that nobody offered you anything that they didn’t want to see you have. Just make sure to tag the sender when you grow them, that’s the best way to say thank you around here lol


Popped in to say I’m sorry you’ve gotten stiffed out of some trades. I’m new here, but for what it’s worth, I don’t think most people here are like that. I’m not looking for a trade or anything but I’ve got some extra stuff laying around and if you’re in the US I’ll happily bubble mailer you some stuff in original packaging/centrifuge tubes. DM and I can give you a list of my extras / spare seeds.



Hey dude, i don’t feel like i got stiffed. That guy just didn’t know quack about sending seeds in the mail…my guess is he is under 21, maybe under 18…i know where i was then.

I was quite hesitant after joining up to do any trades. what got me there was the incredible generosity and diligence of so many people here will to just give you stuff for nothing in exchange. hang around, win a few seeds drawings, and let a few people treat you real nice. Then, bless any poor soul who doesn’t live up to a trade.

For the most part, when you put send seeds in the mail, there are no guarantees. It’s just giving.


Hey man best bet is to sit back for a bit and watch what members seem to be honest and helpful. Most people ive met and traded with were straight up individuals but i usually communicated with them in the past or present before a trade is worked out.
I also had great experiences with random people by looking to trade for something and they just give me it to help out thats also how i met some good people.

My usps is a mess and i have been waiting for a lot of mail that also puts some pressure on the trades but im confident there are more good then bad here. You just gotta watch for the beggars and sock puppets, people will lie and cheat to make a profit anywhere including here.
I hope you get everything straightened out and all your trades are made proper. Also if you get stiffed please put the memebers user nam out there so others know not to send first/trade with them (if that is allowed…it should be lol)


@Jim @Pawsfodocaws @9mag @splinter7 @seeds2weeds

Thanks all. I was feeling a little bummed but I got some nice replies here that helped me feel better.

I’m like really poor, and I knew it was a gamble, but it took me a while to come up with the money to do some trades, and I’m down quite a few strains from what I started with.

The thing is I don’t grow the same thing twice, and only wanted to trade to try to get some new genetics.

Lately it has been tough. I’m disabled with no income, and still jumping through social security hoops. I spend all my free time sitting online because I can’t work or even leave my house, so thought I’d try trading here.

I got some new seeds, so I can’t really complain. I just lost a ton and wanted to use them to try to get some more genetics.

I believe most people here are good people. I think I over-reacted. It just hurt because of how much I lost and how much I spent. It took me over a month to get enough money from selling random odds and ends on Amazon to even do those few trades.

But I’m feeling better and I’m not sweating it. I’ll try trading again when I can…right now I’m too poor. I met at least one nice person through a trade, which is a plus, because I don’t even really have any friends, online or off. I usually keep to myself heh.

Anyway, thank you for being human. This site does really make me happy more than not. I appreciate all of you.