Rest in Peace Stoney

Although I did not know him extremely well, we have interacted many times and were recently speaking about getting some cuts together. Well I was recently informed by brother Katsu that Stoney of Stone Farms @Stoney917 is no longer with us. This man was an absolute wealth of knowledge regarding cannabis geneology , strain histories and verifying stuff as well, he also held one of the biggest clone banks next to Nspecta that I know of…. Rest in paradise Stoney, until we meet again :facepunch:t2:


We lost another one huh? :confused:
Too many too often these days…WTF???
I did not know him but and friend of yours is a friend of mine.
R.I.P. canna-brother Stoney.


Ya it’s been crazy lately. It’s like just when things go back to normal…… NEXT :man_facepalming:t2:


We are getting older. Sorry to hear. I wish more books were written about these people. I had a birthday a few days ago. I’m over the halfway mark.
Not getting any younger.


I don’t know what the hell is going on but people are dropping like flies since 2019.

Stoney is known to me by reputation only but his work speaks volumes in the canna community.

Go easy brother Stoney, RIP


I hear you bro, I’m getting there too, it’s my bday in a week. Happy Belated @Hemp everytime I turn around lately and so many are sudden/tragic it surely does make you appreciate life much more though when your friends and peers start dropping like flies.


I have been falling a lot lately. Had something done to my legs have made them very weak. But I’m doing a ton better.


Sorry to hear that @hemp but I am glad you’ve been doing better lately. Be careful I hope it’s not your hip? My dad needs a surgery/replacement he’s constantly in pain and stumbles a lot too


It’s pretty sad to see the people that probably grew or bred the weed I started smoking with passing the past year.


It really is @DirtMcGirrt so many absolute masters of their craft gone. It’s very sad and quickly reminds me I’m not getting any younger and to cherish every moment and the people you spend them with. It’s sad but true that loss is becoming just another part of my day now…. Cried many tears and spent way too long feeling sorry. Time to live, laugh, celebrate life.


RIP Stoney.

We are really losing so many old school guys that worked so hard on this plant, it’s sad to see not so many people with similar mindsets, but rather countless guys with a new get rich quick scheme.


I didn’t know him personally, but its always really sad to hear when somebody passes. Especially when its somebody loved by so many. Rest Easy Stoney :pray:


Amen to that…. This industry has done a 180 that’s for sure. 20 years ago it was a whole different ballgame that’s for sure. We keep losing these gems of human beings with the keep the old school alive mentality and we’re bound to lose more than just them. I’m sure there’s cuts being lost in the process that others don’t care for or just can’t house. And after enough of that we’ll have 1/2 of what we once did and the other 1/2 will be cookies :man_facepalming:t2:


Yeah stoney @Stoney917 popped on here a while back. Definitely sad to see his passing, he was a good supporter of mine and mine of his. Rest in peace.


Same here, we’ve been talking on IG and other forums for a few years, had a nice video chat with him and Katsu a couple times too, he sent me some stuff to work with so I suppose after the Chem Jones and Useful repro it’s time to do one for Stoney. Yup I need a warehouse 100%


Auction on IG to help brother Stoney’s family


I will be getting some packs of my work together to donate to the auction for Stoney’s wife. The homie who is running the auction, his wife is battling cancer, so I am also sending in some packs for her auction as well. RIP Stoney. Fuck cancer. Positive vibes…



All the OG growers moving on to a higher plain of existence is why I have educated and taught my daughter thevwho how what’s where’s and why’s we grow medicine not drugs. And with the internet and Google someday she will become a better grower/producer than I ever was or could be and a pat on my back my bud is not to shabby

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