Return to growing after almost 20 years..

Have you seen @Tracker garden???
He will be still trimming this time next year.

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Well my trimming is a hack job. I fill up the buckets, but they dont look pretty.

Embarrassingly I do not have one but I am looking online now for one since you mentioned it. Looks like they have lids with them built in. I am thinking about picking up a couple so I can monitor what a batch looks like from that perspective. Thanks for bringing that up!

I monitor the moisture content of the jars using weight of what is the jar and then re weigh it two days later or so after I put it in the jars and usually do this for the first two weeks. The difference of how much the weight goes down between weigh ins tells me how much moisture I still have in the product. I am getting my grows tested now and it will show me when I go in the jar how much water content there is as well.

My environment avg’s about this.

Ideally you want to be around 60-65F to dry out and a 50% RH. Because my grow room is a giant lung room the humidity in here never gets over 45%. So a little dryer but that is about as close I can dial it in.



I hate trimming. Just the thought of 140 days of trimming 20 grows gives me this face.

2022-11-02 13_01_13-Window

Yeah it gives me something to do during webex meetings for work but blah!


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I just order 3 of those lids with the meters in them. They should be here before I cut the blackberries down. I will run the same test then. Great Idea!


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I use the cheap multipacks of hygrometers from amazon. Put all of them together in a jar overnight to verify they have the same reading within whatever is your tolerance. I usually get 1 or 2 that are 3% or 4% different than the others, and I just toss those. No big deal as cheap as they are. I put them on top of flower in the buckets. If you use jars, they are easy to read without opening.

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Trackers plants remind me of the neighbor in home improvement that you can just barely see over the fence. :):slight_smile:


Strong suggestion against buying these!!!

I have the HiLids, both digital and the manual and neither of them have proven to be useful or accurate. Great concept but, at least for me, they never matched the RH as a high quality Hygrometer inside the jar. I even worked with the owner to troubleshoot but no dice.

Kind of a shame really. If you really want to try them send me a PM and you can have mine, :rofl:

PS, get the cheapo little black ones on Amazon then calibrate them with the Salt Test and pitch the bad ones, keep the ones that work.


Ayet! I am gonna order some of them too! We will do multiple test inside of a test! There are a bunch of mini black ones. Anyone in particular @tracker @GrouchyOldMan


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These will be here tomorrow for the re-test on drying time for using the trimmer on the Blackberry Kush harvest which will probably be Monday Tuesday next week. Gotta put it under the scope to see whats up. Due date is 11/05.




I lost this in all my notifications. The last ones I ordered…

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These are the ones I used. Then I vacuum packed and froze them accidently. :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:

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ROFL… Stoner…


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So the little black meters came in today. Found the ones that worked right and put two buds in jars for a hour.

Bud clipped from branch 63%RH
Bud Clipped Yesterday evening 58&RH.

I have about 1./2 of the plant left to do. It is now day 8. I would say day 8 is about the right time if you don’t want a lot of stuff knocked off. I am going to run the other 1/2 tomorrow and see. I’ll post pics after I do that.

You can kinda tell when you are in that sweet spot as the trichome collected on the edge of the trimmer increase exponentially between day 7 and 8.

I have maintained 65f 46% rh avg / dark during drying.



Little update. Lots to share and will post more this evening. Lots of plates spinning atm.

Took the 3.5 oz of shake from trimming the purple kush and had a decent haul for such little amount of shake.



Update coming soon… Lots to chat about! Until then… stare at the blackberry kush. What wonderful looking colors. This weekend will be 10 weeks!



Oooooh! That’s beautiful!


Thanks @Tracker ! I am very excited to see how this turns out!


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I was gifted a washing machine for making bubble hash. Recently. I need to get some micron bags, so I have not tried it yet. My friend in Tulsa gave it to me and also gave me a block of bubble hash, that I had never tried. Now I want all my smoke like that. Haha.


My friends! What a busy week(s) it has been. We are gonna jump right in.

The Trimmer vs drying time test is going to be re-run again with the blackberry harvest using hydrometers. The test is to determine when the right time is to use a trimmer on a harvest. Will be testing out two different hydrometers.

From the first test it seems day 8 is the best time to run it through the trimmer with only a conservative number of trimmings coming off the buds. I wonder if day 7 do a run of it and then do it again on day8. I did try a couple of buds this way and out of them all they look the best. I’ll do this again with a sample of the blackberry Kush as well.

Got 6.23 grams of hash from 3.50oz of purple Kush trimmings though. I noticed when putting it under the scope that the amount of trichs per micron where much more than I had seen before. So I was expecting more than normal and 6.23grams of hash from 3.50oz of trimmings seem impressive to me.

Purple Kush Grow


The yield on the purple Kush was a little less I wanted but in line with previous grows. More trimming of leaves could have been done to promote bud growth but GOOD GOD you don’t know how many leaves I did trim from this plant. The plant vegged for 90 days and then flowered for another 68 days. Too many resources (Electricity and nutes) were given to this plant for only 7oz of gross flower. If you were growing for cash, you would have lost money on this plant.

It didn’t show much purple and most of the pictures I have seen of this strain the only purple I see is under uv lights (still don’t understand the whole UV light thing). I am seeing some dark purple show up as the bud dries. We will see.


No purple is not a big deal and welcomed for me. Being 100% Indica is also not a problem. Good candidate to cross breeding indica into another strain. The seeds have been set aside for future breeding.

Overall Comments on the Purple Kush:

Overall, I would not grow this strain again unless yield was not important. Not my favorite so far. What I have tested so far of the pk is pretty good. I did get it tested and it tested at 16%Potency. Too my knowledge where you take the bud from the plant to test is important which I did not know until now. I could have tested a side bud. When I test the blackberry Kush I am going to have two samples tested from the plant. This plant though is a wonderful candidate to cross breed into other strains being 100% indica and nothing else. Be prepared to trim your ass off. We will see after 60 days how it turns out.

BlackBerry Kush Grow:

The blackberry Kush is very close to harvest. It is going on for 10 week and from the scope 11/13/2022 everything is cloudy but very little tan trichs are present. Very dark maroon- and purple-colored leaves are making it fun to watch. The grow rooms smells very grapy and fruity.

We have one last grow this year and I will post about it once we get everything done here.

Gold Leaf
Super Silver Haze
Super Skunk
Phreaky Dreams (BD/Freakshow cross)

Your Friend,