Return to growing after almost 20 years..

I keep the boys in one gallon also and the ladies in 3 gallons of soil. I thru out the soil and am using soilless this time as I had a bale of ProMix hp. I added EWC and is is supposed to contain lime stone (cal)

:green_heart: :seedling:


@floyd @G-paS Thank you for the feed back. I have a bag of promix hp here as well. I put about 3 cups of it in the bottom of my octos to bring up the PH in my water so I will use that since I will be using TPS1 as the nute.!

On another note… This not is not a dick pic. It my new overalls I got for my Birthday! I am now officially a farmer… of cannabis.

Update coming shortly. Lots to talk about.



My friends! Merry Christmas!

The second BlackBerry Kush (bbk2) has all been processed and sitting in jars. I had it tested, and it came out on point like bbk1 (19%)

I finished up the rest of the trim processing into hash. Some interesting numbers and data.



The second BBK2 was considerable smaller than the BBK1. It has less time to veg. BBK1 produced 10.94 oz. BBK2 produced 9.41oz. BBK1 had 2.5 more weeks to veg than BBK2 but the question must be asked. Is 1.5-oz more of flower worth the additional grow time that cost more electricity and nutes? I think this could totally depend on your growing schedule and how much you grow. Let’s look at the Data.

  • 2 weeks added to veg time. If you do 4 batches a year that adds up to 6 weeks reclaimed which could technically line you up for another grow. Let’s say you are getting 10oz a plant per grow.
    • 4 batches – 12 plants total grown big - (3) Plants per batch = 120oz
    • 5 batches – 15 plants total grown smaller (2 weeks less) – (3) Plants per batch = 150oz

The difference is 30oz MORE per same amount of time spent if you grow them a little smaller.
My conclusion is that you don’t need to grow trees if you are growing indoors, and you will come out ahead in yield in the long run if you take back those 2 weeks of vegging per grow.

Let’s look at the hash totals between the two.

  • Almost the same amount of trim processed for each plant.|
  • BBK2 (smaller) produced almost two more grams of hash than BBK1 (Larger).|

Why is the smaller plant producing more hash than the larger BBK? Is it a fluke? Is it because there are fewer nonflowering parts on the smaller plant which would mean more energy is there to produce more trichs? Probably but I think more testing and data needs to be gathered before a conclusion is drawn from this data. I am going to grow big / small again and retest to see what the data looks like.

I thought I would be turning down things at this point as I was trying to be done by the end of the dec but here we are with two plants that won’t be done until Feb. I had 2 other plants vegging (Super Silver Haze, Gold Leaf) but they turned out to be males. Not in a position to collect pollen atm so they got chopp-ted. So, we are left with Phreaky Dreams (Retardfishmonkey is what I have nicknamed it) and a super skunk #1.

Skunk #1 looks good, and the Phreaky Dreams might have root split and I technically have two plants in the same pot at this point.

The grandpa said it was cool to post his pic of his Phreaky Dreams in flowering now. Very pretty. Mine looks nothing like his atm.

Of course, in the last 10 years we have had mild winters in Virginia but hey this year let’s bring 0F temps to Virginia and make it interesting for GR. The grow house has limited amount insulation. I know I said I was going to insulate it in the summer in a previous post, but I have not done it yet. I have a backup window AC unit that does have heat but I would prefer to run the 20 year old unit to death before I install this one. The 20-year-old AC does not have heat option. It got cold in the tents last night and the humidity is dangerously low. I can expect 8-week strains to take 10-12 weeks to complete and be done because the colder weather makes cannabis grow and mature slower. I am not going through 5 gallons of water a day now. Yeah, I have less plants now, but I am lucky if I finish out a 2.5 gallons per watering every other day. I have never grown in this cold of temps before so Temp testing it is then! It is going to be challenging and is.

2022-12-23 18_00_05-Window
2022-12-23 18_01_03-Window

One last thing to talk about is the tropical cookie seed run I am getting ready to do. I got a male tropical cookie that I chopp-ted and made clones. I have two good candidates to use. I have two new tropical cookie seeds that have popped and sitting in seeding trays atm. I hope they both are females and I can get a seed run done of this strain. The flowering grow should be done when I flip the TC seed run plants.

I dont have pics yet of the clones or seedlings but I will post them later.

I lied something else, In Jan around the 15th I will popping seed for the spring grow. I think I am going to test out Granddaddy OG which supposedly has up to 30% THC. The local grow shop record so far is 23.87% and I am going to try and beat it. I believe the strain there was MAC1. Never heard of it but anyway we are gonna try and see what Granddaddy OG spits out.

I haven’t decided yet if I am going to do all Grandpaddy OG (4) plants or only two GDOG and maybe two of another strain I have not grown yet. If I grow a male Granddaddy OG with 4 plants, it will become a seed run, and everything turned to hash. Tomato – ToeMA-TOE.

All I got my friends, I hope you have a safe, happy, Christmas holiday. I plan on staying high as sheeet all of Christmas day and enjoying the fruits of my labor!



The hash yield is determined by the plant, so if you get a clone of a great hash producer, they will produce lots as well. Small variation can be expected but not much.


Thanks for the info JC.

Interesting… So if I did the test 10 times I could expect then a more mature plant to possibly produce more hash than a smaller one in a couple of those test.

Good stuff.


Depends on how close the hash yields were. If one puts out 30 grams per kilo and one puts out 15, then you would need to grow twice as much buds to get the equivalent quantity.


Greetings @Gravitys-Rainbow,

I am following your grow with relish! I admire the way you explain your thinking and document your outcomes. Your BBK2 is a beauty.

Thanks for sharing,


Thank you for the feed back! The BBK is most def something i will grow again. Sitting back enjoying BBK1 now after 45 days of curing.


Happy New Year my friends!

Sorry for the absence but I took a couple of weeks off from the Internet and stayed high :slight_smile: With Christmas and family (got them high too!) obligations it is good time to unplug and I try and do it every year.

Update coming soon on the Tropical cookie seed run and I will be popping granddaddy OG this week for the spring run. I will attempt to challenge the local grow shop record of 23% thc tested grow. Granddaddy has up to 30% CLAIM of THC. I love a testing challenge.

Stray tuned.


I gotta post about this! Holy Cow! “SweetPea” is one of my customers who is about 70 years old and wanted to use Cannabis to help with her arthritis. She was referred to me from a friend. She has never grown cannabis before but took my “shopping list”, got the equipment she needed, ,she bought 2 zskittles and 1 blueberry seeds and popped them. She chopped a week ago and I trimmed her harvest up with my trimmer and I had it tested. SHE HIT IT OUT THE PARK MY FRIENDS on her first grow!

11OZ total and this.

The BlueBerry was only supposed to test up to 16%… hehehe

She was using just TPS1 with no other snake oil products to boost terps etc.

She now holds the top two positions for most thc this month at the local grow shop and almost took the Record and missed it by .20%!

What a great Job SweetPea on your first grow. Very proud of you!



How big of a sample is required for testing? I need to head to Mechanicsville soon and need some soil so might knock out two things at once.

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a gram. I just grab a bud and whatever they don’t use I let them have it. It does hash as well but i havent tested any of that yet. They have a large selection of soil to0 just dont buy up all my Sunshine Mix #4 :slight_smile: If you go in there and see the board for top THC… That is sweetPea’s stuff!

P.S. Josh at the shop is the grandfather of the male freakshow I crossed with blue dreams. He has already harvested and tested the Phreaky Dreams and it came out at 21%. He is continuing to clone the phreaky dreams line. There will probably be a lot of it floating around here in Mechanicsville soon.



Mini Update. Preparing for spring grow. High as shit on BBK hash atm. I have done forgot my name… Dropping seeds in water tomorrow. Grand-daddy OG on deck. I gotta try and take the title from Sweet Pea! :slight_smile: Getting ready for a tropicainananana cookie seed run as well…

Full update this weekend! Lots going on!



Cool man I go in that grow shop occasionally when I wanna hit Aldis or Tractor Supply. That one guy in there knows his Trailer Park Boys word for word so I know he’s alright :laughing:


Well done @laquiqa !


What I like about testing it is that you can dial your edibles in when using hash which I am about to do very shortly to see if I can make some that I can actually feel.

I keep a spread sheet on the batches of edibles (Gummies). My formula is ::

%THC * GramsOfHash = TotalMGTHC

TotalMGTHC / #ofEdibles = MGTHCPerGummie

The next batch looks like this.
19%thc X 7GramsofHash = 13,300MG of THC

13,300MG of thc / 75 Gummies = 177.33THC per gummie



What’s the sample amount required for testing? Have you considered doing this…

Determine total weight of buds from lowers, mid plant & upper/main branches. Then if total weight for lowers = 50g, mid =100g, upper/main =200g

Send in for testing…mixed together
0.5g from lowers
1g from mid
2g from main branches

Assuming different parts of the plant have varying levels of cannabinoids. Haven’t seen any science on this, just a guess at possible way of achieving some higher accuracy in dosing. #nerd


So Sam at the grow shop was telling me that you should go down from the top bud a 2 intersections and get the sample from there. The top buds are younger buds and havent had the time the lower branch ones have been building trichs. Just needs about a gram and I am sending sample to test the day I put them in jars which is about 10-12 days.



Yeah, I like having a rough estimate of %'s for edibles and even more so to just to confirm that my moisture content was spot on. I’ve seen how test can easily be changed to influence higher or lower thc%s based on where the sample was taken from on the plant.

You’re on the right track of thinking, certain producers will pick the finest nugs in a room full of thousands of different plants (might not even be from clones) and whatever test the highest is what gets put on the label for all the plants. A more accurate sample would be to take samples from multiple areas of multiple random plants but when people walk into a retail setting those %s are what they are buying.