Return to growing after almost 20 years..

Boo! One of my 3x4 LED’s just went “SNAP” One of the first lights I bought a year 1/2 ago. Glad I keep one extra one around and it was in a tent with 24 light atm.

How long on avg do people go through LED’s? Mine are not expensive and I just mark it up as “Cost of doing business” It has pretty much been on ever since I got it. I know I have some warranty stuff around here and if is still in the time I’ll RMA it.

Update coming!


1.5 years of 24hrs on is 13k hours. Most of the sellers list 50k hours life on their fixtures. If it’s always been used within the temp and humidity limits on the spec sheet, I would definitely inform the seller. Most of my cheap lights were purchased on Amazon with discount codes. I had a couple that had issues within a year. I contacted the sellers through Amazon, and they sent out new lights. They’re always trying to keep their reviews as high as possible.


I’ll do that! Thank @Tracker

I got them off amazon too.



If the seller does not respond within a day or two, just post a negative review explaining that the light does not perform to specifications posted by the seller. Say you tried to reach out, but the seller didn’t care to support their product. You should get a response soon after you post. Amazon sellers are very sensitive to negative reviews.


Yah think they will get me straight. The brand of lights i use is abriselux.


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I mis-typed something in my formula above,…

shout be (%THC * GramsOfHash)* 100 = TotalMGTHC)



My friends! I’m done with winter. Let’s get Feb over with quickly so the games can begin! Uhh I want it to be warm so I can start complaining about too much humidity! :blush:

The Phreaky Dreams and Super Skunk grow is moving on. The super skunk is supposed to be ready by Feb 14th but I don’t see this happening. The low temps and very low humidity has caused the plants to grow and flower very slowly. This will push the chopped date by two weeks at least. The Trich’s will tell us in the end when, but I don’t expect them to be done until 10 weeks. That puts us at the end of February for the Super Skunk and the Phreaky Dreams is about 1.5 weeks behind the Skunk so now we are into the middle of march.

The Phreaky Dreams is an interesting looking plant for sure. The bottom says “I wanna be like my daddy” but the top says “I’m here to party like my momma” This won’t be ready until about March 1st.
Hope it tests out like the one the other grandpa grew and tested out at 21%. If so then I will probably keep it going and re-breed to make F2 seeds. Cant wait to smoke it!

The delay is throwing my timelines off as I was expecting to be done with these two by the end of Jan where I was going to do a seed run of Tropicana Cookie. Well these took a little longer to get going and veg as well. I feel like I will be in the middle of April with pollen flying around the grow house and I want to be growing some personal weight at this time. There should be two other plants flowering with the PD and the Skunk but they turned out to be males. So my personal inventory took a hit of what I wanted to have prior to kick off in spring 23. So, I might scratch the TC seed run and grow them out. I will wait to do a seed run in the fall. Who knows at this point. Nature is driving and I am just a passenger. :blush:

I’ll be popping seeds for the spring run this weekend. Grandaddy OG, Durbin Poison, Green Crack. Making Hash, and getting the grow house cleaned up. Einstein will be doing the supervising of the events and doesn’t allow slacking off. He has his orange supervisor uniform on so I know he isn’t playing around.

Einstein: “Dude what are you doing sitting down… We got work to do”

Stay Free and healthy my friends! " Let there be songs to fill the air!"


an he thinks sitting down is relative !! let play :slight_smile:

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Just tested out some Zskittles (22%)and BlueBerry(23%)… 3 weeks cure… Not too harsh…

But yeah… Hahaah high as sheet atm!

Made A lot of hash today/yesterday… My Freezer has room now… Pics tomorrow…



My Friends! How is everyone! Here is an update.

Super Skunk and Phreaky Dreams are moving along, and flushing has begun with the SS. They look good and smell good. It is nice to smell a skunk plant with no fruity terps for once. Trich’s are starting to cloud in the SS and a few are starting to turn tan. It won’t be long. The colder temps have effected bud development for sure.

Phreaky Dreams

Super Skunk

One of the issues I have been working through during the cold months is the very low humidity. I had turned down my exhaust fans in the tents to help keep the warmth in longer but it was still blowing out air at a pretty good rate. So, I said, “Let’s just cut it off and see what it does.” As expect the temp when up by 20F but the humidity climbs high in 4-5 hours up to 80%. So, I got to thinking… “Is there a on / off strip I can by that monitors humidity?” The answer is yes! I bought this for $40.00 to try it out before I buy it for the rest of the tents. I can connect the exhaust fans to this thing and when a humidity threshold is hit it will cut the fan on. I can see using this during cooler months but hot months the thing probably will never cut off. I don’t expect to be growing in doors during the summer but we all know how our plans for things and the actuals don’t always line up :blush: One thing I like about this is if I want to add a humidifier in the tent , I can turn that on when a threshold bottoms out. I am pretty stoked to see how it works.

I took the rest of the trimmings from the freezer and made bubble hash. In all I ran 3 batches of 5 oz each. The stuff that is ground down weighs a little over an ounce. When all said and done, I should have close to 2 oz of hash. I was keeping the trim around to make tincture, but I think those days are over with as I am going to decarb hash and add it edibles. Each batch of tincture was costing me $35.00 in grain alcohol, and it isn’t going down in price…

The Tropicana cookies are finding their way to the resivior of the octos and I think one has hit it as it looks much healthier looking than the other one. Still haven’t decided if this is going to be a seed run or not. We will decide when the day comes and what to do.

Green Crack and Durbin poison have all popped and will be going into cups today.; What if we hit a male with one of these, what are you going to do GR? I dunno… We will decide when the day comes and what to do. I have a water mark of what I want to have for personal use and right now it is under that mark.

That is all I have my friends!
Stay Safe and Free!


I’ve been making tinctures from decarbed rosin lately. One gram of rosin to an ounce of grain alcohol, it can even be the cheaper 80 proof stuff. :wink:

MCT oil makes a good tincture too, same as above without the burn.


StarDate 47634.44 : Supplemental…

So the humidity switch is working great. Installed it and it is doing a good job of maintaining the humidity where I want it to be without having the fan to be on all the time.

First time growing in these conditions for me. Has been interesting for sure.



As I sit here HIGH , I mean HIGH as sheet… Just a shout out to @JoeCrowe . I sure have enjoyed all the knowledge you have shared… Thank you again… March on! :slight_smile:


Thanks! This year I’m pulling off the impossible, in my quest for gold :slight_smile:

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Small update:

The Tropicana cookies have hit water in the octos. Have mentioned enough how much i love octopots… :slight_smile:

I have decided that if both are female I am gonna grow bud. If one is male I am going to select the best male and go for it. Nature it is on you now. Show me what you got… I am listening…

The super skunk is near but geez outside is still building and that means inside is building too. Just gonna let it ride another week or so… No hurry…

Phreaky Dream is showing some tan and looks well different… we will get back to her in follow up post.

The humidity power strip works like a champ. Little late though but aren’t our lessons learned as such? Will be ready again next year, Was a great test to see what would happen and yeah you can grow in much cooler temps but your yield will be lower. We will see when we weigh in the skunk and PD. I can already tell…

We got our green crack and Durban Poison want to party… and I am fine with that. What you see on top of the soil the same length is in roots. I had to pull out one from the bottom of the red cube. They broke ground 4 days ago… Sprouted in a shot glass of water 7 days ago. Run rabbit run…

The last thing is not cannabis related but growing related. As we prepare for our summer and spring grows and the work that is involved… remember that there are farmers that feed us that do this on scale of 10000x of we do for just a few cannabis plants. Just a shout out to you folks… Much respect…



So the super skunk and Phreaky Dreams are gonna get chopped today. Here is why.

I love having a scope… would have never seen this.

How many legs do you see? 6 or 8? I see 8 which makes it an adult.


I captured a video too… Cannabis Mite porn.


But after chopping them, the mites leave the plant or not?
I though or have read that when plant is dead… they emigrate

Happy growings!

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I have never heard that they leave when you chop them. I have seen them on a chopped plant that was 3-4 days old before. Usually you want to wash them. You can spray them down lightly if your not ready to chop but you wont get them all. I wash all my grows that I am not making hash out of after i harvest so washing them isn’t out of normally what I do. I do plan on making hash out of this plant. Buds trimming and everything but wanted to get these little bitches off my plant immediately. Some people claim they can clean them off and get rid of them and move on. I have yet to see this done successful. Usually you get them around week 6-7 and I usually just go ahead and harvest the plant.



I just got a couple Inc. birds last week they’re bad ass I love them