Return to growing after almost 20 years..

Ahh, well then I was wrong.

Lucky me , I only have white fly, long ago, that I take to the indoor from an infestation that I had on my basil plants.
With neem and patience could eliminate them.

Happy growings!!


You too! This will end hopefully for me with Soil Sterilization via microwave oven I have coming. The soil I use isnt cheap and like to get at least 2 runs with it. I am pretty sure this is where they came from.



Those mites need a host to survive, and can only crawl 90cm without one. This one time the mites were living on a squash in the cupboard, and crawling on my origami. One day I was like hmmmm mites don’t live on origami, so where are they coming from?


My Friends! It has been a exciting week. Finished up trimming the Super Skunk and the Phreaky Dreams.

This grow was the lowest yield from 2022 plants I had. For a number of reasons. They were flipped way early (to avoid cold weather BAHAHAHAHA). They grew in extremely low humidity (under 38%) but I was still surprised at the yield on the Super Skunk at 6.36oz. The Phreaky Dreams could have probably gone another week but with the little bitch ass mites around it got the wack too.

The super skunk smells skunky and not fruity like all the other strains I have grown this year. The phreaky Dreams has well… No smell really. Maybe a couple of weeks in the jars , it will be present. There is a little smell but not much. I will be getting both strains tested sometime in the next couple of days.

2022 Yield Chart


Today is Grow house clean up day! Gonna get my sweep on!



My Friends! Another exciting week with a lot of work being done.

Is the grow house clean? Heck no! Octo’s cleaned up and ready to go? Heck no! Are you being lazy? Hell yeah!

So… today… no playing around we must clean up!

The Tropicana cookies are vegging out… Looking good! The spring grow is sprouted and ready for octo’s so today we must get those bags cleaned up.

We have 3 Durban Poisons and 3 Green Crack to try out this spring. Two of the plants are going to other people for growing outside this year. One of them is going to be grown on historical property here in Virginia. Not where you think but it does have connection to a chopped down cherry tree. :slight_smile:

I got the Phreaky Dreams tested and the super skunk. The phreaky dreams tested the same as the last test run on a harvest from the grandpa of the freakshow. The super skunk tested a whopping 22.30%. I wasn’t expecting such a high thc content as they were both grown in really low humidity.

That is all I have my friends! Good times… Good Times…



Hell yea man
I was just talking about Willy Wonka hours ago. Synchronicity :100:


Jinx you owe me a coke :slight_smile:


How much does testing cost where you’re at?

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Your fault. You owe me a malt.


You oughta be able to get off on that stuff. Probably illegal tho.

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$35.00. There is supposedly an app that you can pay $70.00 a year and they send you a attachment magnifier for your phone. You take a pic and it tells you how much THC is in the bud. I had two people tell me they had their grow tested and then used the app and it was spot on. Don’t know how all that works but I was going to take some stuff that I tested and have one of them run it thru their app to see what it says.



My friends! Just a small update.

We have two Tropicana Cookies on the right and a Durban Poison and Green Crack on the left. Things are growing… That is all I have.



Things are growing… Few more weeks before flip probably second week in April. Not much to report… Kinda brings me back to my point about octos. You put the plant in, feed it correct nutes (TPS1) and you have nothing to talk about until they start budding because simply there are no problems to discuss. Just growing along great!



Hey @LedZeppelin Cool Name.

I should have posted that I have postponed this as I have a lot of Soil that I ordered (4 bales) that I need to get out and I am using the recycled soil in potting plants that you would scatter over house etc. I have considered making my own Sunshine MIx#4 but that is for another time. I have reconsidered re-selling my used soil cheap because that stuff is loaded with tps1. “You want TOMATOES go get this guys soil” :slight_smile:

If I was going to do it maybe 2 Qters. My dilemma was that I wanted a bigger one but I am limited to 30amps in my grow house.

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Mr friends… Again nothing much to report… Growing… Going to flip next week.
Octo’s & TPS1 for the win!

Hair cuts this week.



My Friends,

Flipping tomorrow… Discussion and Pics next week…


TP=Tropicana Cookie.



My friends! Spring has sprung finally!

We are 15 days into flowering and everything is look great! 4 females no males… oot oot!

Absolutely no problems to discuss here… Healthy looking plants. 2 Tropicana Cookies and 2 Durban Poison

OctoPots and TPS1 for the win!



My Friends!

Not much to report. 17 days into flowering. Most interesting photo is the lung room (grow house) is in the pipe 5x5. Tents are the sameish…



I’m out of likes @Gravitys-Rainbow , but ive caught up on you grows and wow, I’m impressed! Thank you for all the thoughtful info and data! We love data nom nom nom.

Great job!!!


Thank @nefrella ! Enjoy!