Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station


Well this is a terrible thread to drop into when ur out of likes! Things are finally hitting the gas pedal! Loving it u two!!! Way to get things rockin and rollin


Looking forward to see this grow moves along and what you decide to select.


Got home from work today on a mission…

But also needed to chill while doing it… :laughing: :beer:

Picked up this light commercial Ispring R.O. In hindsight I would not have picked this model up again seeing the amount of waste water to clean water but I got such a screamin’ deal on this I couldn’t pass it up.

Had to tap in under the sink instead of tapping into my water line like I was going to. Actually worked out better to help save the RO filters since it’s after the softener.

After a bunch of 1/4 inch tube routing and cutting I got to the final setup. Pretty stoked for this setup it’s going to be sooo much easier than setting up 5 gallon buckets with nutes.

The Y split will be heading to both of the 44g Brutes. One mixed for veg nutes and one for flower. Veg will be hand watered by us and the flowering tents I will be setting up with netafim for drip automation.

That’s all for now.

Big thanks and much love to @Rena93 for getting a huge discount for them sending me a bent frame. Purely cosmetic but damn in this economy that shit helps a ton haha


Yeah, RO will only give you like a 30% return on clean water, the other 70% is full of all the bad stuff. It’s the way of the RO lol. Looks good though!


I should have tested the tankless I installed in my kitchen because it claims 1:1 where this model is claiming 1:2.

But I’m too damn busy for that… lol


bet that thing is pricey, so a discount is always nice!!! :smiley:


Reservoir one complete. This may end up being my flower res. I think this 1/3 hp pump is going to be overkill.


Might be overkill? :rofl:
Hey, better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it, right?


Absolutely. haha


Damn switching to ro water for the grow huh? I been watering off my hose in topock and here in dolan without issue, has tap water been an issue in ur grows?


Let me show you what I’m working with…

City tap water… HARD as rocks.

After my RO system and I was still breaking in the filter when I took the reading it’ll probably go lower like the one I installed in my kitchen did. But hell I’ll even take 90ish PPM over the shit I get at the tap.


Not all ppm is bad though, I’m sure lime and calcium are in the unfiltered, prob gonna have to add calmag in ur grows now 🤷 at least u have more control of what ur adding though, on a salt synthetics grow id imagine it messes with thing with all the additional salts in tap


i must be the only person who doesnt dunk those meters straight in the liquid… said in the manual on mine that if you submerge it over the threshold it damages the meter so i hang them right on the level.


I’ve been doing it like this for years without issue… lol


I’ve been running RO for the last couple of years and running Athena I haven’t had to add shit. Two parts rinse and repeat lol

knocks on wood Better not have issues this run but I’m over here feeling like a straight rook again haha it’s been a while.


holy fuck ,so high that it can kiss the sky man! my tap comes out around 7 :sweat_smile:

the hanna meters are the best! it can even fall in and survive with out any probs!!!

milwaukees are not that good in swimming and divng! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Jesus I thought mine was high at 450+!


yeah I usually blow people’s minds when I show the tap water readings around here. You can chew on it. haha


Might break a tooth if you do that! :rofl::rofl:


Don’t mix it with mt dew, u might glow in the dark :joy::rofl:

Sadly that’s not even the worst readings I’ve seen or heard in the area, it can get up to 2500 from what ive heard in the water shops

Tds aka total dissolved solids can actually have some benefits…just not in this area cuz of all the other crap in excess from it that ain’t good

If u got Netflix u should really check out the zac Efron down to earth s1e7 titled France, they do a water tasting from high quality waters around the world and some of the tds ranged from 3500 to 7400 from all the natural minerals in it.

Also explains how purified water actually works ur body more flushing essential minerals out… def an interesting watch for sure and I truly learned a few things about water from it