Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

The Athena program runs Hypochlorous acid. I’ve not had a single issues with cleanliness/buildup when it comes to this nutrient line. So far so good. Additionally I have a netafim filter inline before all the 1/4in line.

I have a 1/3 hp pump running the system. Completely overkill but that’s in my nature. lol I haven’t really dove much into timers but if it can handle 19 events then I’ll be checking them out today when I get home from work for sure. It’s currently my one downfall with the drip system. Plus it got super late last night and I wasn’t able to really check to see how the watering did for the system.


That dog is adorable :grinning:


Can I Ask where you got he nifty legged drip trays? Did you make those??
Imay have missed where you mentioned it???


Ace you’re all set then! :blush:

I love my H0Cl generator for many reasons including this one :smiley:


They’re made by The Bucket Company.

That might be my next step especially since pre-made costs are pretty high.


Thanks hun!! Greatly appreciated!!


Day 9F - Feed EC: 2.9 - 1:2 Core/Bloom

Noticed with the 5 irrigation events set at 5 minutes each I was getting zero runoff. Not an issue over the course of a day or two but I know if the substrate ec gets too high I will
more than likely see issues(though currently the plants look great). I should probably invest in a quality EC meter.

Decided to add a minute to each event until my new nearpow timer gets here which will let me program up to 19 shots. (good call @NoCal)

Will more than likely wait for day 14 for the last heavy defoliation these plants will see.


Extremely happy with this Black Cherry F2 male that is a super cherry west bx leaner. Mean genes description for cherry west is fairly spot on to this dude.

Some of the plants are runty looking weirdos, but you can tell which ones they are by the time they’re a foot tall and there is still dank on them

He was officially flipped last night. He will be my guy for this round of pollination. Also with be collecting all the pollen I can from him.

Stem rub is killer and smells of Green apple sour straws that is so strong. I’m super stoked right now to have found this dude after my pheno hunt. He is stout AF… should have almost killed him by forgetting to water a day while he was still in his 1g but he pulled through and has been an extremely easy grower.


Hey @Rhai88 and @Rena93 … it’s 420!! I just got my grow setup going again after a surprise move… and I have chosen beans I got from you guys a while back… today is the day of all days… they go on worm :poop: lol

HAPPY 420 EVERYONE!!! 🪴 :seedling: :herb:


Hot damn! I remember those packs @Rena93 and I made!

That was when I did the 25 days of christmas giveaway! That was a minute ago! haha

I’m excited for you dude. Since then there has been a gang of Negan’s Bat (Tombstone F2 x BamBam) grown out! I think it’ll be enjoyable smoke for you! Glad you’re back in action dude!


I’m stoked for sure!!! Any info on the needs of the plant? I’m nervous… because it’s my 1st try after a 1 year break… lol


pfffttt most of these plants have been built like tanks. I’ve seen people put em through the wringer and they come out just fine. I have a local buddy doing a pheno hunt right now…dropped 20 beans. Right after he just grew 4 out a few months ago. His wife asked him to ask me for more beans haha

He says they’re super low maintenance and easy growers. So you should be good to go with the beans for a great practice run getting back into the swing of things if anything and coming out the other side with some great flower! :wink:


Right on man that’s great!!! I’m definitely super excited!!


Can confirm! Absolute pleasure to grow! No special needs, just thriving and vigor!


was your new space originally a garage or was all of this just built for this purpose?


Garage that used to be my gym lol. Concrete was shot like massive cracks and spots caving in… no insulation in the drywall. 1 - 15amp circuit in the entire garage(that one blew my mind). Garage door that was a pile of shit with a 2x4 backrod since it was falling apart and also not insulated! a single 60w bulb fixture for a working light…

Dude this project was a nightmare lol but I’m glad because now a I think I technically added living space making it insulated and air conditioned? Could be wrong.

lol I’M HIGH AF right now. @anonymous4289 Happy 4-20 brother!


Damn that looks nice… I can only hope to do that well… delicious looking bro!


Choices were made :rofl: I love your garage.
Is the whole room on 12/12 right now? Are the tents for moms? Happy 420!


yep, happy 420.

i know i’ve said it before but your space is really nice. i’m jealous. i have a space for a small room but it’s still in bad condition , i rebuilt the roof and walls and the floors are torn up and still need to be torn up. when i got to it there were actually really big holes in the roof. very dilapidated. i can’t afford to fix it up right now so it’s just sitting still there waiting. also need plumbing and electric. so far from being done but money’s tight.


I’m now in “like jail” again but :heart: