Rhai88 & Rena93's Cultivation Station

It was on sale and @Rena93 was feeling rich the other day because of her new job. Plus I managed to break our old trusty viviosun we’ve had since day 1. lol


A few shots of Royal Procession from @darkillusion

Very lush green growth. Super easy to grow so far. I will say they all seem to not need at much water as everything else I have going. There is some clawing but nothing major.

Overall I’m excited to take these to flower and have my fingers crossed for at least a couple females as no signs of sex yet but we just had a few start showing within the last couple of days.

P.s. The one on the bottom has a major gangster lean from when it started. I almost chopped but I love it now haha


Looking really nice! :facepunch:t3: Looks like you have some Royal Kush leaners maybe. This is still one of my favorite smokes I have on deck. It is a very lush plant that really didn’t ask for much at all and produced very well.


Today was a fair bit of work. Had a lot to do but the garden manager @Rena93 kicked my ass into high gear.

  • Plants transplanted from 1g’s to 3g’s
  • Feed 1:1 ratio of core:grow for week 1 F to give them that last nitrogen push. Will switch to 1:2 core:bloom at next reservoir fill.
  • Added garden stakes ahead of time for stability so roots can wrap right around em.
  • Will add drip on my next day off as well as the rest of the pump setup to run all waste to my utility sink. No more shop vac for me.


That’s a beautiful setup you have there, so much space and so clean :star_struck:


I appreciate that my friend. Took a lot of sweat blood and tears to get there. I documented the process I might have to share it one day.


that is what you call a clean and organized grow space :slight_smile:

you did both great work ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


LOVE how you were able to optimize space and still have great walkways/work space… all too often, we end upbreaking branches while squeezing past plants!


You know even with the spacing I left… it’s still a pain the ass sometimes but we make it work!

Much better than two tents in the living room like we used to do. We had a laugh last night about that actually talking about crawling into the tents with a 1gallon sprayer. Memories… rough ones lol


that’s such a nice setup man. it’ll be a long while before i can do anything like that. :+1:


This garage took almost 3 years with covid, supply chain, and all the other bullshit in between. I really do mean it was acquired through blood sweat and tears! :laughing:

…but honestly I’m super happy with it now! Keep on keeping on man if you want it bad enough you’ll definitely get there!


Soooo sick! :beers:


Get well soon. :rofl:


:laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:


I think the term " Pièce de résistance" fits here…


Day 7F
After many hours of work and changing things and sweating in an 84°F garage. I finally have the entire setup fully automated for drip. Also using the Bucket Companies runoff pump kit to send all waste water to my utility drain. I decided to add in a clean out to the drain lines for the risers as well as a on/off valve for the drip line that also runs into the runoff pump kit.

Currently I have two netafim 6in. angled stake drippers (0.5gph) in each pot. As I’m dealing with very basic timers I can only program 5 irrigation events. Realistically I’d like shorter shots and more of them but I’ll make do with what I have for now.

Also ran out of zip ties… lol need more ASAP to get these drip lines and netafim lines the way I want them.

Until next time… Photo dump!


This is where y’all must master the art of “Plant Yoga” :rofl:

Loving your setup @Rhai88 and @Rena93 !!!



I am too! …fully auto in here let’s me walk in and go straight to the plants. Complete focus on them. Pretty cool. I finally have my dream setup almost complete. Missing a few bells and whistles but that’ll come just like the rest of this almost 4 year project. lol Patience is really key in what we do…


Do you use drip clean in your mixes? :thinking:

Just remember how much of a pain in the ass 1/4" hose was until someone clued me in on that stuff. Keeps the salts in the solution vs building up.

I ran out last hydro run and didn’t have it on-hand when testing out my ΩPot2.0 and while the plants rocked because of the system working out I gotta deal with replacing clogged 1/4" now. :sweat_smile:


What an awesome setup! Just wow!
I showed my wife and she didn’t immediately say no….:joy:

What kind of pump is running the drip lines?

You’ve probably seen them, but just in case, check out nearpow timers. Up to 19 events with control down to the second for under $20.