Riot Seeds Mystery Seeds

Hello fellow growers. I hope everyone’s having a wonderful day. Thank you ahead of time for your time and help. Please don’t hold it against me. But I ordered Strawberry Diesel F3s from Riot Seeds. He included 2 free packs of mystery seeds. (Man I almost have buyers remorse. As a newbie I didnt know at the time. The type of person this breeder is. He really rubs me the wrong way. He seeks out drama more than anyone. Ive seen.) It’d be so incredible if someone knows what the mystery seeds are? Anyone else grow out the Strawberry Diesel F3s?
Big thanks everyone!


I am guessing here, but I would think they are most likely mystery seeds because they fell out of the plant prior to harvest the seeds, either on the floor or bottom of a tent etc. and were swept up.

That said, they could possibly be any cross he makes.

CSI Humboldt often sends out floor seeds as freebies, but has them denoted as Mystery plants crossed to a certain male so you at least get to know half of the genetics.


I didn’t know Mystery seeds was a thing.
If that’s the case I have all kinds of mystery seeds that I have picked and swept up.

I end up throwing them in the garden to see what happens…

Would love to see those Strawberry Diesel seeds grown out.


The man isn’t necessarily the seeds. People hate rezdog but he also made some fire shit.

I have nothing but ill will towards Matt Riot but I’m sure some of the stuff he’s made is good. It’s really not hard to do…seedmaking that is. Grow 'em and enjoy.


Hey, at least you didn’t support colin at ethos!:rofl:


No clue what you may have and no clue how the Strawberry Diesel grows.

But i do want to point something out without trying to change your opinion on Matt.

Sure he can be a little trollIish at times, but the reason I follow him and his work is because of his historical knowledge and that he also doesn’t care that people don’t like him or his work but he does care that people lie, cheat, steal or take advantage in this “community”.

Look at anyone he’s ever trolled or called out as a cheat or scammer or fraud and 9 out of 10 times it was true.

The thing is most people don’t like drama or causing drama, and that’s ok. But what this community needs more of is people like him who aren’t afraid to call out bullshit.
It’s probably why he gets a bad rap from the start before people even look into who he really is. You know judging books by their covers type of deal.

For what it’s worth, he is plugged very deep into the cannabis scene and has no need to put out fakes or use fakes, so chances are you’re going to find some fire in there.

I hope you do :green_heart: :seedling:


I just don’t like how he goes out of his way to cause drama. I mean one example. I see him post on IG warning us newbs about all the shitty breeders. Instead of that negative post that gave zero benefit. Why not just point out a few of the good breeders for me to research. Any knowledge he has gets overshadowed by all the drama he’s talking 100% of the time. Yeah I got 2 freebie packs of riot seeds with my Strawberry Diesel order. In the seed packets was a plastic seed container. no labeling at all.


There’s so many good breeders that are just as good breeding as him, have as much knowledge as him and have genetics. So all things equal. Id rather give my $$$/reward being a decent person.


Riots work is good despite his personality. I think thats just him in your face kind of thing. He is able to get some decent things an has been around for some time now. Its also true that in the last few years way way too many people who call themselves breeders have come on the market an the reality is a good number of them arnt that great (not all)but thats what places like overgrow are for so you can always speak to others about their experiences with some. As to the mystery seeds take a look at his menu an you can usual work out what males he has been working with in the last few rounds. Sometimes you can lose track of labelling or just be unsure or could even be some sort of test seeds. The likely hood is there probably going to be decent stuff too. Probably best to just contact him an ask if he can help or knows the around about genetics that may have parented them Let us know how they turn out for you.


Same here. They are called fallen soldiers by one breeder.



And the beat goes on la di de dee la di di doo
Good luck with the strawberry

I’d just run the seeds dude. Even shit breeders can have good genetics by mistake. Put it this way, if the guy hadn’t dropped those seeds on the floor, he’d be packaging them up and selling them.


I am with Mestizo…

Grow em if you got em!

Lets see some seed sprouting :seedling: up in here…


I suppose some either have more room or more time than I. Personally I won’t spend my time on mystery stuff when I can pop known good genetics. My yearly accumulated mystery seeds are for dropping up and down my atv trails. Doesn’t mean you won’t find something great. My mystery beans are full of BOG, Bohdi, JOTI and many others. Guess it all depends on the individual, some do love a good mystery :slight_smile:


B-o-d-h-i :wink:


“I suppose some either have more room or more time than I. Personally I won’t spend my time on mystery stuff when I can pop known good genetics. My yearly accumulated mystery seeds are for dropping up and down my atv trails. Doesn’t mean you won’t find something great. My mystery beans are full of BOG, Bohdi, JOTI and many others. Guess it all depends on the individual, some do love a good mystery”
I feel the same as you. This isn’t a big deal to me or anything. This is my first purchase of Riot Seeds. I assumed mystery freebies was something he sent with every order. So the info might be readily available.


LOL, you got me :rofl:

Yeah, fair enough. As I say, some do love the mystery of it all :slight_smile: Not my thing, perhaps if I had the space or plant count outdoors I would feel different. Whatever makes a person happy is always my first suggestion.

I agree with @DougDawson on this.

I just figured you could throw them beans outdoors somewhere they would have a chance to grow and see what Mother Nature can do…

You don’t have to visit them or anything but that land right next to a train track is a usually a good spot to drop some beans… Remember not to close to the tracks

Ok I am kidding but not really…:wink:


I almost created a mystery seed thread the other day. I bought some Blueberry OG Kush beans from Premium Seed Bank outta Oregon and I got 20 free mystery seeds. The reason I ordered from this seed bank is they were in the Leafly app and they praised on selling great genetics at an honest price. I grew out their blueberries and they were absolutely awesome, some of my favorite bud in a while. As for the mystery seeds I did pop a couple but neglected them dearly in small pots and flowered them outside. The little plants I grew that were mysteries were phenomenal. I just didn’t like the fact that I had no idea what they were but they were all good genetics. I’m glad you created this thread because it put my mind at ease on why and how these mystery seeds are given. The point people made of seeds falling on the floor or just mislabeling stoners made a lot of sense.


These are my mystery seeds for the year with a few white ones that passed the squish test. They will be heading to the trails soon :slight_smile: