Riot Seeds Mystery Seeds

Im with Doug on this one.

But if you’re adventurous I’m sure there’s some fire to be found if it’s coming from a reputable breeder.


I look at them as a diverse genepool to create a new cultivar with in the long run.

Simply sow them all and let them open pollinate and keep inbreeding until it’s stable.

Then introduce a new cultivar once in a while to keep the vigor up.


I would like to “unofficially” :wink: nudge you into opening a “Mystery Seed” thread.
I am sure we all have mystery seeds.
I would love to hear everyone’s story about their mystery seeds.
Where they came from and why we are holding on to them and such.
I used to throw them in the compost pile but…
I recently threw a bunch of mystery seeds outside and walked away.
To my surprise I have a few new plants. Kinda want to see what mother nature can do without me stepping in to jack it all up…

Edit: See… @Rogue is on board too…


Riot does not like me 🤷 but that’s no biggie to me, If the guy has good stuff the guy has good stuff


I may have a false memory here. If I do someone please say so.
Riot obtained all his genetics by begging for them as a caregiver for his people. He never mentioned going into the seed business at all. Most people have a problem with how he presented and pivoted I believe.

I have tons of mystery seed. I tried to keep it labeled by mom, but the donor is the mystery lol


-I’m no Riot fanboy and very much disapprove of his lack of ethics. But the strongest weed I have grown so far was his White Dawg. People still ask me for that years later


Anybody who spends any time making seeds has a huge pile of things that didn’t make the cut, or got mishandled and get chucked in the mystery bin. I think that’s probably what they are.

From the seed makers’ perspective, they’re great to give away, because they can’t really be sold anyway. Plus, it’s kind of fun just to pop some beans and see what you get. My guess is that they are all different, and even riot doesn’t know what they are – or only broadly knows what might be in there.


That’s the way it works at my house. Sometimes I just clean the table or desk and throw them all in a grab bag. Could be the best of the grow.


It sucks lol. On one hand I hate growing something not knowing what it is. But on the other hand not knowing what they are is intriguing. It makes want to just pop one each grow just for shits n giggles almost like playing lotto each time lol.

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are we growing weed or are we growing strain names??
mystery seeds can be a new cross that the breeder doesn’t want to provide linage in case other breeders wanna jack their idea. you obtained the seeds from a well known breeder, so just toss them in soil somewhere and wait.
check out “breeders syndicate podcast”


I am with @anhthormap on growing them out but only if you have space.

When I was growing indoors I would have never grown out a Mystery seed.
Grow space is at a premium.

Now that IDGAF I would grow those bad boys outside.

At the very least I would toss them in a few large pots outside and see what comes of it.

Shit, I have an area outside that I throw all my mystery seeds and the seeds that didn’t pass the pinch test. I can tell you that some seeds that don’t pass the pinch test will still germinate and grow. Not all of them but more than I would have thought.

There is always something growing on over there.
I recently found a mystery plant that somehow did not get trampled by me.
As the little bastard made it without me doing shit I am going to leave it alone and see what nature can do. 100% LITFA…
Here is a recent pic of “Her” I am hoping

Let us see what a Mystery seed can do…


@Maddawg where did the wind blow on this one.


@Emjoi802… That little girl grew up…

I vowed to leave it alone. No water no nothing…

The weather was really :fire: hot this season so I did have to water her.

Water only and I did have to give her stock a little support as she was a leaner.

This is a better look at what an immature seed thrown out into nature to fend for itself can turn into.

Mother nature is a beautiful thing :call_me_hand:


Go to your local cop shop, go to the front desk to grab a random pamphlet on something. On your way out toss some in their gardens.

Passive aggressive maybe? Lol


You know me well Grasshopper!

I have hundreds and hundreds of seeds waiting to make the rounds this spring… Cop shop, Hiking & Biking trails, the mall all camping areas, Dog parks, Barton Springs etc… Anywhere they have a chance to make it :wink:


I’m wondering, if I put seeds in my bird feeder. Can cannabis seeds be spread by birds?


Most definitely!

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Probably one the the main reasons it was so widespread in the first place. Go for it!


Every time a dog takes a shit…someone is there to pick it up.