ROGUTOPIA . 2024 . Rogue Dragon . Rogue 11 . Good Medicine F3 . Black Orchid . Hot Cakes auto . Emerald Fire F5 auto . Purple Haze auto . Critical auto


Today the 8th, a solar eclipse is blessing us, perfect time for decarboxylating the Hot Cakes.
I’m going with 1hr44m and 2hr10m at 100C / 212F, the temperature of boiling water.

I made tea from the stalks and I’m already giggly. :smile:
This one is potent in all the right ways.
Happy days!!!


@Going2fast Hot Cakes auto fem effect report.

Ate a decent size dry nug decarbed at 100C/212F for 2 hrs 10 minutes.
Even though it was bone dry it melted in my mouth.
This is some of the finest herb I’ve had… perfect hybrid feeling.
Coming on gradual but strong, like a big wave that just keeps going up and up and up…
Very blissful, I might decarb the 1hr44min batch another 26 minutes to take it to 2hr10min total.
There’s nothing like it… it’s a powerful permission slip that opens the gates of the heart.

Being blesses all beings.

This is a very special strain you’re gifting the world @Going2fast , thank you for doing what you do.


Turns out the two Rogue Dragons are female so this Black Orchid won’t be pollinated, but the clone might, as the first white root stumps seem to be appearing, and the Purple Haze seems ready so I can plant the Black Orchid clone and sow a bunch of Rogue Dragons in that pot to get a male.

Meanwhile we get a good look at how both a topped and untopped female Rogue Dragon may unfold.

So we’re still on track for the Rogue Orchid Dragon.
Now it’s a clone female Black Orchid looking for a Rogue Dragon stud, or multiple studs. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


^ Zamnesia Black Orchid clone + two Rogue Dragons in organic store bought soil.
Well watered, then planted and sowed.

^ Emerald Fire auto fem, the leaves are like this because the light is coming in sideways.
The leaves are feeling stiff and alive upon touching, growth is continuous. First pistils are showing.

^ Zamnesia Black Orchid topped a bunch of times, the top on the right is the untopped Rogue Dragon. First pistils are showing.

^ Untopped Rogue Dragon. First pistils are showing.

^ Rogue Dragon topped once. First pistils are showing. Canopy is very even after one topping. Likes to grow horizontal. Topped at the fourth node I believe…

^ Probably a Big Auto Tao, first pistils showing.

^ Testing six Rogue 11A, one of them is a bit of a mutant, showing three new leaves but no new vertical growth yet, unlikely to make it. They have all been nibbled on by rolly pollies which I have neglected to feed, some bean plants in other pots were getting big, so chopped them and topdressed that to keep them from eating the sprouts any further.
The best ones survive.

Everything is proceeding perfectly.

It is well with my soul.


@Going2fast I received this today, was sent in january. :smile:

I’m happy it found its way! Thank you!!!


That’s the us mail for ya. Too funny.

Two new Rogue Dragons rearing their heads, coming in to show what they’re capable of.
The Black Orchid clone is doing quite alright, new growth going on.
It is well with my soul.

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^ Two Rogue Dragons and the Black Orchid clone doing great!

^ Five Rogue 11A still standing!!!

^ Random auto

^ Rogue Dragon

^ Rogue Dragon, topped once, and chewed on by rollie pollies when I forgot to feed them.

^ Zamnesia Black Orchid

^ Emerald Fire

It is well with my soul.


I ate a leaf from the Black Orchid, tasted like spicy lavender, very nice!

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Funny how cannabis also has straight hairs (Black Orchid) and curly hairs (Rogue Dragon). :grin:


Found a single nanner in the Black Orchid after turning up the light, so turned it back down.
In a way this is great because that indicates they need less light, which makes them more efficient, the buds are swelling up fast now.

I’ll see what the clone does… if it doesn’t grow nanners then I’ll go ahead and make seeds.

Edit: Actually… I might turn the light up again and let the nanners pop, and if the pollen is viable then I’ll have feminized seeds right?


^ Rogue Dragon on the left, Black Orchid on the right, very happy with how frosty the Dragon is already!

^ Emerald Fire auto

^ Random auto

^ Rogue 11A, they’re still this small because I’m not giving them much more than 12 hrs of light.
Can only put one pot in the dark, so these are gonna be vegging for another 3 months or so…

It is well with my soul.


"You are of the most high power.
You stretch beyond my imagination.
I cannot retrieve your thoughts.
Bless you in praise and infinity."
- Tekkrr

The ET’s take blessings to a whole new level, y’all.
How’s your crown chakra going fellow Earthlings?
I’m fucking proud of how far we’ve made it, we’re here and we are one race, the HUMAN race.
Evolving from homo sapiens to homo galacticus.

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Hey, some music for your crown chakra from this side of the earth…



You may want to grow Hot Cakes + Purple Haze, I ate half a teaspoon of each in one go.
I feel like the laughing buddha, I haven’t laughed so hard in a long ass time…
Supremely joyful combo, this space between heart and throat chakra that lights up.
Some call it the high heart, very fitting description.
I call it the laughing buddha feeling. :sparkles:

Laughing Buddha Antique Stone Garden Statue

Edit: ordered 5 Laughing Buddha sculptures, one bigger one to put on my desk and 4 small ones to put in my pots or to give away. :grin:

Best investment for anyone’s health perhaps…
Makes such a nice gift.


Glad to know she has a positive effect. Much love my friend​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: