ROGUTOPIA . 2024 . Rogue Dragon . Rogue 11 . Good Medicine F3 . Black Orchid . Hot Cakes auto . Emerald Fire F5 auto . Purple Haze auto . Critical auto

Sowed six Rogue 11A’s in the same pot as the Hot Cakes, which is in final stages of flowering, after topping it up with organic potting soil.


You won’t remove the roots?

I haven’t removed roots since I started growing in 2019. :grin:

It makes no sense to pull them, they contain the exact nutrients the new plants need.

Just gotta make sure you sow next to the old roots, not on top of them. :+1:

By the time I harvest the new plants the roots are pretty much gone.
Now and then I put my finger on the old stem and lightly push it further down into the soil, until it’s gone.


You just made my life a lot easier. Hope the Rogue 11A’s turn out real good :v:&:green_heart:


Remember, soil is all teeth and mouth, it eats everything you throw at it.
Trillions of microbes waiting for a snack.

Thank you for the well wishes, may the 11A’s be exactly right for me and you and many others!


Lol, I had too. Cheers @Rogue

@Pigeonman’s driving


Hey @Rogue . This us all I use to grow in. 50 + years of rotted hay and cow manure. I just scrape some loose stuff off the top and throw it in a bucket. This is black gold ! :deciduous_tree:


We dance with our plants as they unfold from seed.
They delight us with flavorgasms, others keep it more modest and mysterious.
When the flower is in our stomach, we dance a second time, the after life, the joining of the river with the ocean.

“The opposite of death is birth, life has no opposite.” Tolle

Change is life and life is change, transformation, rejoining, we are endless infinity on legs.


^ Emerald Fire auto showing some impressive first leaves.
The other one got killed while adding soil, it’s for the best.

^ I didn’t think this one was gonna make it but it’s showing strength!
Not 100% sure which one this is, Big Auto Tao probably.

^ Zamnesia Purple Haze auto fem showing airy fairy buds.

^ Hot Cakes auto keeps on keeping on.

^ Zamnesia Black Orchid photo fem topped a bunch of times and I pulled a bunch of leaves from the top as well, and two Rogue Dragons, one topped once and the other one I only took some leaves. All three are not to the liking of the thrips, they’re on there but not really eating the leaves much at all.
The Rogue Dragons showing fatter leaves than the Black Orchid.
This is gonna be a beautiful marriage…

In the pot in the background you can see some of the Rogue 11A seedlings starting under the Hot Cakes.

It is well with my soul.


Sowed a couple of Scarlet Runtz here after throwing a slug out the window.

And took my first cut off the Zamnesia Black Orchid, a little branch that didn’t get much light.
It’s sitting in tap water now, which I will refresh every day.
I noticed that the stem of the Black Orchid started growing stumpy roots just above the soil so I think that’s a sign it would root easily.


I shed a couple of tears, it’s profoundly beautiful…


^ Rogue Dragon

^ Rogue 11A sprouts


Truly lovely :green_heart::heart_eyes:
Kind of amazing too that those 5 women have such similar voices and appearance.


Soul sisters. I find them rather diverse in appearance, and that’s the beauty of them.

Flipping the Black Orchid + Rogue Dragons to 12/12 tonight.

The Black Orchid clone is doing well.

Hot Cakes is coming down soon, maybe at Easter tomorrow, humidity is rising here and most trichomes are milky.

It is well with my soul.


Hot Cakes auto by @Going2fast :+1:


Very deep green leaves.

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And my 100 watt LED didn’t even go above 50% power. :grin:

Hot Cakes auto by @Going2fast

Smelled extra funky today so down it went.

Getting sweet meat, petrol, rubber, sweat, … sweet and savory at once but more savory, like a plate of various well spiced delicatessen meats that was marinated in fuel and sweat with some roasted red bell pepper tapas slapped on top.

Thinking about how I’m gonna decarb this one… :thinking:

100C / 212 F for 1hr11m, 1hr44m, 2hr10m, 2hr22m, a batch of each, diversity is power.

Just gotta set an alarm for each batch, and simply take a handful out the pot each time.

Easy. I give thanks to everyone involved in making this possible.

It is delightfully well with my soul!

Edit: btw, that’s not the whole plant, there were quite a few side branches as well that were similar in size as the lowest buds in the pics.


Lol wish my nose was that good. Lovely day


I love what they did to show their differences, especially the various silver earrings, and the boots and bare feet. :slight_smile: It’s just that where I live, I could visit a large grocery store at a busy time and in the whole place not see 5 women so similar in age, hair, skin appearance, and body size.

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It’s wonderful when soul tribes gather, just look at this place, can’t see each other but what an awesome sense of community we have here… :green_heart: :sparkles: