Romulan Lucky 13 and Romulan genetics f2 and more

So I started 2 lucky 13 Romulan for outdoor this year and both ended up Male but both have a strong menthol pine smell both had total different growth patterns #1 has been abused root bound it is the seed plant and smells slightly more slower growth and seems like it wanted to be a single cola plant

Next is the 3rd clone to keep size down much faster growth and branches out more
So I decided do some chucking instead of shutting down for the summer so I planted 7 Romulan f2 from the spring box 2 gnostic redeemer and a single freakshow on the 6th all have sprouted. The pic with 4 seedlings are lucky 13 in front and redeemer in back.
Also have a couple cuttings I’m going to throw in they are
Durban tlt 16 weeks
Orange turpentine x appy #1 & 2
Zamaldelica green -Mango slight pine
Blueberry- canuks x dj’s
Upstates silverside? From mix pack
Will be starting 12/12 on the 1st of july and will update then.


See u in july!


So all up potted a week ago the durban cut 16 weeker has been in flower since June 21.
So there’s alot going in the tent but trying to keep them small and lights close and dimmed to keep heat down here’s what I start 12/12 today.
Big pot with 3 plants in flower room for 3 days Blueberry Diesel-bottom right, cobra lips bottom left and a kristi’s og top

2nd biggest pot Romulan lucky 13 x2 and zamaldelica x [uganda x (green haze x malawi)] solo cup

6 small pots are Romulan F2 spring box bottom left smells strong already
Lone freakshow

Also got @upstate silverside* (mix pack) clone

2 gnostic redeemer
Durban poison x appy

Romulan lucky 13 Males
Have rooted clones of Blueberry, zamaldelica, orange turpentine x appy root but need couple more days.


Kristi’s OG is a male and pulled.


Looking good and green @Jimdoors good work spotting that male. I’m a romulan and G13 fan, lovin your strain selections.

Have a great Day. :sunglasses:

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Looking good in here

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Forgot the durban

And cobra lips is a female and BBD looks male


Back from vacation and Males have started only 4 romulan f2 are left one of is a female other 3 are unknown had 2 that grew straight hermi and one male that I pull

Lucky 13 males

And the 2 lucky 13 are female with a zamaldelica x uganda x GH x M

Other zam x u x gh x m

The freak show is a male so will put back in veg

Here’s Blueberry Diesel (top) cobra lips (right) Durban poison x appy (left)

1 redeemer was male other unknown


Orange turpentine x appy

Zamaldelica clone

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Oooo. I’ve had some interest in Romulans. Freakshow looks nice, too bad it was a male.

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