Rosetta Stone, Alaskan Purple and Cotton Candy Cane 2021

Welcome to OG @427Cobra :wave:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

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Thanks very much!

Pretty busy here at the homestead. Sorry for no updates.

I will be transplanting everything this afternoon using Happy Frog. Pics to follow.

Also, I prepped all four pits this week. I was able to drop off all of Ocean Forest by the side of the road then packing it in by foot. It probably saved me a mile or so of humping three bags in. I love hiking but I’m not too keen on heavy pack PT. Basic training was almost 40 years ago and I don’t want to repeat it.

I did most of the work at night since I use a mountain bike/horse trail to access the area. I didn’t take any pictures but I will when I haul the plants in. Probably about two weeks from now.

I’ll be back with transplant pictures later today. I know the thread is pretty boring at the moment so thanks for sticking with me until it gets more entertaining.



Can’t wait to take a peek.

Well, I’m finally getting around to posting these.

It seems I lost one of the Rosetta stones to something that just bit the entire top of plant off. So that leaves me with one Rosetta Stone, one Alaskan purple, and one cotton candy cane.

I have to get the pits finished this week and get them out In the field next week.

The two auto flowers which are MNSL caramelicious, I transplanted them into 5 gallon fabric pots using Fox Farm ocean forest soil. I’m going to keep these close to the property where I can keep an eye on them as I have never grown auto flowers before. As I stated earlier, I will not be treating these auto flowers really any different than my normal photo. Plants. While they’re in the 5 gallon fabric pots I will not add any nutrients for at least 30 days or unless the plant visibly is calling for it.

Thanks for tuning in!


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Maybe if you put them on the SS grill the smaller varmint won’t get them. :hamster: :rabbit: :chipmunk: :rabbit2:

Nope. After everything sprouted I moved the tray into the greenhouse. Apparently a rogue rodent got through the defenses, a.k.a. my cat.

Welcome to OG! This site is amazing and so are the people here! It’s never too late to start! You still got a good 4 or 5 months, you should have monsters in that time frame. I’m going to follow closely as i also have seedlings started for a guerilla grow about the same size as yours.


Finally an update but all is not good.

First, the Carmeliscious has been transplanted into 5 gallon fabric pots and transported to an edge of a field where old wood was dumped at the beginning of the year. They appear to be doing well.

The next part is not so good. The spots I had picked for the Rosetta Stone, Cotton Candy Cane and Alaskan Purple are compromised. Seems the farmer found someone to lease the ground and now soybeans are planted. Corn I can live with but soybeans provide no coverage.

Looks like I have to find a plan B in a hurry. I’ll fly the drone around and figure it out.
