Rosetta Stone, Alaskan Purple and Cotton Candy Cane 2021

Hello Everyone,

New to Overgrow, not new to growing. I was out last night and ran into a friend. I found out a few areas of a farm near me will be dormant this year so I decided to get a few plants in. I know its sort of late but I put a few seeds in the germinator along with my Broccoli and Aster plants.

I planted Brothers Grimm Rosetta Stone, Seedsman Alaskan Purple and Emerald Triangle Seeds Cotton Candy Cane.

I’ve had great success with anything Brothers Grimm so I know what to expect. I received the Cotton Candy Cane as a freebie with a seed order. I’ve heard great things about the breeder and strain on youtube and the internet so I am excited to see the results. As far as the Seedsman Alaskan Purple goes, I know very little about it. If anyone can give me a clue as what to expect I would appreciate it.

I placed the Cotton Candy Cane, one Alaskan Purple and two Rosetta Stones in the first row on the left. The rest of the cells are filled with Broccoli and Asters.

I used 1/4 tsp of Recharge to a gallon of tap water (PH is 6.0) and plugged the heater in. Let’s see what happens.

Later this weekend I will take a stroll around the farm and pick out where I will dig my pits. Hauling soil in is going to be a bitch but it’s worth it.

Please comment with any suggestions. I have a nice grow going on at another site but nobody seems to care lol.


Hello, and welcome to Overgrow @427Cobra!

Yup, seems a bit late to be starting your seeds for an outdoor grow, but maybe you’re in an area that allows you to grow later than most?

If you’re also posting about that “nice grow” in another thread here on Overgrow, please link it. I’d like to check it out. If not, link the other website where you have it posted. You just might find some new friends over there, too!



Yeah, I should get away with it. I am in the middle Atlantic area. No doubt the grow will go until October.

I should be able to get that done!

Thanks for stopping by.


Thanks for linking your other grow. Perhaps you’ll get more love from that community after your seedlings take off. They look to be less than a week old, but once they kick in to vigorous veg growth or, of course, flowering, everyone will pay proper attention.

Best of luck with both grows!


Welcome to OG…and thanks for sharing your new grow with us!!


Ill hang out too if you dont mind. And welcome! :smiley:


Welcome to Overgrow @427Cobra! You don’t need that other site. You have us now! I’m excited to see how you do. I will follow along.
I’m getting ready to do some outdoor work myself. Mothers day is usually my start date for the outdoor season were I live. It’s always nice to get a head start on them indoor to get them nice and strong. If your growing in a field they are going to be huge in no time!


No problem! It’s been over 15 years since I’ve posted a grow online so this should be pretty fun. Thanks for stopping by.


By all means! Twist one up sit back and relax. Always welcome in my threads. Thanks for stopping by!

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Looks like there is something to see here, I will plunk down on the grass and watch the show. Welcome to the OG community @427Cobra , always happy to see another grower join.


Got here somewhat late, but do intend to bring a blanket next time, It can get chilly hanging out at night in the Mid Atlantic Region. A Thermos of Hot Tea will get me through. As others have stated, BIG W-E-L-C-O-M-E to ya. I see most of the A-Team is here, they normally wake my old arse when I nod off. Continued success, stay safe, take special care, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:




Welcome to OG. Good luck on your grow.

Thanks for the welcome and please hang around for a while. My “arse” is pretty old as well. I bet we could trade a few stories. Any advice is welcome from one and all. Just because I have been doing this since the 1980’s doesn’t me I cannot learn anything. Hell, this year I am actually trying Autoflowers outside.


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I took a stroll through the fields and sure enough there are about 15-20 acres not being used but a fair amount is being used.

I found a spot but it does present some challenges.

Water is going to be a problem. The nearest flowing source is in the middle of a fenced cow pasture. I’m not too keen on using the water because of contamination and trespassing. Looks like I will be humping in gallons during our normal dry spell.

I need to go back and test the PH of the soil. Normally I dig a pit two feet in diameter and deep enough to hold a full bag of Ocean Forest. I know a fair amount of people feel the soil is “HOT”. I have never found this to be true for me. I would like to know what and how other growers prepare their pits.

The spot itself is what I like to see. Plenty of thorns, thickets and overgrowth making entry almost impossible. I can cut a good path in but rippers are going to need balls of steel to get to it. Not much for deer to eat and no wild berries. Plenty of sun and enough cover to hide them from the eye in the sky.

Please suggest and let me know what I am missing or improvements.



Other than the water concerns, you selected a lovely spot. Wishing you nothing but success, Bro. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

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I’ve done the Alaskan purple from seedsman, it took bout 9 wks 2 flower indoors she was definitely temperamental the last 4 wks she was a heavy nute drinker. She required double compared 2 the white widow growing next 2 her. Ocean forest will probably. best 4 her. Good luck!

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This will be the first purple strain I have grown. I’ve smoked plenty of it when I visited a friend out west. Years ago I smoked stuff called Purple Erkle. Damn fine smoke. Supposed to be close to or equal to Grand Daddy Purple. No Idea if it is. A lot of new stuff every year.


Not much to see except the Broccoli and Asters are sprouting. I looked in the cells and the beans are popping, just not out of the foam yet.

The other two plants are the Autoflowers I will be growing outside this year. It will be the first time I have grown an auto. I guess I just want to see how these things work and react to different conditions.

Cheers all! Time to make dinner.

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You checked all my boxes! Sticker bushes and all! Lol. After they’re established I just let them do there thing. Unless of corse it is really dry. Lovely spot tho. Can’t wait to see how they do.
I just dig and dump soil. Your using good soil too. I won’t start my seedlings in it tho. Nope nope.