Round 1 mini fridge grow

Weird, it could be a reaction to the silver spray… I’m really not sure


Yea seems kind of strange lol. Hasn’t been sprayed for 3 weeks, and that part was last to develop. Worst case scenario I’ll chop that off, dry it some more and see if it releases pollen

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Could I get a link to your build thread please? I can’t seem to find it…

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Oops… updated on the build page, well here’s another. Transplanted the next victim into the fabric pot and she just fits in the fridge

This girls gone through a ton of twisting bending and tying. Combined with a small pot to keep her small. It’s in very early stages of flowering and going right to 12/12


Wondering if I should do some defoliation in a day or two once its acclimated

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Gotta be foiled in order to defoil… Lol

Good on you for transplanting though, always transplant before flower.

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Could be the tinfoil causing hot spots on your crispy bud. Just use a piece of printer paper instead, reflects more light imo

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I concur man I’ve never seen that sort of damage from something like heat it’s hardly touching any bulbs for it to crisp under heat so has to be the STS really don’t it :man_shrugging:t2:


Maybe it was the “added protein” thing.


I clipped it off yesterday, and it seemed like it was kinda rotting. The top bit was dried out but the little nugs tucked in beneath it were damp and squishy…

Its dead now.

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The tinfoil was only there too catch pollen, if it was creating hotspots it would have been lower down on the plant

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Anyone have a clue what’s happening here? The clone was cut from an auto quite awhile ago. It was super slow to grow and not progressing through flowering as the mother was. It’s been slivered since being cut but just in the last week it has started looking weird like this. Humidity has been sitting at 61 but is currently 71 and out of my control due to being outside in a fridge lol


I didn’t think you could clone an auto?

You “can” but it’s supposed to stick close to the moms time line… so highly impractical. I only did it to (1) see if it could be done, cause why do shit easy and (2) in Hope’s of converting it to make pollen so I could pollenate my other auto with auto pollen.

The mother I used was early early in the flowering stage before it got stolen… shoulda been atleast 3/4 done by now judging by the one I’ve still got that was started long after


Just looked st the calendar… I cut that one on July 25 lol

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I always like to try things for myself too.:+1:


With the temps starting to drop at night I seem to be getting some purple out of her! Or a deficiency i dunno about… either way, its alive for now. Judging by my random guess as to when I started flowering, I should have 2-3 weeks left,


I think most people call that “the claw”…I think its caused by overwatering or high nitrogen levels or both…but I could very easily be wrong.
Edit: lol…sorry…just read about the purple.
Buds look fuhkin’ sweet though


May have a bit of over watering going on, the soils been taking longer to dry out latley. They’re kind of horrible pics, I was holding it sideways against the fridge for a back drop/lighting lol

Just saw your edit… lol yea sges getting chunky! Hoping theres some seeds hiding inside

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