Round 1 mini fridge grow

It’s funny because years ago, I was forum jumping and everyone was all about the sensimilla. Now it seems everyone is all about preserving and stabilizing killer genetics. Cool how the culture changes and with all the shared knowledge, anyone can breed their own seeds with a pretty good idea of what they’re doing.


Honestly I just wanted a bunch of femmed seeds for next summer because most of mine died or got stolen this year lol… if I put 100 seeds out I should get atleast 1 succes


Found more powdery mildew on my girls, gave them a spray/wipe with watered down hydrogen peroxide, it worked the first time so hopefully it works again


Ya I’d say that plant is a bit overfed. The purple could be genetic though…

As far as that auto clone goes, I have no idea WTF is happening there lol. I mean technically the thing probably shouldn’t even be alive now as it’s lifespan has passed. Is it doing anything new?


Lol the auto clone got evicted, it’s in the girlfriend’s garden fighting the rain because I lost interest in it… almost looked like it had a deformed pollen sack open up. It should definetly be way past its life cycle lol


Maybe I’m blind but i still cant confirm there is seeds, the outdoor on I pollenated with the same pollen is obvious, so the pollen should be viable. I’m wishing I actually marked when this went into flower for a better estimate.ate when it’s done.

This plant is skunk approved, he hates bud but loves the leaves


And no, it’s not a hermi… the pollen husks are on the bud because i made them smash pissers to be sure she got pollen


Poked at the pineapple chunk to see if she does have seeds, it looks like they are ripening up nicely!

After plucking it from the plant my fingers smelt like super sweet citrus and pineapple, hopefully theres a bit of bud to try and not just seeds


There will be some bud out of her wouldn’t stress over that but I would advise if you dislike hairs on your weed to keep that kitty away man pets and sticky plants aren’t great sometimes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lol I try! If I turn my back for a second hes up there chewing on it. I’ve figured out if I throw him a bribery leaf into his bowl he will leave me alone


60x close up!


So they auto clone I tossed in the garden is doing funny things… it has survived days of down pouring rain and actually started growing and seeming to put out pollen sacks

I wonder if the pollen would be any kind of reliable?


And then there’s these two.


First test of a ghetto fridge warmer. Its getting down to 14c at night inside the fridge. If the 40 watt light bulb is hot enough to bring the temp up a bit I will re engineer somthing not as sketchy as a jar with a bulb taped into it and black it out so it can make heat at night

Edit… 15 minutes in and I’ve gone from 16 to 18C. Lights are about to turn off, more testing tommorow


That auto clone is crazy. Looks like it’s trying to reveg now against all odds. Freaky!

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I gave it some dirty old miracle grow 20/20/20. I’m just going to see what it does lol… maybe keep some pollen from it

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It seems my girl is getting sick, some leaves are browning and getting crispy. I’m pretty sure I’ve gone a bit heavy on the nutes lately. So I’ve plucked the worst leaves and flushed some water through it…

Anyone have some ideas what the cause may be?


I forgot about the auto clone and checked it today… its thriving in it’s own kind if way. It seems the silver worked as it has balls. I really dont know how uts alive and not mouldy.


After dickin around trying to make a heater with a lightbulb and exhaust pipe (worked great for 2 days when the bulb burnt out) I found out heating elements for reptiles exist lol…

So i got a 100 watt heating element in a ceramic swivel base. It’s currently 13C and 69% RH here.

15 minutes in so far!


Can you supply a link for the reptile heater?