Round 1 mini fridge grow

I got these, theres different wattage and holdrs aswell



Iā€™m up to 22C. The fridge door has no insulation left so itā€™s basically a sheet metal heat sink. Iā€™m thinking if I add some insulation to it I should be able to get more heat out of it. May help as the temps drop further


Its currently 9C outside and during lights off Iā€™m at 20C .


Since adding the heater Iā€™ve been steadily above 20C and between 45-57 RH. Hopefully my RH isnt going too low now but its probably better than mid 80s!. the powdery mildew seems to be dying iff and the girls are looking better by the day! Iā€™m still holding off on cutting the seeded plant, Iā€™m just over a week into flushing with distilled water, Iā€™ll probably chop her next week some time


Here you go @rubberducky

Iā€™m getting hit hard with powdery mildew. Since the RH has been sitting in the 30s. Iā€™ve been trying to battle temp vs RH. I vaporized sulphur in there using a can and the heater bulb but it still seems to be spreading. Anyone with advice???

Just went through your trouble , I did a sulphur burn 3 times over a 6 day period and problem solved. Being your in a small space I think thereā€™s a product that you could spray that has sulphur that should accomplish the same results someone had posted tonight kills mites and powdery mildew . Iā€™ll see if I can find the link .

Thanks Iā€™ll look into it, safe during flower?

I did a 1 hr sulphur burn 2 days in a row hoping to get ahead of it, but since then my humidity hasnā€™t gone above 36

Iā€™m in a much larger space but I did 8 hr burns and like I said not a speck of mildew , I did however get a build up of sulphur on the leaves and made the mistake of spraying to clean them and not adjusting my ph before hand got some leaf burn due to high ph on the leaves.

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I was worried about going too long in such a small space lolā€¦ maybe Iā€™ll do a longer one in a couple days. What ph should the water be to rinse it?

Iā€™m thinking in the low 5,s Iā€™m not really sure just know the damage at 6.2 was quite noticeable not every leaf was effected but at least a dozen per plant ,I also did a leaf strip prior to doing the burn removing the worst of the mildew effected leaves this has been my most successful time getting rid of mildew .

Itā€™s been 2 weeks and the leaves have grew back as if nothing had happened to them and not a spec of mildew to be seen yet. Iā€™ve added a couple more fans raised the lights on temperature by 5 degrees and kept the humidity at a steady 56% .

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Iā€™ve got to get my humidity under controlā€¦ after fighting it because it was way too high I never figured Iā€™d have it go too low

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Chopped and gave the seeded plant a rough trimā€¦ I swear its bigger than it looks lol

Yes the big gnarly hair got pulled off it lol


This why I cant have nice things


Nice lol. . ā€¦

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You know meā€¦ would you expect any different lmaoā€¦

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Wow! Good catch. 20ish

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So the bud has been drying the last few days, its now dry enough to go into a jar to cure. With the center stem still in it weighed out to 9.3 grams. I stole one if the bottom buds to sample and it only had 1 seed in it, not a huge one but it does have nice coloring. For not being cured it smokes fairly smooth, still a little green though


True flat white paint has light reflective properties almost as high as mylar
Aluminum foil is like 80% light reflective

Yea bro, white paint, white paper, white plastic. Itā€™s all white.