Ryan Lee of Chimera Genetics, The Potcast, MUST LISTEN

Fuck yes. That was interesting. Listened to all three episodes twice. Great outlook on the plant. Looking forward to growing out your Chem D/NL cross and super appreciative to have received your Chem D/Purps as a freebie no less!. Will be running them later this year.


Curious if anyone has info on the chimera cut of Cannatonic. got some htfse of it coming from an outfit here in Canada, but curious if anyone has any back story on it. @Chimera


for more Podcast:
Adam Dunn Show
Pot TV
(can’t remember anymore at present) sure there are many more(not rying to high-jack this post)


The Pot Cast may have an interview about it… It seems like they had it. It used to be on Soundcloud. Google I guess.

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Growcast has a few good ones, check out Chemma lab, the Duke Diamond one, and the one with the Hawain dude and his guerilla grow stories.

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