Safe Fungicide for cannabis

All the greenie dudes I knew on the central coast swore by regalia for PM. That + Nettle FPJ was the magic combo. Citric acid spray like Nuke Em and bi weekly compost tea is great to have in the spray rotation as well. Veg only of course. They stole most of it from the organic berry growers.

10lbs is enough to nuke a thousand colonies! Works great for ground acidity as well! You can drop the ph by a single point, no problem.


It’s most likely why my well water is so acidic. We have to use a filter on the house to bring the ph up to 7+ ish. The well is coming out at 4.9ph at 40ppm and is slightly drying to the skin so that makes me think sulfur…and it’s east ok which is known to have sulphur in the water. The garden loves it, the tomatoes are going crazy with a little 15-15-15 and the well water. I wonder if I can just mist the plants with some well water?

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I would suspect there isn’t enough sulfur in there, but you could always test it with a microscope to view the results.

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Eradicate the pm with sulfur. Then every week spray. My recipe per gallon of ro water is
20 ml neem oil
60 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide
1 tsp/5ml of kelp I use maxicrop brand
5 ml surfactant. I used to use coco wet but now switched over to Dr. Bronners Eucalyptus Hemp Castile soap. Works great and the plants love it. I find that a pump type sprayer works the best to get 100% coverage. Foggers work good but best used outdoors. Also I mix a capful of Dr. Bronners into my 6 gallon brewers bucket when mixing nutes for gnats. I guarantee you success if you follow this.
I came to OG because I got pm from an infected plant that was brought into my grow. Never had pm ever and have been growing since 1991. Joe Crowe saved me from the pm rabbit hole I was in throwing everything at it to kill it off with no success. Sulfur will do it but it is not needed as a regular ipm strategy. Spray sulfur when you bring in anything that you haven’t personally sprayed yourself.


Ed Rosenthal’s Zero Tolerance is the only thing I’ve ever found truly effective on fungus and mold. Kind of pricey, though. EVERY home remedy solution is basically a waste of time, milk, soda, etc. Might slow it down slightly, but not enough to be worth the effort, in my experience. Zero Tolerance eradicates it.

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You’re the first one I’ve seen that uses a organic soap, most use Dawn or something similar. I to was thinking of Castile soap as the surfactant.

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Does no one use copper fungicide? I had pm and leaf septoria both within weeks of each other…

I caught both extremely early… 1 application knocked them both outta there for good… I’m guessing because I caught it early? These were about 3 week old plants at the time it happened

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Copper fails and it’s also hazardous to the plants. Seedlings will be killed.

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Fails?? I’m confused. It eradicated both pm and leaf septoria for me… but I did catch it early

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Yah not only is it toxic to the plant leaves, it actually won’t eradicate the mildew. Unless it was copper 2 sulfate. I had really high hopes for it too! Seemed so effective and anti microbial. 30 days later that shit came back.

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I’m at around 30 days later… still clear my friend… likening said I caught it ridiculously early… I’m thinking that’s why I won so easily

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Here is the septoria in its beginning


By the time it’s visible by the human eye it’s usually been around for 40 days since infection started.

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Here’s the pm also early catch


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You’re right it’s only been 22 days for septoria… and 17 days for the pm… but it truly looks gone…

I keep a very close watch on them every day

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It’s really hard to see anything in that image.

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I say early for the septoria because it was caught before it made spores…

Let me see if I have another pic

This is the other picture


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