Safe Fungicide for cannabis

What if I told you that looks like penicillium?

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I’d ask why you came to that conclusion @JoeCrowe

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Last image… I sure wish I’d have used the digital microscope on this to be sure…


well, I’ve actually never seen mildew grow and look like that. Lemme get a photo of what it looks like brb! lol I promise you I’m not saying this shit to be a turd. I’ll definitely explain it!

See the powdery mildew is mostly invisible. Yet it’s covering every orifice of this plant. See the hard edges on that last image, I know it’s something other than mildew.


Whatever it was went away that day with 1 treatment of copper fungicide

Lol … I don’t think you’re being a turd… so pm doesn’t show white stuff ??

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Here’s a cool image of things to expect and help identify things


The initial stages of the powdery mildew are practically invisible. Once the infestation is complete, it’s obvious to the human eye. That’s when it starts reproducing! White powder everywhere.
When there is a plant pathology, I do a positive identification and that’s when I make the decision on how to eradicate it. I use a microscope capable of redonkulous magnification. Ultra violet radiation lights up the network, as well.

Normal plant leaf under UV radiation. You can’t see the leaf, only the infestation.


I see… that’s extremely interesting… now i gotta get a uv light dammit lol

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Same leaf, visible light spectrum.


What microscope do u have.? And uv light

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Biological research microscope with a camera attached.


Holy scientist batman.
How much was that thing?

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That an amscope?

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Yah it’s an amscope camera attached to an old school microscope I bought when I started growing weed. Microscope cost like 1000$ and the camera was 300 or something like that. Microscope is darkfield which is nice! Camera takes time lapse videos at 4K. I’m in AV nerd heaven!


Haha I love it man!!

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Nice, guess you can’t get a cheap usb microscope on allieexpress for this?

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You can probably get a usb microscope camera that is semi decent. One that can positively identify parasites! If you want to measure the size of really tiny things, you need lab software as well. My ultra violet light source is just a flash light I bought at the hardware store for 15$ to detect scorpions in your sleeping bag.
There’s definitely a usb microscope thread on the forums you can see the models people purchase for like 40$ I think I remember.

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I bought this to look for leaks. Probably would work.

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