Safe Fungicide for cannabis

hi man im in australia and am outdoor i use neem its organic and does the job but 4 weeks before you chop stop useing it i also use garlic and chille spray. but i allways do eye check every day to make sure no grass hoppers and catpilers good luck man.

Garlic and chille…does it smell like Pei Wei? Does that leave a taste?

Neem oil is on the list of things that won’t work.

no man all good allways stop 4 weeks before you chop but is very good to look at your plants outside every day and kill any catapillers or grass hops that are there and they will there you. just got to find them

Fuck no. You can’t spray fungicides on your buds. People do it. And they deserve to be hung in front of a crowd.

Lovely first post, man.

Welcome. You’re free to your opinion but maybe be tolerant of others and engage in meaningful conversations rather than pooslinging.

Get to know folks and introduce yourself. Excited to get to know ya


hah hah, while I agree, you should never spray something you plan to ingest, I’m not sure threats of execution will be effective. It’s about education!


Welcome to OG, @IanPeedance!

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You can use Bacillus Subtilis in flower (used to be called Serenade, available under a different name now, but I think only in fairly large quantities).

Growing plants is all about learning, hopefully one day u will understand what I wrote.