SAN checking in @ OG

That is actually an awesome idea. Bomb!


Kasper Hauser Sounds really promising :slight_smile:

Of course the F2 is something to work with!



Iā€™d do that in my repro tent. all that I need is the core cut :grin: and some sts. When we found our keeper(s) Iā€™ll put them in the tent and make some fem porn.

Man, I regret letting her go back then :roll_eyes:


The Kaspar K I had 4 make it all males just my luck

Next round

Iā€™ll try again


Got the same once, but you know, pollen is overlooked and is pure gold in fact :smiley:


@santero Hey howā€™s it going?

Iā€™m looking for the best representations of the classic (Somaā€™s cut-like) G13 Haze available as seed on the EU market. As you happen to be pretty knowledgeable on the subject, Iā€™d like to ask if you have something to recommend?

I know that Esko had Somaā€™s male G13 Haze at some point, and that it was circulated more broadly then.

And I think DNA Genetics used the same male too, way back when they first started - before they went all candy-gas-centric. Indeed their Connie Chung was wonderful (but I never got the chance to try the Martian Mean Green, which was another interesting one.)

ā€¦ But nowadays, it seems like thereā€™s nobody claiming that they still have the male at their disposal, and it seems like I canā€™t find a pure G13 Haze line based on Somaā€™s cut, or a nice cross of it even.

I wonā€™t buy anything from Barneyā€™s ever again. I doubt that their G13 Haze is really G13 Haze and even if it is, I wonā€™t have it.

In the end, if I canā€™t find anything with Somaā€™s in it, Iā€™ll probably go for Shantiā€™s current offering, even if it is a bit different, like it evidently is.

I want the sweaty sour cream sandalwood bergamot-citron G13 Haze.

Sorry 'bout the rant - Iā€™m just trying to convey that Iā€™m very serious about finding the best G13 Haze on the market. :sweat_smile:

Anyway, Iā€™d be very thankful for any tidbits of info you might give.

I hope that everything is staying on course in your garden and life, and you are having a nurturing and plentiful springtime over there.


I thought Professor P from Dynasty Genetics/Relic Seeds still had an original G13Haze male? Heā€™s done a bit of work with it including a backcross.


Just wanted to say thank you to the super nice guy across the pondā€¦youā€™re awesome brother!


heya, mate.
i never had this male or made anything
with that pollen, so i canā€™t really help :frowning:

the few seedlines i have in my stash with this genetics, i would reproduce
first before i was able to share it out. i think, i have a freebie from sannieā€™s
shop that was amnesia haze x g13 haze. could be nice to bring back, no?

either way:
i would like to evolve my tributes and widen the scope to more seedmakers
from sannieā€™s old place ā€¦ now that he stopped his venture, i bet there would
be a few happy faces about lines like selene, jack, shack, jackberry, kolossus,
killing fields and many other creations making a comeback (?)

the lines / freebies made by knutsel & sannie, whazzup and the other
seedmakers like the early works from profp/dynasty seeds and mota
or lines from fusion seeds. there was so many good stuff in that shop.
these genetics accompanied my cannabis-adventures for quite a while
and influenced me until this day ā€¦ loosing them would be kinda sad :thinking:

i digress, lol ā€¦ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Time to make a new cupwinner, maybe mix the cherries with the sweet sugarpunch-ā€˜candy phenoā€™ shackZilla lines. Heavy yielding great bag appeal cherries-candy-haze.


itā€™s more about preserving the lines in pure form, but i
totally hear ya: crosses can happen on the sidelines :yum:


You have been preserving so much! Maybe now it is time to use your knowledge for a new cup winner. All established seed companys look unable.


damn, but i donā€™t care about cups ā€¦
now what? :frowning:


but seriously:
itā€™s not like i donā€™t make enough crosses already, haha.
(that will never stop, of course.)

also, me sharing for free ā€¦ that will also never change.
fuck money ! lol


Oops wrong threadā€¦

or not lol

keep up the good vibe!


Joke aside, your idea to widen your tributes is neat. Iā€™m sure that would please quite a lot of people.


I know I have a pack of blue hammer some where

I just canā€™t fine it


If you make the next ā€™ cup winner ā€™ and sell the seeds on websites like seadheaven, and you donā€™t ask wolff of wallstreet prices. You can take down the whole money thinking established seed companys andā€¦ i hope that a part of the 20-25 euro/10 seeds goes to you so you can do even more for the community. It is completely fair if people pay you a normal price for the seeds.

I could not sleep good if you give me seeds for free. Sorry, i know how much time growing and breeding takes.


Maybe thatā€™s why thereā€™s little chance to win a big cannabis cup in this conditions. Especially with the corruption history behind some of them.


i noticed that from time to time i do have to explain my operation.
most people just canā€™t understand my ā€œawful commieā€ ideas :grin:
(pretty sure itā€™ll get me into the grave sooner or later, lol ā€¦)


okay, here goes:
i am NOT a ā€œbreederā€, i am a private seedmaker, no more no less.

the lines i create i actually only create for myself and my wife, lol.
if people like them too and want some ā€¦ i freely share them, easy.
thatā€™s all, thank you :wink:

but ā€¦

it became so many people after a while, that i started to sell a few,
so i have enough returns to keep sharing for free. thatā€™s the only
reason you can see a very, very small amount of the lines i make
in tactically chosen, reliable shops ā€¦ this way anyone that canā€™t just
ask me
, has the chance to grab some too (while helping me with the
free sharing with their contribution).

what will never change: my operation is a 100% profit-free and i donā€™t need
monetary compensation. this is a mere hobby for me, not my profession :wink:

iā€™m not interested in money, all i ask from people is credit if they use it further.
but the big stage is not my place to be ā€¦ i feel very comfortable to do what i do
in the shadows. thereā€™s enough stuff and people out there that i was or still am
involved in, while people have no clue and thatā€™s very okay with me :wink:

making seeds itā€™s NO work at all (the plants do it themselves, lol, i just water them, tbh.)
and the amounts produces when making seeds do NOT justifiy the prices. just make
some yourself and you will see what i mean.

the few lines i sell, i only do so i can use the returns to share out all the rest of my work.
this is a hobby, not my profession, so i donā€™t need this to pay my life. ( my actual real-life
work does that already :slight_smile: ) this is a hobby and all hobbies cost = the money i spend for
this, i do because i want to. (i could also just make models or collect stamps, spending
the same money and it would feel the same to me.)

i absolutely donā€™t feel like i am ā€œloosing moneyā€ ā€¦ and if i do someday,
then iā€™ll just stop sharing (which immediately also would stop the selling, btw).


wellā€¦ and having said all that:
who wants some seeds? :slight_smile:

the first one to call ā€œdibsā€ gets these:
ā€œCherry Treeā€ (Version 1)
CherryTini F1 Pheno #1 X Trufflez (3 F1 males)