SAN checking in @ OG

Busy man, looking good @santero


Quick happy note!
I recently put the choco diesel, and Queen B into flower.Damn what fine structure they both have!!

The SFV 78 freebie I tailed the whole packet of those, and have 9 lovely plants, still unsexed, and will be topped, today, boost their nutrients, and next week into flower they go, for their 14 week ride.

I may regret saying this, as I’m so early into this strain, but I’m really excited to raise and live with this strain…I just hope to do them justice in my garden.

Thank You San, I know the SFV 78 strain came from another person, but I would not have found and asked for them, when I went seeking and found your offerings.

Best to all out there!!


cool to see you San. as usual you always have something cooking in ur kitchen. thank goodness i can still get inspiration from others. you are mos def one of them. peace, power and luv. SCB


Nice fade Sanman.those are some nice plants


Very nice work.
Im stuck to that afghan sunset. Phenos 1 and 3.
Whats the profiles like on her ?

1 Like

Beautiful flowers bro! What’s the Killer Cookies smoking like? Does the GSC come through? I never had any good cookies but I feel like I’m tasting it in Sam’s Purple Poison Cookies. Makes me want to taste more. Plus I never had the Killer Queen.

I’ll give a shout when I get to the recent seeds I got. Not sure if the freebies are yours or not. They were surprises to me. probably not on the site anymore but I’ll look. Been a little discombobulated the last few months but getting things back in order. New grow space is nice and will evolve with time. Thanks for everything SAN. peace


Great look ladies my brother
You never fail to impress amazing job


last drop of pics before i show smoke reports / drypics ect.

enjoy fellas :slight_smile:

tayberry #4, 77 days

thermite, 70 days

oaxacan red hair, 77 days (charlie garcia cut)

tayberry #1, 77 days

and the lemon piñata, 81 days

enjoy your smokes everybody :slight_smile:
many greetings,


Heya Bru :grin: …loooking great,as always!!!


Sloth and it’s a she only one out of 4 that made it


Update on sloth 18 days in


Shiva dawg at 37 days


Sloth day 25 .


Hey @santero great to have a platform to potentially connect. I’ve been a fan of your work, solo and the reproductions for DCC. Speaking of, I’ve got a couple packs of the Killer Queen IBL you released. I’ve had trouble finding info about this BBD360 fella and what work he put into the line before you got it. Namely, what filial generation these are at and how the combinations of the three KQ lines were chosen.

Obviously you can’t give me insight as to his/her intentions and whatnot, but can you tell me what you seen when working the line for reproduction? What were the dominant phenotypes like?

Thanks in advance. Appreciate your time.


first of all @ShiskaberrySavior your sloth looks lovely, mate.
has a tiny bit of widow in the leafs but structure, branching
and budshapes are all g13, very beautiful.

and hi @Dyad, how are you :slight_smile: nice to get to know you.
the plants i grew were all very uniform, like an ibl. the expressions
were more to the g13 side of things … being much more indica in
appearance and bearing a bodacious effect. no fruits or pineapples,
mostly sweet dark hash with sweet piney/almost licorice-like afghan
smell undetones, very old school.

i never met a KQ lady that showed much c99, tbh … not yet at least.


Master San

  1. I hope you dont mind, but questions are arising in this thread:

a)What is the source of your Chocolate Thai Derg Corra release?
b)Any updated info about this strain you could provide?
c)The leaflet feature posted in the ICmag thread I found on last year’s male is uncommon or something I will find again?
d)What is the % of indica leaning phenos in this line?
e)I am seeing this thread here: Chocolate Thai Three way genetics Co-Op run it (CLOSED)
Is your Chocolate Thai line and Hazeman line similar or different?

Welll, using this oportunity to ask you stuff, I have more questions:
2)Exodus Cheese x Chocolate Cheese:
Is this stuff leaning to EC or to CC?

Is your NL5xH 89 S1 cross with CC tested? If answer is yes, will it lean to CC or NL5xH?

  1. Which one of the DC crosses you made is your favourite or you would suggest over the other crosses?

Some pictures:
Lemon Thai boys, I have 2 they look different, you said they give a very reliable offspring, girls are much slower flowering than the boys. Will the progeny of them still be the same reliable offspring?

The LT girls will be crossed with hazes

C5xSD, nice hash it makes, from the stuff I grew from him, I guess Nevil was a hash lover, not so much ganja lover

Thank you very much for your help and have a nice week!


@santero do you have any more of the cheetos available?


Someone’s got the munchies :rofl:.
Dam it now I want Cheetos!


It shows it’s out of stock on but still on the page. Not sure whether San is making it again or not. He normally moves on to other projects but I haven’t spoken to him in a while. Now that it’s winter I’ll visit the other site where he’s at to catch up on stuff. I just haven’t been able to spend much time online but once the weather sets in I’ll be on more.

I have some of his stuff I may run this winter. It’s a haze and I’m running other haze type this winter. I don’t think I ever heard a smoke report on the Cheetos but it sounds good. peace


@AVR1 liked it.