SAN checking in @ OG

sadly not, mate … we don’t hold those fathers anymore, no need.
we moved on from the bx1, made a bx2, f2’s from those and are
working on a c5 bx3 now :wink:

after i made those bx3 i will make a big drop for free and then again → move on !
i don’t like hazes, so i am doing this for the community alone, tbh.

whoever missed out will have to hope for a repro made by some-
one sacrificing his time and space to keep these genetics alive.

also, all the people making money with it (maybe lying about the line) will pop up too (lol).


Man C5 bx3 sounds epic too.
Usually you find people complaining about what isn’t available anymore to buy instead of doing some effort by themselfes.
Doing some bx3 of an cut others prefer more than yourself is a really cool move.


all those nice hazeclones that are around since the 90’s… everybody
just milking them and no one ever being able to put 'em into seed :grin:

most seedmakers would maybe just feminize and say they are done “preserving” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

(real) preservation is a PITA, haha …
but it’s worth it :+1: takes time and effort, tho.

almost 40 years (and many $$$ people made) later, a mere
single tent-chucker like me must do the actual work, lol :rofl:


Im in love and I got a pack!!! What is your set up if I may know? I have a 100 Watt LED which was good for the Raspberry Truffle I tested her on. If I can get these results, I will be very happy.


Thank you for always giving the community so much for our needs. Imma hold on tightly to my pack and not waste the seeds so that I can be in a position to pay it forward as well. Thank you Santero!


Looks great. That is the leaf/bud ratio I like… less trim… :rofl:


If it’s not too late, i’d be happy to send you some Oaxaca and/or MDS/Oaxaca seeds to throw in the tent with the c5 bx2. :partying_face:


Hi Santero,

I have your Cheetos Madrid sur Cut in my groom at the moment. I would like to try more strains from you or even test them if you want.

Greetings Maofy


welcome to the community, maofy :slight_smile:
i’d love to have some reliable testers.
but that is a bit hard to decide “blindly”.

please open a thread and show us your adventures.
maybe its a nice fit :+1:

the madrid sur cut is not selected by me, i just made the beans.
MS cheetos is a nice selection tho. i will use it in my upcoming
cheetos f3 seedrun and add this IX-line to the release to honor
and thank the people that selected her.

(if anyone can hook me up to that crew, please do !!)


by all means hit me with oaxacan, haha … but the lady i used before is still here.
it just won’t be possible to repeat the exact lines again as in the release because
the fathers would be different (hence those being “v1”, as we already anticipated
some possible “v2”-lines down the path :wink: )


music to my ears :yum: thank you, hermano !
please make more and spread them far and wide.

hopefully more people will be able to enjoy these old haze-hybrids :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I could be a reliable tester I work with Serious Seeds as testers of new strains. I can add a few pictures of various varieties that I have tested.


This picture was used as a sales picture for the pink zi


thank you for the interest :pray: it’s kind of you to want to
help me out :slight_smile: the pic looks very nice. i’ll think about it.

( and in case you’re looking for free beans, then testing is not necessary :wink: )


I run 2 old ass led panels/ with 8xCree CXB 3590 chips.

One was always dimmed to 100w and even the other I often dimmed down aswell due to summer heat burning through my aparment walls. You should be really fine with your 100w led :slight_smile:

Im super bad with nuanced smell distinguisions. For me its a sharp citrus smell.
I felt like she had a peppery smell when starting to bloom but that could also be a false memory

same man. Even more importantly it calms my paranoia about budrot since I feel like its even better airflow with that structure. San mentioned foxtailing due to the heat but the other plants in the tent are at there usual structure so I feel this could be her good-conditions structure??


Congratulations on your general vision and your kindness @santero :green_heart::fire:.
It’s unusual a mentality like yours is becoming rare.
I wish you only good things :pray:.
See you


then the c5 is expressing even more than we had anticipated :+1:
(i expected much more NL and skunk to show still, tbh. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: )

well, that’s good news ! :slight_smile:


Sanfune 35 days 12/12
Many pistils have turned, has a very sativa frame, but finishing quickly. Very strong sweet dank fruit smells so far. Doesn’t need much in the way of feed, my heavy hand shows a little.


promise you that you will gonna love this smoke 1312%


Still dont know how to fully express my thankfulness so much! glad i gave this all a try and found you guys! still unreal 4 me!

I have made some progress on what im doing, but i have to kind of go slow bc the bugs here and/or the weather can get crazy. there was a hurricane that passed by but all is well, didnt get much broken or messed up in the yard thankfully with anything. all my little seedlings are doing great.

Ill post some pics, and start posting more often, im still just as excited as before! man, theres a suspensefulness about this where i still feel like im dreaming. cant believe i actually have some plants that have cocoa in them, a long lost favorite. it will be so crazy to try these , super stoked, and i think in the next few months or so ill be able to get strong cuts and send them onwards for the nugs.

Still not entirely sure what i got here in the M/F ratio, but I know theres atleast 8 of these Berry Nice Plants 2.0 from SAN, by way of the seed haevens. . All looking healthy and good. they have some cool uniform looks and shapes going on.
Got a few Zanzibar as well going, super thankful to try these as well, A couple LA Confidential Cocoa, and 5 Cocoa Kush F3s.
Everything seems to be doing well in this crazy humid and hot climate so far. I never know what to expect but I think they like it here so far.

I also sprouted some plants from my apollo 11 keeper that i crossed with this queen of soul male i used, bc i think a male from it might be really useful. its going to be cool to see what the male may have done with it and they have similar lineage in the plants.

going to try to put together something with the best plants from everything and make more of whatever i can , if it is all looking like its matching up nicely.

you guys are awesome, stoked to take part and be here! will be uploading some pics soon on a post here! just little plants in veg so far but a little update and fun to see them doing great and looking nice.

im really narrowing things down now, i only got a couple plants i really really like smoking and the other 1s i gotta start letting go of, its really cool to have even more fun stuff to compare them all with. this is awesome and good times.

just an edit for an update, i found a plant so far with Berry Nice Plants 2/0 (BNP2.0) that has long white hairs , really long , looks like a great plant here. will add a few pics soon


Hi, just thought I’d chime in a quick review of Furry Animal (Yeti OG f2 x Sour Cindy), she was easy to grow, stretches a bit and flowers fast. After it was dried and cured it barely lasted a few days, it was really potent and popular. The taste was strong piney kush with a pleasant lemon cream cookie flavour, just beautiful. Really easy to smoke, smooth finish, very deceptive. There’s a strong head and body buzz almost instantly, I’ll feel like I’m wearing a hat and scarf, it’s a heavy physical stone. Simple tasks take forever and I’ll mess up whatever I was doing. The other side perks me up and gives me the impression I’m functioning normally, better than normal. I’ll be dumb as a stump and kind of useless but I feel confident in my ability. I’ve noticed that hours after the stone has worn off the upbeat Sativa feeling and general goofiness is still lingering. It was some really good weed, definitely worth growing. I tried getting finished bud shots but they didn’t come out well, this is the last pic that came out.