SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 1 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" -Part 1)

that song also came in to my mind ! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


alright, fellas … the girls are edged, oiled and ready for flexing :grin:


Cherry Tini F1 Pheno #1 (offensively sweet Cherry and some background Fuel)


“Sherbubba” CSI fem (Sweet OG mixed with a creamy Soft-ice nuance)


Slurricane #7 S1 (Fuely OG Soda → like Sprite mixed with Gasoline)


Sour Diesel IBL 2006, Riri cut (fuely Diesel with a flowery Lavender-touch)


Cherry Puff F1 Pheno #7 , Bakewell cut (Strong Gassy OG, no sweets here)


Lemon Bundt Cake (sweeeeet creamy Cake and loud Lemonade mixed)

this one is my personal winner from this run … eager to run her again.


and of course, the trufflez :slight_smile:

this is pheno #1, balanced pheno (sweet pancake-batter with fruity cherries)

Trufflez Pheno #4, the “beast” … tallest / loudest lady
she smells like sweet cherries and buttered pancakes

Trufflez #6, the “shorty”, super-sweet musky kids cherry-perfume


i leave you with a pic of the cab on day 64 of 12/12 and
will check back as soon as they fall and hang to dry :wink:


:drooling_face: Those smells are right up my alley! And she’s beautiful too!

Also loving how that riri cut looks :heart_eyes:

They’re all looking great tho!


Garden is looking amazing, the Sour d is my favorite, can’t wait to see how she turns out for you


Killliiinnnn it as always my brother! Fire All Around :fire:


@santero your growing skill is excellent but your descriptions are out of this world. :exploding_head:

I wanna say thanks for takin’ the time to do that for all of us.
We all sit at our screens drooling over the next seed find.
If you decide to improve that we may need a bib…
I already used the horse laugh once today, but it is a good one. :sunglasses:


what a worthy fashion show @santero ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

they are all looking great! alot of amazing smells you got in your tent!

alot to choose from!!


Beautiful thread man! I’ll be excited to see what kind of plants come from the crosses. Looks like you have some :fire: genetics in your stable. I’m sure they’ll be great! Stellar grow journal.


Looking like you bin very sweet this year never had some nice packages :heart_eyes:


Crushed it buddy they all look :fire: definitely can’t wait to dig into them. Hope everything is good and hope you have some happy holidays. @shag you as well bud I appreciate you going out of your way to get things lined up. And @Gonzo as well :raised_hands::facepunch: I appreciate everything that you guys have done…:pray::pray:


Merry Christmas @Blueridge @Gonzo @santero and everyone else for that matter.


You are most welcome, we all do our part to make this world what it is…

Much love all around. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I hope all you folks have a wonderful Christmas!


OG has been good to us !! we want to express our deepest thanks.

we have had help from a lot of unexpected directions and are really happy for the many
new friends we gained. we are ready to make more repros to share them out for free to
create smiles and preserve/create some good smoke for everyone interested.

this run was just the first of MANY that i’ll do to give back as much as i can.
we appreciate all of you and will do our upmost to equal this immense love
we encountered here.

this run made my end of the year a really enjoyable one (!!) :yum:
thank you for the opportunity to have a look, make some f2’s and
even create some nice combos with the trufflez along the sidelines.

i have hung up most of the plants from this run and am about to chop the last few
plants in the cab. gonna update with some pics soon and then let the beans rest for
a while (first in roomtemps, then in the fridge) until i’m ready to share them back/out.

pls keep an eye out for the next thread in feb/march, were i’ll start to
share out these seeds and will start the second run of the trufflez with
all of your contributions for a 2nd “SUPER CHERRY CHUCK FIESTA”.



@Blueridge @shag @Gonzo
none of this would have been possible without your help and trust in me !
i hope i have done those gems some justice and would love to see those
beans and crosses bring in some wonderful plants into everyones cabs :slight_smile:


You too Mr.Santero! Thank you for this year and looking forward for the next one.

Pz :v:t2:


Thank you @shag @Blueridge @santero for making this possible! Perfect timing for the holidays :grin:


Merry Christmas to you and the mrs

Ty for all you do for the community

Health and happiness



Brother you did a excellent job they are some beautiful plants love the pink violet purple and they definitely are some frosty ones I love the bud structure more floral like. Definitely should have crazy bag appeal just can’t wait to get a :nose:nose and smoke :dash: on them. I really do appreciate you doing it and I’m sure you will find a couple gems in that stacked lineup :raised_hands::joy::facepunch:


@santero @shag @Gonzo Wanted to see how you guys are going and if you had a great holidays? Hope everyone on og enjoyed their holidays as well. Sending everyone prayers and good vibes. :v::facepunch:


Thanks @Blueridge , half my fam got covid so we did a facetime Xmas this year :laughing: But overall great man. How was your holiday?


Hey guys, happy New Year everyone!
I hope ya’ll are doing well.
I am doing good myself.

Thanks for the well wishes @Blueridge
Hope your Holidays were enjoyable.
@Gonzo sorry to hear about the sick family.
I hope everyone is doing better now.
@santero I hope you had a quality holiday as well.

Peace on earth, goodwill toward men and all that other good stuff. :heart_eyes:


we had a few very exciting days with some unexpected visitors :slight_smile:

plants were taken down and i have put the buds in glasses to cure.
i will get the seeds out while we smoke them … no worries, hehe:
we are fast smokers :grin:

hope everyone had a nice new years, oi.
we stayed home but had nice party :partying_face: :dizzy_face:

mate, lemme thank you once more for this great opportunity.
and also: without @shag and @Gonzo this would not have
happened, so thank you two as well, guys !!

but i am not done yet, hehe … i still have another four beans
that will be started in march to make another seedrun with
all the contributed genetics from this thread and a few lines
from my own stash. this will be fun :sunglasses: