SAN's Cherry Chucks - Part 2 (Aficionado Seeds "TRUFFLEZ" 2nd half)

You his daddy? And yeah I actually do

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And this one

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Now get off my nuts he didnā€™t honor it. Should have left me alone but had to tag and say I didnā€™t hold my end or had other plans :clown_face:

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The discussion and issues start here


He did it and you didnt. That speaks


I missed all of this. Constant weirdness going on these days. Haha Let those pigeons fly far and wide!!!


So I paid for them he didnā€™t. Bro let dude speak for himself.


Iā€™m sure dude has spent more in materials and time by now then your seed cost, just sayingā€¦ By the way, How did the Sour D bx4 turn out? Still waiting for your updatesā€¦


Answer the question, please.


Another muted thread


Appreciate you my friend. Both of these are probable ladies. One seems to be certain. The other just likely.

Trufflez f2


itā€™s not that complicated, lol.

i was asked to do a repro for the community ā†’ and i did that.

what happened between me starting the repro
and me finishing the repro that pissed them off?

right after the first round was done i asked them both for their addresses
and was already met with negative vibes, since then they failed to let me
know what i did wrong ā€¦ i repeadetly asked what to do with the seed and
the last word was ā€œgive them to the communityā€ ā€¦ so, i did that.


this is just trivial, lol ā€¦

ok, for the last time :roll_eyes:
if ANYONE wants seeds from this repro, then hit
me up, be nice and get some, easy *shrug *

itā€™s really not that complicated :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Are these the Trufflez i received? If not Iā€™d try some.


those are the ones :wink:
a new bunch of crosses will be done soon, tho.

youā€™re (ALL) welcome to them as soon as i announce them here as ready for liftoff :slight_smile:


Iā€™ll be watching!

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it looks like we are still not through with all the drama about this trufflez repro :roll_eyes:
shag and blueridge and gonzo want to roll out the whole thing again... donā€™t ask me why?


they argument that this repro was never meant to be an open share repro.
and they claim i have stolen the seeds from them because i did not send
them any for being dicks in the end (for NO reason whatsoever).

they are gonna post pmā€™s and such, they asked my permission to bother you
and the staff here again with this non-sense, that wonā€™t change the fact, that i
was asked to do an open share repro ā€œfor the communityā€ā€¦ which i did.


they changed their minds about sharing halfway through the
repro and are pissed that some of you got what was announced.

i even asked who to exclude in the convo, but got no response.
was met with negative vibes when i asked for their adresses.


in the end it was decided by blueridge (via pm AND
in the open) that the seeds go to the community,
just like we agreed upon in the beginning.

since then they are pissed at me and canā€™t stop the drama,
instead of just being friendly again and get some beans too :roll_eyes:

i am sincerely sorry for these fellas ruining it for everybody again, guys.


hopefully they do their own repros in the future, as they sadly canā€™t appreciate the help from others.
still: none of this would have been possible without blueridge, so he needs to be thanked sincerely.


I would love some San, sorry for all the drama, not a big fan of it myself šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Too much drama around these parts and the world in general. That is why I left this place, only to come back because, well, im not going to deprive people and myself of enjoyment just because some people drag their troubles and bring their baggage along. As a lawyer, all I will say is that if you change your mind about an agreement and do not comply with was agreed, the other party does not have to comply with their obligations. Hence, if the repro was for the community and he understood that he was supposed to give you back all reproduced seeds as long as the seeds were to be distributed to the community and then you, as the other party, had a change of mind midway through his process (I suspect their fangs grew long after witnessing the demand from the community), meaning he was already complying with an obligation to do the repro, then Santero was not obligated to give you any seeds from the moment on he came to know that your mind had changed. He was supposed to do that if you kept your obligation to distribute it to the community and had not communicated something else after obligating yourself to distribute it to the community.

What was the cause of this change in your obligation to distribute the seeds to the community?

This analysis touches on the basic nature of reciprocal obligations. When one fails to comply the other is free to not comply until the other complies or to return the thing (something which could not be done since the original seeds had already been used for the repro).


Obviously I donā€™t know what happened in PMs, but your last words in the public thread:


It sounds like the ratio of people who appreciate you to those who donā€™t is still heavily in your favor. Hope it isnā€™t bothering you too much.